Ceremonies | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Energy & Environment Mobility Governance & Economy Living & Inclusion Infrastructure & Building Blue Economy


05-11-2024 09:30 05-11-2024 09:45 Europe/Madrid Welcome Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium
Tue 5 09:30h - 09:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress & Tomorrow.Mobility & Tomorrow.Building Passes
Ceremonies | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Energy & Environment Mobility Governance & Economy Living & Inclusion Infrastructure & Building Blue Economy


05-11-2024 09:45 05-11-2024 10:15 Europe/Madrid LIVE, MOVE & BUILD BETTER Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium
Tue 5 09:45h - 10:15h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress & Tomorrow.Mobility & Tomorrow.Building Passes

Enhancing mobility and liveability with innovative urban space interventions

#Congestion Charging, #Integrated Mobility Plans, #Public Realm, #Smart Traffic Management, #Transport/Mobility Hubs

05-11-2024 10:30 05-11-2024 12:00 Europe/Madrid Enhancing mobility and liveability with innovative urban space interventions

How can urban spaces adapt to growing populations and increasing mobility flows? What solutions can make these spaces more liveable?

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
Tue 5 10:30h - 12:00h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
High-Level Roundtable | TOMORROW.BUILDING Enabling Technologies Infrastructure & Building

Urban Technologies Shaping the City’s Skylines

Martha Thorne
Martha Thorne Henrik F. Obel Foundation Senior Advisor Moderator/Presenter

#Construction Tech, #Digital Twins, #Smart Infrastructures

05-11-2024 11:00 05-11-2024 11:45 Europe/Madrid Urban Technologies Shaping the City’s Skylines

How are the latest technological advances transforming the way we build and inhabit our cities? The impact of technologies like Digital Twins, IoT, AI, and advanced construction techniques on the urban environment is undeniable. These innovations are revolutionizing urban planning, construction, and infrastructure usage, enhancing efficiency, sustainability, and resilience. It is vital to harness these technologies to make cities more sustainable, inclusive, and tech-forward.

Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium
Tue 5 11:00h - 11:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress & Tomorrow.Mobility & Tomorrow.Building Passes
Thematic Roundtable | TOMORROW.BUILDING Governance & Economy Infrastructure & Building

What Can Innovative Urban Planning Do for City Living?

Cheryll Case
Cheryll Case CP Planning Founder and Executive Director Speaker

#Urban Design, #Urban Infrastructure

05-11-2024 11:20 05-11-2024 12:05 Europe/Madrid What Can Innovative Urban Planning Do for City Living?

How can urban planning prioritize community well-being, cater to the diverse needs of residents, and enhance the overall city-living experience? This roundtable focuses on the power of urban planning and landscaping in promoting sustainable, equitable, and resilient cities. Discussions will analyze innovative trends in city planning and strategies to address current challenges, providing a platform for urban innovators to share experiences related to building inclusive and resilient cities.

Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room
Tue 5 11:20h - 12:05h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Living & Inclusion

Shaping the Digital Future Ethically

#Cybersecurity, #Data Protection, #Digital Rights

05-11-2024 11:20 05-11-2024 12:05 Europe/Madrid Shaping the Digital Future Ethically

When used for city services, do advanced technologies guarantee data protection and facilitate digital trust? How are governments responding to the consequences of implementing new technologies in urban living? This session will reflect on the evolving relationships between citizens and technology, discuss the evolution of threats like cyberattacks, fake news, and digital bias, and debate regulation in the digital age.

Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room
Tue 5 11:20h - 12:05h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

Bold Strategies for Funding the Future

Mareme Dieng
Mareme Dieng 500 Global Chair

#Financing Schemes, #Global Funds, #Investment Models

05-11-2024 11:20 05-11-2024 12:05 Europe/Madrid Bold Strategies for Funding the Future

Groundbreaking ideas and visionary plans need finance to become reality. Cities must find financial partners and alternative economic models to achieve sustainable goals, perform community projects, and foster local growth. What options do cities have to finance public projects when national or regional budgets fall short? How crucial is cross-sector collaboration for financing? How can we unlock local investments to shift to clean and equitable economies?

Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room
Tue 5 11:20h - 12:05h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
High-Level Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment Governance & Economy

Calling all Cities to Action: Tackling the Climate Emergency

#Green Deal, #New Energy Models, #Urban Global Agendas

05-11-2024 12:05 05-11-2024 12:50 Europe/Madrid Calling all Cities to Action: Tackling the Climate Emergency

Can cities lead the global fight against climate change? Urban centers, heavily impacted by the climate emergency, hold the power to implement specialized policies and actions to address this urgent issue. These initiatives, affecting a significant portion of the world's population, could drive substantial progress in mitigating environmental impacts and promoting a sustainable future. By leveraging their unique position, cities can spearhead global efforts to combat climate change and ensure long-term environmental resilience.

Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium
Tue 5 12:05h - 12:50h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress & Tomorrow.Mobility & Tomorrow.Building Passes

AI and the sky: autonomous vehicles, urban air mobility, and Europe’s place in innovation

#Artificial Intelligence, #Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, #E-VTOL, #Intelligent Transport Systems

05-11-2024 12:30 05-11-2024 14:00 Europe/Madrid AI and the sky: autonomous vehicles, urban air mobility, and Europe’s place in innovation

Are autonomous vehicles and urban air mobility the new dimensions of urban mobility? Is Europe lagging behind in international comparison?

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
Tue 5 12:30h - 14:00h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy Living & Inclusion

Effective Public Policies for Healthier Communities

Patrycja Sasnal
Patrycja Sasnal University of California Visiting Professor Chair

#Education, #Health, #Right to the City

05-11-2024 13:25 05-11-2024 14:10 Europe/Madrid Effective Public Policies for Healthier Communities

How do cities ensure the protection of human rights for all residents? What measures can decision-makers implement to address the diverse aspects of human security within their governance frameworks? This roundtable will discuss how local administrations are protecting citizens’ rights through public policies that promote equality, social justice, and overall well-being ensuring access to healthcare, education, and political participation.

Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room
Tue 5 13:25h - 14:10h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
In Focus | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment Living & Inclusion

Climate-Proofing Cities: Towards Greener Public Spaces

Sacha Stolp
Sacha Stolp City of Amsterdam Director of Innovation for Future Roof Assets Chair
Yann Mareschal
Yann Mareschal Bordeaux Métropole Innovation Project Manager Speaker

#Air Quality, #Ecology, #Green Spaces

05-11-2024 13:25 05-11-2024 14:10 Europe/Madrid Climate-Proofing Cities: Towards Greener Public Spaces

The effects of the climate emergency are disrupting our urban lifestyles. How can cities integrate environmental considerations into urban development to create more resilient, livable, and sustainable public spaces? How do green spaces in cities contribute to improving the quality of life for residents, fostering community engagement, ensuring accessibility and safety, and enhancing mental and physical well-being?

Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room
Tue 5 13:25h - 14:10h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
In Focus | TOMORROW.BUILDING Enabling Technologies Infrastructure & Building

Tech-Forward Construction Shaping the Future of Building

Yelda Gin
Yelda Gin London South Bank University Lecturer in Architectural Technology and Digital Construction Chair
Loretxu Garcia Arraztoa
Loretxu Garcia Arraztoa Nido Biotech Founder Speaker
Christina Yan Zhang
Christina Yan Zhang The Metaverse Institute CEO Speaker

#Building Automation, #Innovative Building Technology, #Modular Construction

05-11-2024 13:25 05-11-2024 14:10 Europe/Madrid Tech-Forward Construction Shaping the Future of Building

How are advancements in construction techniques reshaping the built environment? The path to resilient and eco-friendly urban development lies in smart construction. This session will explore the pivotal role of new construction methods and mindsets in achieving sustainable, efficient, and resilient cities. It will delve into innovative approaches to new technologies in building techniques, and design innovations contributing to the urban centers of the future.

Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room
Tue 5 13:25h - 14:10h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
TMWC | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility Governance & Economy

The power of ecosystems: solving urban mobility challenges through cross-sector collaboration

#Cities, #Corporates, #Governments, #Research, #Start-ups

05-11-2024 14:30 05-11-2024 15:15 Europe/Madrid The power of ecosystems: solving urban mobility challenges through cross-sector collaboration

Efficient collaborating across sectors is key to unlock the potential of mobility innovations. In this session, speakers will exchange about the impact of ecosystems in deploying the technologies needed to address mobility challenges. The panel will reflect on the roles and responsibilities of private and public decision-makers in rolling out successful innovation ecosystems

Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium
Tue 5 14:30h - 15:15h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress & Tomorrow.Mobility & Tomorrow.Building Passes
In Focus | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Governance & Economy

Predicting Tomorrow through Data-Driven Management

Vishala Sri-Pathma
Vishala Sri-Pathma BBC Chair

#Data Analytics, #Data Management, #Identity Management

05-11-2024 15:30 05-11-2024 16:15 Europe/Madrid Predicting Tomorrow through Data-Driven Management

How are cities managing data analytics to prepare urban areas and citizens for future challenges? Can cities not only analyze data but also predict future dynamics to guarantee resilience and plan in the long term? This session delves into how cities can focus on data collection, storage, and management and use this information to predict performances and dynamics, guaranteeing better resilience and governance.

Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room
Tue 5 15:30h - 16:15h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment Governance & Economy

Circularity as the New Paradigm for Sustainable Growth

#Circularity, #Waste Management, #Water Management

05-11-2024 15:30 05-11-2024 16:15 Europe/Madrid Circularity as the New Paradigm for Sustainable Growth

Increasing environmental pressures are changing the collection of natural resources, and circular practices are an efficient, green solution. These practices provide food security, water management, and waste reduction. What innovative strategies promote circularity in urban resource management? How can this approach address environmental, social, and economic challenges?

Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room
Tue 5 15:30h - 16:15h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic Roundtable | TOMORROW.BUILDING Governance & Economy Infrastructure & Building

Hosting the World: Global Events and Smart Tourism

#Smart Infrastructures, #Sustainable Destination, #Tourism, #Urban Design

05-11-2024 15:30 05-11-2024 16:15 Europe/Madrid Hosting the World: Global Events and Smart Tourism

Strategic urban design and sustainable event planning are vital to preparing cities for hosting global events and tourism. This session will explore innovative building solutions and cutting-edge urban planning, highlighting smart tourism and internationalization in alignment with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Can cities leverage innovative infrastructure and smart technologies to prepare for hosting major international events and enhance smart tourism while ensuring long-term benefits for their citizens?

Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room
Tue 5 15:30h - 16:15h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes

Fighting transport poverty with innovation – creating access for all

#Diversity, #Equity and Inclusion in Mobility; Mobility for All, #Mobility Budgets, #Transport Poverty

05-11-2024 15:45 05-11-2024 17:15 Europe/Madrid Fighting transport poverty with innovation – creating access for all

How can innovation alleviate transport poverty? How can we make sure the sustainable mobility transition is not slowed down during less favourable economic times?

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
Tue 5 15:45h - 17:15h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
High-Level Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Living & Inclusion

Beyond Access: Emerging Tech for Inclusive City Living

#Digital Equality, #Digital Rights, #Urban Tech

05-11-2024 16:00 05-11-2024 16:45 Europe/Madrid Beyond Access: Emerging Tech for Inclusive City Living

The future of inclusive city living relies on leveraging the latest technological tools to enhance affordability, inclusivity, and access in urban areas. Cities are increasingly embracing diversity, ensuring fairness, and fostering social cohesion through tech-driven solutions. However, as the urban landscape evolves, challenges like the digital divide and systemic inequalities persist. Can technology successfully bridge these gaps and create truly inclusive cities?

Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium
Tue 5 16:00h - 16:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress & Tomorrow.Mobility & Tomorrow.Building Passes
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment Governance & Economy

Driving Urban Sustainability: Strategies for Net-Zero Success

#Adaptation, #Cleantech, #Collaboration, #Emergency Response, #Green Deal, #Urban Resilience

05-11-2024 16:30 05-11-2024 17:15 Europe/Madrid Driving Urban Sustainability: Strategies for Net-Zero Success

EU cities are key in advancing climate adaptation, reaching net-zero goals, and enhancing industry competitiveness. They are vital for the Green Deal’s 55% emission reduction target by 2030. This session focuses on accelerating cities' sustainable transformation, deploying new net-zero technologies, and creating a supportive environment by exploring action plans and strategies to make climate neutrality appealing, competitive, and accessible.

Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room
Tue 5 16:30h - 17:15h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic Roundtable | TOMORROW.BUILDING Infrastructure & Building

Digitalized, Equitable, and High-Quality City and Territory

#Built Environment, #Construction Tech, #Digitalization, #Human-centric Cities

05-11-2024 17:30 05-11-2024 18:30 Europe/Madrid Digitalized, Equitable, and High-Quality City and Territory

‘Ciudad y Territorio Digital’ from the Observatorio 2030 integrates the digitalization of the built environment at all levels, from rural areas to cities, focusing on the technological impact to improve mobility, the definition of public spaces, and universal accessibility. It addresses the optimization of energy, water, and waste and the possibilities that digitalization offers to the construction process of our cities and towns.

Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room
Tue 5 17:30h - 18:30h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress Passes
Dialogue | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Living & Inclusion

Digital Rights In Our Cities: From Challenges To Solutions

#Digital Divide, #Digital Rights, #Safety & Security

05-11-2024 17:30 05-11-2024 18:30 Europe/Madrid Digital Rights In Our Cities: From Challenges To Solutions

The session will highlight the role of cities in fostering human rights in the digital era and promoting a human-centered digital transformation. A first dialogue will expose how and why cities are relevant to addressing digital rights challenges. It will be followed by a solution dialogue, showcasing different projects from cities to uphold digital rights in urban spaces.

Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room
Tue 5 17:30h - 18:30h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

AI for Sustainable Cities: Enhancing Urban Life through Smart Technologies

#Artificial Intelligence, #City Platforms, #Connectivity, #Data Integration, #Digital Twins, #Implementation Challenges, #Smart Devices, #Smart Environments

06-11-2024 09:45 06-11-2024 10:30 Europe/Madrid AI for Sustainable Cities: Enhancing Urban Life through Smart Technologies

The session will explore the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence in sustainable urban development, focusing on its capacity to enhance public services, improve urban sustainability, and localize the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It will bring together experts, policymakers, and academia to discuss AI's role in shaping future cities.

Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room
Wed 6 09:45h - 10:30h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic Roundtable | TOMORROW.BUILDING Energy & Environment Governance & Economy Infrastructure & Building

Reinventing Cities: Public-Private Collaboration for Sustainable Urban Regeneration

#Collaboration, #Decarbonisation, #Green Cities, #PPP, #Urban Resilience

06-11-2024 09:45 06-11-2024 10:30 Europe/Madrid Reinventing Cities: Public-Private Collaboration for Sustainable Urban Regeneration

Cities and the private sector must join forces to develop a zero-carbon, resilient, and inclusive urban regeneration model. What are the strategies that cities can uptake? What is the private sector’s role? This session will showcase best practices and flagship urban regeneration projects including Reinventing Cities - a powerful initiative involving 30 global cities and over 3500 businesses to date.

Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room
Wed 6 09:45h - 10:30h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Governance & Economy

Digital Transformation Strategies and Tools for Urban Innovation

#Best Practices, #City Platforms, #Data Strategies

06-11-2024 09:45 06-11-2024 10:30 Europe/Madrid Digital Transformation Strategies and Tools for Urban Innovation

This colloquium will explore the digital strategies and tools driving innovation in cities. During the session, best practices will be analyzed, and the implementation of advanced technologies for urban transformation will be shared. Additionally, emerging trends in digitalization will be discussed, focusing on how they can improve the quality of life for citizens, promote sustainability, and increase the efficiency of public services.

Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room
Wed 6 09:45h - 10:30h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
TMWC | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Energy & Environment Mobility

Driving change: the role of vehicle fleets in the sustainable mobility transition

#Corporate Mobility, #Mass Transit, #Public Transport, #Zero-Emission

06-11-2024 10:15 06-11-2024 11:00 Europe/Madrid Driving change: the role of vehicle fleets in the sustainable mobility transition

The successful deployment of zero-emission technologies, both at vehicle and infrastructure level, heavily depend on their adoptions by private and public vehicle fleets. This panel will reflect on the importance of fleets to accelerate the adoption of cleaner forms of mobility and will explore the role of fleets in supporting transformational mobility innovations.

Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium
Wed 6 10:15h - 11:00h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress & Tomorrow.Mobility & Tomorrow.Building Passes

City strides: promoting and evaluating active urban mobility

#Health Benefits of Active Mobility, #Nudging, #Promoting Cycling Culture, #Walkability

06-11-2024 11:00 06-11-2024 12:30 Europe/Madrid City strides: promoting and evaluating active urban mobility

What are effective strategies to increase walking and cycling in cities? What is the best way to measure the costs and benefits of more active mobility in urban areas?

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
Wed 6 11:00h - 12:30h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
High-Level Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment Infrastructure & Building

Eco-Urbanism: Responding to a Changing Climate

Lauren Sorkin
Lauren Sorkin Resilience Cities Network Executive Director Moderator/Presenter
Lex Delles
Lex Delles Government of Luxembourg Minister of the Economy, SME, Energy & Tourism Speaker

#Built Environment, #Decarbonisation, #Green Cities, #Public Space

06-11-2024 11:20 06-11-2024 12:05 Europe/Madrid Eco-Urbanism: Responding to a Changing Climate

Cities are increasingly experiencing the direct and indirect consequences of the climate emergency. Simultaneously, they are hubs of innovation that can enhance their resilience and foster healthier, more sustainable environments through sustainable urban planning strategies. By integrating green spaces, eco-friendly infrastructure, and renewable energy, cities are reducing carbon footprints and promoting biodiversity. How can they further leverage these strategies to combat climate change?

Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium
Wed 6 11:20h - 12:05h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress & Tomorrow.Mobility & Tomorrow.Building Passes
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

AI Enabling Urban Decision-Making

Zoe Eather
Zoe Eather My Smart Community CEO and Host Chair

#Algorithm Ethics, #Artificial Intelligence, #Deep Learning

06-11-2024 11:35 06-11-2024 12:20 Europe/Madrid AI Enabling Urban Decision-Making

As Artificial Intelligence advances rapidly, how can it help transform cities as an economic and social driver? How is AI already proving to help cities in their sustainable development advancements, and what future opportunities will this technology offer? This session will explore AI’s potential in decision-making while addressing how cities around the world are successfully managing any associated ethical concerns and risks.

Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room
Wed 6 11:35h - 12:20h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
In Focus | TOMORROW.BUILDING Enabling Technologies Infrastructure & Building

Reimagining Tomorrow: Cutting-Edge Tech in Urban Design

Mar Santamaria Varas
Mar Santamaria Varas 300.000Km/s Co-founder Chair

#Building Simulation, #Digital Tools, #Virtual Reality

06-11-2024 11:35 06-11-2024 12:20 Europe/Madrid Reimagining Tomorrow: Cutting-Edge Tech in Urban Design

Urban design is being revolutionized by cutting-edge advancements, enabling the creation of advanced and sustainable cities. This session covers the high-tech tools that make it possible to design the world's most advanced cities. What are the implications of these technologies for city living, and their impact on urban environments and residents' quality of life? How are digital tools shaping the design process for buildings, infrastructures, and entire cities?

Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room
Wed 6 11:35h - 12:20h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
In Focus | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Energy & Environment

The Tech Answers Making Cities Go Green

Lucrezia Lenardon
Lucrezia Lenardon Renewable Matter Digital Editor and Author Chair
Anna Poblocka-Dirakis
Anna Poblocka-Dirakis German Energy Agency Senior Expert Digital Technologies Speaker

#Cleantech, #Climate Tech, #Low Emissions Tech

06-11-2024 11:40 06-11-2024 12:25 Europe/Madrid The Tech Answers Making Cities Go Green

The latest technological advances are revolutionizing our lives. How can we use eco-innovation to make cities more energy-efficient, resilient, and environmentally friendly? This session will analyze how cutting-edge technology enhances urban green spaces and explore the challenges and solutions innovators and administrations face in creating more technological and sustainable cities.

Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room
Wed 6 11:40h - 12:25h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
High-Level Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

Next-Gen Tech Leading the New Urban Era

Nicol Turner Lee
Nicol Turner Lee Brookings Institution Senior Fellow and Director, Center for Technology Innovation Moderator/Presenter

#Artificial Intelligence, #Data Analytics, #IOT

06-11-2024 12:45 06-11-2024 13:30 Europe/Madrid Next-Gen Tech Leading the New Urban Era

Cities are embracing the transformative potential of cutting-edge technology. Innovations in AI, IoT, data analysis, and connectivity are already transforming urban areas into smarter, more efficient, and more inclusive environments. The key to success lies in leveraging these technologies to empower thriving cities, creating innovative, resilient, and citizen-centric urban hubs. How can urban leaders implement these technologies seamlessly into the day-to-day of cities to take advantage of all their potential?

Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium
Wed 6 12:45h - 13:30h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress & Tomorrow.Mobility & Tomorrow.Building Passes

Investing in public transport: the systems of tomorrow

#Demand Management, #First/Last Mile, #Mass Transit, #Pricing Strategies, #Transport Networks

06-11-2024 13:00 06-11-2024 14:00 Europe/Madrid Investing in public transport: the systems of tomorrow

What is public transport return on investment for cities and citizens? What does the future of public transport look like?

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
Wed 6 13:00h - 14:00h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
In Focus | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Infrastructure & Building

Empowering Urban Resilience through Digital Twins

Carla Kranenborg-Van Eerd
Carla Kranenborg-Van Eerd Municipality of Breda Deputy Mayor Speaker

#Augmented Reality, #Digital Modelling, #Simulated Environments

06-11-2024 13:40 06-11-2024 14:25 Europe/Madrid Empowering Urban Resilience through Digital Twins

What are the key benefits of integrating digital twin technology into smart city initiatives? How are digital twins revolutionizing urban planning and decision-making through real-time monitoring and prediction? This session will explore how digital twins have become a crucial tool, anticipating urban scenarios and facilitating the creation of more adaptive and sustainable built environments for their citizens, and predicting what it will bring in the future.

Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room
Wed 6 13:40h - 14:25h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
In Focus | TOMORROW.BUILDING Enabling Technologies Infrastructure & Building

Navigating the Digital Age of PropTech and Real Estate

Areti Markopoulou
Areti Markopoulou IAAC Academic Director Chair
Chiara Fonio
Chiara Fonio ICONS Head of Social Innovation Speaker
Vanessa Velasco Bernal
Vanessa Velasco Bernal Secretaría Distrital del Habitat District Secretary of Habitat Speaker

#Innovative Housing Models, #Property Management, #Urban Facility Management

06-11-2024 13:40 06-11-2024 14:25 Europe/Madrid Navigating the Digital Age of PropTech and Real Estate

What emerging trends and technological advancements are influencing property management and utilization? This session explores the latest innovations in real estate, covering asset management, housing, and collaborative tools. Gain insights into how these technologies are reshaping lifestyles and work environments, providing a comprehensive look at the future of real estate in a technology-driven world.

Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room
Wed 6 13:40h - 14:25h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
In Focus | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment

Clean Energy, New Dynamics: Cities in Transition

#Decarbonisation, #Decentralized Energy, #Smart Grids

06-11-2024 13:40 06-11-2024 14:25 Europe/Madrid Clean Energy, New Dynamics: Cities in Transition

Clean energy sources provide safer, more plentiful, and environmentally friendly solutions for decarbonization. Beyond the latest innovations proposed daily for this transition, it is important to explore how the urban fabric is implementing these measures and the effects they have on the dynamics of cities.

Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room
Wed 6 13:40h - 14:25h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
High-Level Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy Living & Inclusion

Redefining Livability for the Citizens of Tomorrow

Orna Rosenfeld
Orna Rosenfeld Dr Orna Rosenfeld Team Housing and Urban Affairs Advisor & Managing Principal Moderator/Presenter
Aawatif Hayar
Aawatif Hayar Government of Morocco Minister of Solidarity, Social Integration and Family Speaker

#Best Practices, #Cities for All, #Right to the City

06-11-2024 14:20 06-11-2024 15:05 Europe/Madrid Redefining Livability for the Citizens of Tomorrow

City governments must strive to leave no one behind. As global inequalities intensify, cities have the potential to become sanctuaries where all citizens are given equal opportunities. This starts with forward-thinking, bold, and decisive policy planning and implementation. By harnessing the power of community engagement, accessible technologies, and sustainable development, cities can evolve to meet their residents' diverse needs and foster a sense of belonging for all citizens.

Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium
Wed 6 14:20h - 15:05h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress & Tomorrow.Mobility & Tomorrow.Building Passes

Transforming e-mobility: an integrated and circular future for Europe

#Batteries, #Circular Value Chain, #Green Hydrogen, #Vehicle-To-Grid

06-11-2024 15:00 06-11-2024 16:15 Europe/Madrid Transforming e-mobility: an integrated and circular future for Europe

How far are we from an integrated EU value chain for e-mobility? How are the automotive industry and its suppliers managing the transformation?

