Sergi Milan

Innovation Advisory Officer | EIT Urban Mobility Barcelona, Spain
Sergi Milan


Sergi Milan, a Mechanical Engineer with a master’s in project management and postgraduate studies in Business Development and R&D, has over 10 years of experience in industrial logistics, specializing in EVs. As an Innovation Advisor at EIT Urban Mobility, he fosters collaborations to support the 2030 Agenda for sustainable urban development.



Electric scooters: a true revolution in our cities

Rita Marzoa
Rita Marzoa AMTU - Associació de municipis per la Mobilitat i el Transport Urbà Director of Communications Moderator/Presenter
Gorka Pradas
Gorka Pradas FEVEMP Vice President Speaker
Sílvia Casorrán
Sílvia Casorrán Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona / RedBici Sustainable Mobility Expert Speaker
Sergi Milan
Sergi Milan EIT Urban Mobility Innovation Advisory Officer Speaker

#Batteries, #E-scooters, #First/Last Mile, #Shared Mobility

05-11-2024 15:45 05-11-2024 16:30 Europe/Madrid Electric scooters: a true revolution in our cities

Electric scooters and other PLEVs have come to stay in our cities and surroundings. They are efficient, economic, comfortable and sustainable, and so did citizens agree, having more than 5 milion PLEV users in Spain and 2.5 million in France.

How can we take advantage of this revolution in order to support a modal change to these sustainable vehicles? Several experts in the sector will talk about this from different perspectives!

Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora
Tue 5 15:45h - 16:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora