Ceremonies | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Energy & Environment Mobility Governance & Economy Living & Inclusion Infrastructure & Building Blue Economy


Femi Oke
Femi Oke Moderate the Panel Co-Founder Master of Ceremonies
Ugo Valenti
Ugo Valenti Smart City Expo World Congress Managing Director Speaker
Maria Tsavachidis
Maria Tsavachidis EIT Urban Mobility CEO Speaker
Laia Bonet
Laia Bonet Barcelona City Council Vice Mayor Speaker
LaToya Cantrell
LaToya Cantrell City of New Orleans Mayor Speaker
Constantí Serrallonga
Constantí Serrallonga Fira Barcelona Managing Director Speaker
Maria Galindo Garcia-Delgado
Maria Galindo Garcia-Delgado Generalitat de Catalunya Secretary of Digital Policies Speaker
Yutaka Matsuzawa
Yutaka Matsuzawa Global Environmental Affairs at the Ministry of the Environment of Japan Vice Minister Speaker

Tue 5 09:30h - 10:15h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress & Tomorrow.Mobility & Tomorrow.Building Passes
Private Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Mobility

ITS in Public Pransport

Tue 5 09:35h - 14:30h Conference Center | Zone: CC3 - 3.11 By invitation only
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Urban Mobility Unlocked: How Hubs Make it Happen

Raffaele Vergnani
Raffaele Vergnani POLIS network Project Manager Moderator/Presenter
Alexandra Bakosch
Alexandra Bakosch Urban Environment Department, City of Gothenburg Project Manager Speaker
Geiske Bouma
Geiske Bouma TNO Senior Researcher Speaker
Melina Pusch
Melina Pusch Ministry of Economics and Innovation Hamburg Urban Logistics Consultant Speaker
Catia Chiusaroli
Catia Chiusaroli City of Bologna Head of Mobility Planning Speaker

#Integrated Mobility Plans, #Public Transport, #Transport/Mobility Hubs

Tue 5 09:45h - 10:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

Investors’ Talk: Exploring Diverse Strategies to Efficiently Scale Innovation

Maria Masó
Maria Masó Worldera Tech Partner Moderator/Presenter
Joan Pina
Joan Pina Abac Capital Partner at Abac Nest Speaker
Inés Ures
Inés Ures Real Ventures Partner Speaker
Ignasi Heras
Ignasi Heras CRB Health Tech General Partner Speaker
Miquel Rodriguez
Miquel Rodriguez Barcelona City Council Economic promotion Director Speaker

#Best Practices, #Business Models, #Innovation Ecosystems, #Internationalitsation Strategies, #Investment Models, #Local Economic Development, #Policies

Tue 5 09:45h - 10:30h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Living & Inclusion

Smart Cities Via Satellite

Lou Zacharilla
Lou Zacharilla Space & Satellite Professionals International Director of Innovation & Development Speaker
Raimundo Rodulfo
Raimundo Rodulfo City of Coral Gables, Florida, USA Director of Innovation and Technology Speaker
Robert Bell
Robert Bell Intelligent Community Forum Co-Founder Speaker

#Cities for All, #Cross-district Equity, #Ethnic Inclusion, #Gender Equality, #Gentrification, #Social Inclusion, #Social Inequality

Tue 5 09:45h - 10:30h Hall 2 | Green Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

Big Data and AI for Enhanced Urban Decision-making: Venice & Barcelona

Ruth Gumbau
Ruth Gumbau Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals Journalist Moderator/Presenter
Eduardo Quiñones
Eduardo Quiñones Barcelona Supercomputing Center Established Researcher Speaker
Enrico Gavagnin
Enrico Gavagnin Metropolitan City of Venice Councillor of the Metropolitan City of Venice Speaker
Marc Montlleó
Marc Montlleó Barcelona Regional Director of Environment, Energy and Data Area Speaker

#Artificial Intelligence, #Big Data, #Cloud Computing, #Connectivity, #Data Analytics, #Digital Twins, #Edge Computing, #IOT

Tue 5 09:45h - 10:30h Hall 2 | Orange Agora
Open Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Enabling Technologies

A Global Discussion on Urban AI

#Algorithms, #Artificial Intelligence, #Big Data, #Connectivity, #Smart Environments

Tue 5 10:00h - 12:00h Conference Center | Zone: CC3 - 3.12 By invitation only
Keynote Session | TOMORROW.BUILDING Infrastructure & Building

How Do Urban Resilience and Talent Retention Connect?

Femi Oke
Femi Oke Moderate the Panel Co-Founder Master of Ceremonies
Majora Carter
Majora Carter Majora Carter Group Urban Revitalization Strategist Speaker

#Housing, #Urban Design, #Urban Management

Tue 5 10:30h - 11:00h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress Passes
Thematic keynote | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Living & Inclusion

Centering “Smartness:” the Challenges and Opportunities of Doing Ethics for “Smart” Environments

Jennifer James
Jennifer James Leading Cities Board Member Chair
Sage Cammers-Goodwin
Sage Cammers-Goodwin University of Twente Postdoctoral Researcher for HOLDEN Project Speaker

#Digital Equality, #Digital Rights, #Smart Environments, #Social Inclusion

Tue 5 10:30h - 10:50h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic keynote | TOMORROW.BUILDING Governance & Economy Infrastructure & Building

Designing Future Cities: Empathy and Emotional Intelligence at the Core

Evelise Grunow
Evelise Grunow Revista Projeto Executive Editor Chair
Liselott Stenfeldt
Liselott Stenfeldt Gehl Director of Research & Development, Partner Speaker

#Best Practices, #City Platforms, #Digital Equality

Tue 5 10:30h - 10:50h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
TMWC - High Level Keynote | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Heritage of the Games

Bernadette Bergsma
Bernadette Bergsma EIT Urban Mobility Director of Communications and EU Affairs Master of Ceremonies
Olivier François
Olivier François Ile-de-France Mobilités Vicepresident Speaker

#Accessibility, #Confort, #Development, #Modernization, #Public Transport, #Security

Tue 5 10:30h - 10:45h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Ceremonies | TOMOROW.BLUE ECONOMY Blue Economy

Opening Tomorrow.BlueEconomy – Welcome Remarks Smart Ports

Sasha Twining
Sasha Twining The Corporate Facilitator Journalist Chair
Constantí Serrallonga
Constantí Serrallonga Fira Barcelona Managing Director Speaker
Stewart Sarkozy-Banoczy
Stewart Sarkozy-Banoczy World Ocean Council Managing Director Speaker
Jordi Valls
Jordi Valls Barcelona City Council Deputy Mayor for Economy, Tax, Economic Promotion, and Tourism Speaker
Luc Arnouts
Luc Arnouts Port of Antwerp-Bruges Vice President of International Relations and Networks Speaker
Patrick Benrick
Patrick Benrick Port of Gothenburg Head of Strategic Development and Innovation Speaker
Tino Klemm
Tino Klemm Hamburg Port Authority Chief Financial Officer Speaker
Michael DiBernardo
Michael DiBernardo Port of Los Angeles Deputy Executive Director and Marketing and Customer Relations Speaker

Tue 5 10:30h - 11:10h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.BlueEconomy Agora All Passes
TMWC - Thematic Keynote | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Big Picture with Many Puzzles – Holistic Approach to Urban Mobility

Mohamed Gadelrab
Mohamed Gadelrab EIT Urban Mobility Academy Officer Master of Ceremonies
Konrad Fijolek
Konrad Fijolek City of Rzesow Mayor Speaker

#Congestion Charging, #Integrated Mobility Plans, #Public Realm, #Smart Traffic Management, #Transport/Mobility Hubs

Tue 5 10:45h - 11:00h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Made in Europe: Showcasing Market-Ready CIVITAS Mobility Solutions

Albert Solé
Albert Solé EIT Urban Mobility Innovation Exploitation Manager Moderator/Presenter
Robin Morrison
Robin Morrison Buchanan Computing Chief Technology Officer Speaker
Víctor Ferran Carpintero
Víctor Ferran Carpintero Bax Urban Mobility Consultant Speaker
Francesc Rosinés
Francesc Rosinés ENIDE Executive Director Speaker
Paul Buijs
Paul Buijs University of Groningen Associate Professor Speaker
Vidal Roca
Vidal Roca PTV Group Sales Manager Iberia Speaker

#Business Models, #First/Last Mile, #Public Transport, #Shared Mobility

Tue 5 10:45h - 11:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

Investors’ Talk: The Impact of the Current Global Situation on the 2030 Agenda

Mar Alarcón
Mar Alarcón 19N Co-Founder Moderator/Presenter
Antoni Macià
Antoni Macià Suma Capital Director at Sustainable Infrastructure Fund Speaker
Fernado Casado
Fernado Casado Inclimo Climate Tech Fund General Partner Speaker
Oriol Sans
Oriol Sans Acció Senior Startups manager Speaker

#Best Practices, #Business Models, #Innovation Ecosystems, #Internationalitsation Strategies, #Investment Models, #Local Economic Development, #Policies

Tue 5 10:45h - 11:30h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

AI, Data & Green Tech: Building Sustainable Cities

Alis Daniela Torres
Alis Daniela Torres ICLEI European Secretariat Head, Green Digital Transformation Moderator/Presenter
Caglar Tukel
Caglar Tukel Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Climate Change and Clean Energy Directorate Speaker
Edgar Camelo
Edgar Camelo Google Strategic Partner Development Manager Speaker
Lukas Ljungqvist
Lukas Ljungqvist KTH Royal Institute of Technology Urban Planning Strategist Speaker
Nidhi Misra
Nidhi Misra ICLEI European Secretariat Communications Expert Speaker

#Artificial Intelligence, #Big Data, #Connectivity, #Data Integration, #Sensoring

Tue 5 10:45h - 11:30h Hall 2 | Green Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Living & Inclusion

Talents for Tomorrow: How Local Governments Can Address Emerging Challenges?

Michele Majidi
Michele Majidi Statista Researcher Moderator/Presenter
Alija Makfire
Alija Makfire CEMR Human Resources Adviser Speaker
Joaquim Llimona Balcells
Joaquim Llimona Balcells CEI Director Speaker
Marek Hudák
Marek Hudák City of Bardejov & Region of Prešov Local councillor of Bardejov and regional councillor of Prešov Region Speaker
Luuk Heijlman
Luuk Heijlman VNG Head of Corporate Staff Speaker

#Co-working, #Education, #Future of Work, #New Work Spaces, #Wellbeing, #Wellness

Tue 5 10:45h - 11:30h Hall 2 | Orange Agora All passes
Dialogue | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Living & Inclusion

Technology, Equity, and the Future of Digital Inclusion

Jennifer James
Jennifer James Leading Cities Board Member Chair
Myria Georgiou
Myria Georgiou London School of Economics Professor of Media and Communications Speaker
Nicol Turner Lee
Nicol Turner Lee Brookings Institution Senior Fellow and Director, Center for Technology Innovation Speaker

#Digital Equality, #Digital Rights, #Smart Environments, #Social Inclusion

Tue 5 10:50h - 11:10h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic keynote | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

CITENTITY: The Personality, the Soul, the Identity of the Cities

Sandra Baer
Sandra Baer Personal Cities CEO Chair
Aníbal Gaviria
Aníbal Gaviria Deparment of Antioquia Former Governor Speaker

Tue 5 10:50h - 11:10h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic keynote | TOMORROW.BUILDING Governance & Economy Infrastructure & Building

Does Space Matter in the Smart Age? Exploring How Digital Platforms Connect Across Space in African Cities

Evelise Grunow
Evelise Grunow Revista Projeto Executive Editor Chair
Nancy Odendaal
Nancy Odendaal University of Cape Town and University of Basel Professor in Urban Studies Speaker

#Cities for All, #Co-creation, #Innovation Ecosystems

Tue 5 10:50h - 11:10h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
High-Level Roundtable | TOMORROW.BUILDING Enabling Technologies Infrastructure & Building

Urban Technologies Shaping the City’s Skylines

Martha Thorne
Martha Thorne Henrik F. Obel Foundation Senior Advisor Moderator/Presenter
Mahel Abaab-Fournial
Mahel Abaab-Fournial Dassault Systèmes Cities & Public Services Strategy Director Speaker
Jorge Daza
Jorge Daza Government of Chile Viceminister of Transport Speaker
Honorata Grzesikowska
Honorata Grzesikowska Urbanitarian Urban Masterplanner / Founder / CEO Speaker
Majora Carter
Majora Carter Majora Carter Group Urban Revitalization Strategist Speaker

#Construction Tech, #Digital Twins, #Smart Infrastructures

Tue 5 11:00h - 11:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress Passes
TMWC - Solution Talk | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Enhancing Mobility and Liveability with Innovative Urban Space Interventions

Mohamed Gadelrab
Mohamed Gadelrab EIT Urban Mobility Academy Officer Master of Ceremonies
Jana Heese
Jana Heese Digital Hub Mobility by UnternehmerTUM Consultant Speaker
Mohammed Alqahtani
Mohammed Alqahtani New Murabba Smart City Delivery Speaker

#Congestion Charging, #Integrated Mobility Plans, #Public Realm, #Smart Traffic Management, #Transport/Mobility Hubs

Tue 5 11:00h - 11:15h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Open Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Governance & Economy

Smart City Funding in Germany – what´s at stake?

#Alliances, #Best Practices, #City-to-city Cooperation, #Co-creation, #Collaboration, #Multilevel Governance, #Policies, #Rural-Urban

Tue 5 11:00h - 12:30h Conference Center | Zone: CC3 - 3.13C All passes
Private Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Enabling Technologies

Industrial Doctoral Matchmaking Session-UPCBarcelonaTech

Tue 5 11:00h - 13:00h Conference Center | Zone: CC3 - 3.17
Panel Session | TOMOROW.BLUE ECONOMY Blue Economy

chainPORT: The Implementation of Drones in Ports

Phanthian Zuesongdham
Phanthian Zuesongdham Hamburg Port Authority Head of Division Port Process Solution and Program Director of smart Port Hamburg Moderator/Presenter

Tue 5 11:10h - 11:20h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.BlueEconomy Agora All Passes
TMWC - Thematic Rountable | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Exploring How New Urban Interventions Can Improve Mobility and Liveability

Rose Gregorio
Rose Gregorio EIT Urban Mobility Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Officer Moderator/Presenter
Anniina Autero
Anniina Autero City of Tampere Head of Development Speaker
Malin Andersson
Malin Andersson Drive Sweden / Lindholmen Science Park Director Speaker
Manisha Awhale
Manisha Awhale Pune Smart City Development Corporation CEO Speaker
Darío Moreno Lerga
Darío Moreno Lerga Ayuntamiento de Sagunto Law and Business Administration and Management Speaker

#Congestion Charging, #Integrated Mobility Plans, #Public Realm, #Smart Traffic Management, #Transport/Mobility Hubs

Tue 5 11:15h - 12:00h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Living & Inclusion

Shaping the Digital Future Ethically

Jennifer James
Jennifer James Leading Cities Board Member Chair
Jacqueline Lu
Jacqueline Lu Helpful Places Founder & CEO Speaker
Bogna Gawronska-Nowak
Bogna Gawronska-Nowak Institute of Urban and Regional Development Professor Speaker
Shin Sang-jin
Shin Sang-jin Seongnam City Mayor Speaker
Clara Pezuela
Clara Pezuela Fiware Foundation Chief Operating Officer Speaker

#Cybersecurity, #Data Protection, #Digital Rights

Tue 5 11:20h - 12:15h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

Bold Strategies for Funding the Future

Mike Lake
Mike Lake Leading Cities President and CEO Chair
Sharon McNicholl
Sharon McNicholl Belfast City Council Deputy Chief Executive Speaker
Richard Threlfall
Richard Threlfall KPMG International Global Head of IGH Speaker
José de la Uz Pardos
José de la Uz Pardos Mayor of Las Rozas de Madrid President of RECI Speaker
Monica Lucarelli
Monica Lucarelli City of Rome Deputy Mayor Speaker

#Financing Schemes, #Global Funds, #Investment Models

Tue 5 11:20h - 12:10h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic Roundtable | TOMORROW.BUILDING Governance & Economy Infrastructure & Building

What Can Innovative Urban Planning Do for City Living?

May al-Ibrashy
May al-Ibrashy Megawra-Built Environment Collective Founder and Chair Chair
Cheryll Case
Cheryll Case CP Planning Founder and Executive Director Speaker
Oriol Estela Barnet
Oriol Estela Barnet Metropolitan Strategic Plan of Barcelona General Coordinator Speaker
Codruț Papina
Codruț Papina URBASOFIA Urban and Lanscape Planner Speaker
Pedro Folgado
Pedro Folgado President of the ‘Smart Cities’ municipalities section National Association of Portuguese Municipalities (ANMP) Speaker

#Urban Design, #Urban Infrastructure

Tue 5 11:20h - 12:10h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
Panel Session | TOMOROW.BLUE ECONOMY Blue Economy

chainPORT: Supply Chain Resilience in Ports – Vessel Journey Data Quality

Ingrid Boqué
Ingrid Boqué Port of Barcelona Director of International Relations Moderator/Presenter
Phanthian Zuesongdham
Phanthian Zuesongdham Hamburg Port Authority Head of Division Port Process Solution and Program Director of smart Port Hamburg Speaker