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
Wed 6 15:00h - 16:15h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
High-Level Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Governance & Economy

Leadership in Action: Crafting Safe and Tech-Forward Cities

Sarah Murray
Sarah Murray Freelance Writer and Journalist Moderator/Presenter
Maria-Noel Vaeza
Maria-Noel Vaeza UN Women for the Americas and the Caribbean Speaker

#GovTech, #Innovation Ecosystems, #Urban safety

06-11-2024 15:25 06-11-2024 16:10 Europe/Madrid Leadership in Action: Crafting Safe and Tech-Forward Cities

Can new technologies help build resilient, secure, and forward-thinking urban environments? How can local leaders spearhead this technological revolution? Strategic governance is essential for seamlessly integrating cutting-edge tech into city life while ensuring robust security frameworks. As policymakers are pivotal in fostering innovation, safeguarding digital infrastructure, and protecting citizen data, this high-level roundtable will debate how effective governance can create innovative, secure, and vibrant cities for the future.

Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium
Wed 6 15:25h - 16:10h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress & Tomorrow.Mobility & Tomorrow.Building Passes
Ágora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Living & Inclusion

Boosting democratic participation in cities to recharge democracy in Europe

#Cities for All, #Education, #Gender Equality, #Minorities, #Racial Justice, #Right to the City, #Social Inclusion, #Social Inequality

06-11-2024 15:30 06-11-2024 16:15 Europe/Madrid Boosting democratic participation in cities to recharge democracy in Europe

This event will launch the DeCiDE project, a collaborative effort to enhance democratic, inclusive urban governance. By doing so the project promotes cities as a better place to live by ensuring human rights through new participatory solutions.
This project aims to develop a monitoring tool for human rights in cities. Academics,local administrators, and civil society organizations from 10 different cities will co-develop this innovative tool.

Hall 2 | Orange Agora
Wed 6 15:30h - 16:15h Hall 2 | Orange Agora
In Focus | SMART CITY EXPO Living & Inclusion Infrastructure & Building

Covering Needs to Make a City Home

#Cities for All, #Housing, #Urban safety

06-11-2024 15:45 06-11-2024 16:30 Europe/Madrid Covering Needs to Make a City Home

How are cities adjusting to evolving urban dynamics to meet the needs of their residents effectively? What strategies can cities adopt to guarantee equitable access to essential resources for all their citizens? The session will delve into the measures being put into place by local governments to ensure access to urban design necessities, discussing the policies that are globally shaping more inclusive, sustainable, and secure cities.

Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room
Wed 6 15:45h - 16:30h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic Roundtable | TOMORROW.BUILDING Energy & Environment Infrastructure & Building

Decarbonizing the Future one Building at a Time

Nyasha Harper-Michon
Nyasha Harper-Michon CP Planning Director of Programs Chair
Vicente Guallart
Vicente Guallart Urbanitree Speaker
Isabelle Dennieau
Isabelle Dennieau Efficacity Development Director Speaker

#Energy Efficiency, #Green Building, #Zero Emission Buildings

06-11-2024 15:45 06-11-2024 16:30 Europe/Madrid Decarbonizing the Future one Building at a Time

How is the building sector adapting to city sustainability initiatives? How can the built environment help mitigate urban climate change impacts? This session delves into new construction practices that align with city-level sustainability goals. Discussions will explore the challenges and opportunities for the building sector in supporting urban sustainability objectives, particularly in combating climate change and achieving decarbonization targets.

Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room
Wed 6 15:45h - 16:30h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Governance & Economy

Navigating Urban Challenges with GovTech Solutions

Anni Orttenvuori-Ganter
Anni Orttenvuori-Ganter City of Espoo Development Manager, Digital Service Development and Knowledge Management Speaker
Jay Saggar
Jay Saggar London Office of Technology and Innovation Programme Manager Data and Smart Cities Speaker

#Best Practices, #Cross-sector Governance, #Policy-making

06-11-2024 15:55 06-11-2024 16:40 Europe/Madrid Navigating Urban Challenges with GovTech Solutions

In a constantly changing world, cities are adapting their strategic plans to prepare for the future. However, how governments respond to citizens' direct concerns will truly redefine agile governance. In this session, we will explore how GovTech solutions guarantee efficiency and effectiveness in addressing both urban challenges and cities' needs while incorporating other leaders in the digital transformation to make it happen.

Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room
Wed 6 15:55h - 16:40h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass

The future of urban logistics: faster, cleaner and more cost-effective

#Consolidation Centres, #Delivery Fleet Management, #Drone Delivery, #Ports and Waterborne Logistics, #Sustainable Logistics

06-11-2024 16:45 06-11-2024 18:00 Europe/Madrid The future of urban logistics: faster, cleaner and more cost-effective

Can our parcel's last mile become even faster, cleaner and more cost-effective? What do future urban logistics business models look like?

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
Wed 6 16:45h - 18:00h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Governance & Economy

Delivering an Inclusive Urban Digital Transformation

#Agile Services, #APP Solutions, #Connectivity, #Cybersecurity, #Digital Rights, #GovTech, #IOT, #IT Governance, #Regulations

06-11-2024 17:00 06-11-2024 17:45 Europe/Madrid Delivering an Inclusive Urban Digital Transformation

This roundtable will discuss the fundamental challenge facing cities today: how to reap the benefits of digital transformation and ensure it delivers for everyone, fostering social inclusion and integrating the environmental aspect. City representatives will bring their examples and perspectives and discuss how international cooperation can support cities in playing their part to achieve the twin transition and Sustainable Development Goals.

Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room
Wed 6 17:00h - 17:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

The Blueprint for Our Future City: The Power of Public-Private Partnerships

#Alliances, #Best Practices, #Collaboration, #Policy-making, #PPP

06-11-2024 17:00 06-11-2024 17:45 Europe/Madrid The Blueprint for Our Future City: The Power of Public-Private Partnerships

Explore the dynamic interplay of collaboration and innovation in this panel, where leading experts dissect the role of Public-Private Partnerships in propelling smart city technologies and sustainable urban development into the next era.

Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room
Wed 6 17:00h - 17:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic Roundtable | TOMORROW.BUILDING Energy & Environment Governance & Economy Infrastructure & Building

How Cities Are Cooling Neighborhoods and Buildings to Protect Residents

#Adaptation, #Air Quality, #Climate Emergency, #Cooling Systems, #Decarbonisation, #Energy Efficiency, #Green Building, #Green Cities, #Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEB), #Public Space, #Urban Resilience

06-11-2024 17:00 06-11-2024 17:45 Europe/Madrid How Cities Are Cooling Neighborhoods and Buildings to Protect Residents

Cities are where the impacts of extreme heat events are felt hardest. Extreme heat events have been identified as the most lethal of climate-related disasters, disproportionately affecting vulnerable populations including the elderly, economically and socially disadvantaged, and those with disabilities. This session shares lessons from C40 cities on how they act to cool neighborhoods and buildings and protect their residents.

Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room
Wed 6 17:00h - 17:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Energy & Environment Mobility Governance & Economy Living & Inclusion Infrastructure & Building Blue Economy

World Smart City Awards Ceremony

06-11-2024 18:00 06-11-2024 18:45 Europe/Madrid World Smart City Awards Ceremony Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium
Wed 6 18:00h - 18:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress & Tomorrow.Mobility & Tomorrow.Building Passes

The role of innovation in urban safety: reducing risks for all

#Innovation for Mobility Safety, #Measuring and Addressing Road Injuries and Fatalities, #Mobility Safety Policy, #Safety Across Modes, #Safety for All

07-11-2024 09:30 07-11-2024 11:00 Europe/Madrid The role of innovation in urban safety: reducing risks for all

What are we still missing in order to truly put safety at the core of our mobility systems? What role do gender-responsive innovations play in making mobility safer?

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
Thu 7 09:30h - 11:00h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
In Focus | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Governance & Economy

Neighborhood Transformation: Co-Creating Solutions in Europe

#Alliances, #Best Practices, #Collaboration, #Urban Resilience

07-11-2024 10:00 07-11-2024 10:45 Europe/Madrid Neighborhood Transformation: Co-Creating Solutions in Europe

This panel session will explore the experiences of cities and technical partners, discussing the challenges of deploying new technologies or governance structures at the neighborhood scale. Participants from the UP2030 project (Horizon Europe), will address integration hurdles and social acceptance issues. The session will also examine city-wide upscaling opportunities, highlighting strategies for overcoming barriers and fostering transitions.

Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room
Thu 7 10:00h - 10:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass

The power of data sharing in urban mobility

#Blockchain in Mobility, #Integrated Management Systems, #Mapping and Routing Software, #Mobility Data Spaces

07-11-2024 10:30 07-11-2024 12:00 Europe/Madrid The power of data sharing in urban mobility

What are the tangible benefits of data and data sharing for mobility? What are the main arguments and use cases in favour of open data?

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
Thu 7 10:30h - 12:00h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Governance & Economy

Transforming City Life with Advanced Digital Services

#Connectivity, #GovTech, #IOT

07-11-2024 11:50 07-11-2024 12:35 Europe/Madrid Transforming City Life with Advanced Digital Services

What are the new developments cities are using to enhance digital services? How are they ensuring a higher speed, accessibility, and efficiency in delivering top-notch city services? As city agencies take the lead in the use of digital technologies to better serve residents, businesses, visitors, and all who depend on urban services, this roundtable will unravel the skills and infrastructures reshaping advanced digital services.

Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room
Thu 7 11:50h - 12:35h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment Governance & Economy

Cities at the Forefront of the Climate Emergency

Alessandra de Albuquerque Reis
Alessandra de Albuquerque Reis Curitiba Agency for Development and Innovation Smart Cities Coordinator Speaker
Senna Catenacci
Senna Catenacci American Planning Association Research Associate Speaker
Thaís Fontenelle Siqueira
Thaís Fontenelle Siqueira Lobelia Earth Urban Projects Lead Speaker

#Adaptation, #Emergency Response, #Urban Resilience

07-11-2024 11:50 07-11-2024 12:35 Europe/Madrid Cities at the Forefront of the Climate Emergency

Almost 10 years after the Paris Agreement, citizens are increasingly struggling with the effects of a constantly changing climate, experiencing unprecedented high temperatures and an elevated risk of disasters. Despite this, the role cities play in addressing the climate crisis demonstrates how local efforts can drive meaningful results on a global scale. In this session, we will explore the adaptation strategies and best practices cities implement to achieve climate goals.

Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room
Thu 7 11:50h - 12:35h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic Roundtable | TOMORROW.BUILDING Infrastructure & Building

Blueprints for Transformation: Revolutionizing Urban Infrastructure

#Community Facilities, #Intelligent Security Systems, #IOT

07-11-2024 11:50 07-11-2024 12:35 Europe/Madrid Blueprints for Transformation: Revolutionizing Urban Infrastructure

How can smart infrastructures be designed to adapt to evolving city dynamics? This session highlights cutting-edge advancements in smart building technology and their influence on construction practices and architectural design. Discussions will examine the integration of IoT, automation, and technology to boost energy efficiency, optimize space usage, and enhance occupant comfort and safety. The focus will be on how to create resilient and sustainable urban infrastructures equipped to meet future challenges.

Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room
Thu 7 11:50h - 12:35h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
High-Level Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Energy & Environment

Cutting-Edge Tech Empowering a Greener Future

Natalia Olson-Urtecho
Natalia Olson-Urtecho Startup Sherpas Moderator/Presenter
Emilia Saiz
Emilia Saiz UCLG Speaker

#Climate Tech, #Low Emissions Tech, #Smart Utilities

07-11-2024 12:00 07-11-2024 12:45 Europe/Madrid Cutting-Edge Tech Empowering a Greener Future

The intersection of enabling technologies and sustainability is revolutionizing how environmental challenges are addressed. Innovations such as IoT, AI, and renewable energy systems are enhancing energy efficiency, reducing carbon footprints, and making our overall existence more sustainable. As societies become more aware of the urgent need to adopt sustainable practices, tech leaders are pioneering the transition to a greener, more sustainable future for our planet.

Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium
Thu 7 12:00h - 12:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress & Tomorrow.Mobility & Tomorrow.Building Passes
TMWC | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Enabling Technologies Mobility

Lean innovation: the way forward for urban mobility procurement?

#Innovation procurement, #Mobility transition, #Net-zero cities, #Public private partnerships

07-11-2024 13:00 07-11-2024 13:45 Europe/Madrid Lean innovation: the way forward for urban mobility procurement?

Technological innovations are redefining the way people move around. From zero-emission powertrains to autonomous vehicles and AI-powered mobility solutions, innovators offer bold pathways to public and private decision-makers. In this session, speakers will reflect on the driving forces behind the mobility transition, and on the role of public procurements to foster mobility-related innovations.

Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium
Thu 7 13:00h - 13:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress & Tomorrow.Mobility & Tomorrow.Building Passes

What’s next for the future of micromobility?

#E-scooters, #Insurance and Liability, #Light Electric Vehicles, #Mobility Service Providers, #Shared Mobility

07-11-2024 13:45 07-11-2024 15:15 Europe/Madrid What’s next for the future of micromobility?

What innovations are needed to bring micromobility to the next level?

Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
Thu 7 13:45h - 15:15h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
In Focus | TOMORROW.BUILDING Infrastructure & Building

Renewing the Urban Fabric: From Old to Gold

Romullo Baratto
Romullo Baratto ArchDaily Project Manager Chair
Teresa Cuerdo
Teresa Cuerdo Researcher at IETcc-CSIC Co-chair at IWG5Buildings, EU Speaker

07-11-2024 13:55 07-11-2024 14:40 Europe/Madrid Renewing the Urban Fabric: From Old to Gold

How have successful retrofit projects implemented smart building and sustainable solutions to transform existing infrastructure? This session delves into strategies and technologies for retrofitting existing buildings and infrastructure, focusing on enhancing energy efficiency, sustainability, and digital integration. From energy-efficient upgrades and renewable energy integration to deploying IoT devices and smart building technologies, the session aims to showcase the benefits of retrofitting through successful projects and innovative solutions.

Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room
Thu 7 13:55h - 14:40h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

Collectively Moving Cities Forward

Francien Huizing
Francien Huizing Amsterdam Smart City Programme Director Speaker

#Alliances, #Citizen Engagement, #City-to-city Cooperation

07-11-2024 13:55 07-11-2024 14:40 Europe/Madrid Collectively Moving Cities Forward

The preservation of a world based on democratic values, where the quality of life and equality in rights are guaranteed, is a mission that requires the active participation of cities and a joint effort from their stakeholders across all levels of collaboration. How are we empowering civil society to help move our cities forward? What innovative ideas are cities developing to foster citizen engagement, particularly among the youth?

Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room
Thu 7 13:55h - 14:40h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Living & Inclusion

A Digital Revolution Designed for All

Jordan Davis
Jordan Davis Smart Columbus Speaker

#Digital Equality, #Digital Rights, #Gender Equality, #Minorities

07-11-2024 13:55 07-11-2024 14:40 Europe/Madrid A Digital Revolution Designed for All

What obstacles arise in urban environments that hinder digital equality and inclusion, and how can cities address them? In what ways are local governments promoting digital equity and social justice to ensure equal access to technology? This roundtable will explore the innovative strategies that cities are employing to bridge the digital divide, ensuring that all residents have equitable access to technology, digital literacy, and the opportunities they facilitate.

Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room
Thu 7 13:55h - 14:40h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass