Sophie Woodville
Digital Program Manager | Bordeaux Métropole Bordeaux, France
Sophie Woodville, a French-American digital innovation officer, joined Bordeaux Métropole in 2018. She focuses on digital rights, inclusion, data, and innovation. Prior to her current role, SW was the executive director of the French-American Chamber of Commerce of San Francisco (2011 – 2017) and a public relations consultant in Paris (2007-2011).Sessions
Digital Rights In Our Cities: From Challenges To Solutions

#Digital Divide, #Digital Rights, #Safety & Security
Delivering an Inclusive Urban Digital Transformation

#Agile Services, #APP Solutions, #Connectivity, #Cybersecurity, #Digital Rights, #GovTech, #IOT, #IT Governance, #Regulations
Digital Rights in Europe: Where are we at and Where Shall we Go

#Cities for All, #Digital Rights, #Social Inclusion, #Social Inequality
People-Centred Smart Cities towards a Inclusive Global Digital Future

#Alliances, #Cities for All, #Digital Equality
Transforming City Life with Advanced Digital Services

#Connectivity, #GovTech, #IOT