Tue 5 11:20h - 11:35h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.BlueEconomy Agora All Passes
Panel Session | TOMOROW.BLUE ECONOMY Blue Economy

Redefining the Battle Against Crime & Trafficking

Sasha Twining
Sasha Twining The Corporate Facilitator Journalist Moderator/Presenter
Benjamin Simonson
Benjamin Simonson Vanguard Head of Operations Speaker
Francisco Andrés
Francisco Andrés Spanish Tax Agency Chief of the Drugs and Precursors Unit, General Subdirectorate of Operations. Deputy Directorate of the Customs Surveillance Service Speaker
Niels Vanlaer
Niels Vanlaer Port of Antwerp-Bruges Chair IAPH Risk and resilience Committee Harbour Master Speaker

Tue 5 11:35h - 12:20h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.BlueEconomy Agora All Passes
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

From Failures to Sustained Success. Insights from Urban and Mobility Leaders

Julia Azpiroz
Julia Azpiroz Barcelona Metropolitan Strategic Plan (PEMB) Urban Planner Moderator/Presenter
Mario Fava
Mario Fava Local Councils' Association Malta President Speaker
Melanie Grötsch
Melanie Grötsch City of Munich Head of Research & Innovation Speaker
Sílvia Casorrán
Sílvia Casorrán Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona / RedBici Sustainable Mobility Expert Speaker
Ramon Gras Alomà
Ramon Gras Alomà Aretian Urban Analytics and Design | Harvard CEO & Founder Speaker
Daniel Rádai
Daniel Rádai City of Budapest Budapest District 8 Deputy Mayor for Urban Development Speaker

#Mobility Service Providers, #Public Transport, #Zero-Emission

Tue 5 11:45h - 12:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora All passes
Solution Talks | SMART CITY EXPO Living & Inclusion

Urban Innovation Creating Cities for All

Nyasha Harper-Michon
Nyasha Harper-Michon CP Planning Director of Programs Chair
Marta Junqué Surià
Marta Junqué Surià General Secretary of the Local and Regional Governments Time Network Director of the Time Use Initiative Speaker
Mariusz Sagan
Mariusz Sagan Lublin City Office Director Strategy and Investor Relations Department Speaker
Jennifer Russell
Jennifer Russell INCOSE Smart Cities Initiative Chair Speaker
Carla Kranenborg-Van Eerd
Carla Kranenborg-Van Eerd Municipality of Breda Deputy Mayor Speaker
Anneli Simm
Anneli Simm Tallinn Technical University, Finest Centre for Smart Cities Development Manager Speaker

Tue 5 11:45h - 12:30h Hall 2 | Green Agora All Passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

Digitalisation for a Sustainable and Resilient Future for Cities

Eelco Kruizinga
Eelco Kruizinga DNV Senior Principal Consultant Moderator/Presenter
Helen Köpman
Helen Köpman European Commission Deputy Head of Unit, AI for Societal Good Speaker
Inês Ramos
Inês Ramos Deloitte Director Speaker
Stamatia Rizou
Stamatia Rizou SingularLogic R&D Manager Speaker
Guido Acchioni
Guido Acchioni European Commission Policy Officer DG CNECT B5 & 5G for Smart Communities Speaker

#5G, #Artificial Intelligence, #Connectivity, #Digital Twins, #IOT

Tue 5 11:45h - 12:30h Hall 2 | Orange Agora All passes
Open Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Governance & Economy

From Digital Cities to Smart Cities: How to Achieve a Sustainable Transition?

#Alliances, #Best Practices, #City-to-city Cooperation, #Data Strategies, #Policy-making

Tue 5 12:00h - 13:30h Conference Center | Zone: CC1 – Room 1.3 All passes
Private Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Governance & Economy

LOTI: Smart London Networking Lunch with AWS

Tue 5 12:00h - 13:30h Conference Center | Zone: CC3 - 3.13A+B By invitation only
High-Level Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment Governance & Economy

Calling all Cities to Action: Tackling the Climate Emergency

Cristina Garrido
Cristina Garrido Anteverti CEO Moderator/Presenter
Yutaka Matsuzawa
Yutaka Matsuzawa Global Environmental Affairs at the Ministry of the Environment of Japan Vice Minister Speaker
Gustavo Migues
Gustavo Migues Veolia Iberia & Latin America Senior Executive Vice President Speaker
Sofyan Mbarki
Sofyan Mbarki City of Amsterdam Deputy Mayor Speaker
Miguel de Castro Neto
Miguel de Castro Neto NOVA IMS Dean, Coordinator of Nova Cidade - Urban Analytics Lab Speaker

#Green Deal, #New Energy Models, #Urban Global Agendas

Tue 5 12:05h - 12:50h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress Pass
Panel Session | TOMOROW.BLUE ECONOMY Blue Economy

How to Create a Thriving and Adaptable Port in a Changing and Unpredictable World

Sasha Twining
Sasha Twining The Corporate Facilitator Journalist Moderator/Presenter
Marius Suteu
Marius Suteu Lloyd's Register Head of Emerging Opportunities Speaker
Jordi Torrent
Jordi Torrent Port of Barcelona Head of Strategy Speaker
Tim Power
Tim Power Drewry Managing Director Speaker
Noel Hacegaba
Noel Hacegaba Port of Long Beach Chief Operating Officer Speaker

Tue 5 12:20h - 13:05h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.BlueEconomy Agora All Passes
TMWC - Solution Talk | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Autonomous and Intelligent Technologies for Improved Mobility

Celeste Reglá
Celeste Reglá EIT Urban Mobility EIT Community Startup Programmes Master of Ceremonies
Victor Jarlow
Victor Jarlow AstaZero Research Engineer Speaker
Xavier Martín Sánchez
Xavier Martín Sánchez MOVENTIS Operations Specialist Speaker

#Artificial Intelligence, #Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, #Bus Operations, #E-VTOL, #Intelligent Transport Systems

Tue 5 12:30h - 12:45h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Open Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Mobility

CIVITAS Connects Cities

#Health Benefits of Active Mobility, #Integrated Mobility Plans, #Mapping and Routing Software, #Mobility Service Providers

Tue 5 12:30h - 14:30h Conference Center | Zone: CC1 – Tàpies Area
Dialogue | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy Living & Inclusion

UN CitiVerse Initiative-AI powered Citizen-centred Future Smart Cities

Patrycja Sasnal
Patrycja Sasnal University of California Visiting Professor Chair
Christina Yan Zhang
Christina Yan Zhang The Metaverse Institute CEO Speaker

Tue 5 12:35h - 12:55h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic keynote | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment Living & Inclusion

Growing Trees to Fight the Climate Crisis: in Andalucia and the World

Sacha Stolp
Sacha Stolp City of Amsterdam Director of Innovation for Future Roof Assets Chair
Felix Finkbeiner
Felix Finkbeiner Plant-for-the-Planet Founder Speaker

#Adaptation, #Air Quality, #Green Cities, #Urban Forests

Tue 5 12:35h - 12:55h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
Solution Talks | TOMORROW.BUILDING Enabling Technologies Infrastructure & Building

Innovative Solutions for Smart Urban Infrastructure

Yelda Gin
Yelda Gin London South Bank University Lecturer in Architectural Technology and Digital Construction Chair
Renske Martijnse-Hartikka
Renske Martijnse-Hartikka Forum Virium Helsinki Senior Project Manager Smart Mobility Speaker
Turki Otaishan
Turki Otaishan Saudi Aramco Trees and Green Parks Manager Speaker
Yazeed AlGhamdi
Yazeed AlGhamdi ROSHN Group Director, Emerging Technologies Speaker
Christopher Johnson
Christopher Johnson New Murabba Chief Executive Officer of the Experience Studio, Speaker
Piers Sanders
Piers Sanders Sand Technologies Chief Product Officer Speaker

Tue 5 12:35h - 13:15h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
TMWC - Thematic Rountable | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Autonomous Technologies for Improved Mobility

Daniel Serra
Daniel Serra EIT Urban Mobility Innovation Hub South Ecosystem and Stakeholder Director Moderator/Presenter
Peter Staelens
Peter Staelens Eurocities Head of Mobility Speaker
Joost Vantomme
Joost Vantomme ERTICO-ITS Europe CEO Speaker
Martin Kahl
Martin Kahl FISITA CTO Speaker
Harald Proff
Harald Proff Deloitte Global Automotive Sector Lead Speaker
Catriona Meehan
Catriona Meehan Startingup PA Founder Speaker

#Artificial Intelligence, #Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, #E-VTOL, #Intelligent Transport Systems

Tue 5 12:45h - 13:25h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Building the Roads of Tomorrow: Enhancing Infrastructure for Autonomous Mobility

Gonzalo Alcaraz
Gonzalo Alcaraz International Road Federation Deputy Director General Moderator/Presenter
Thierry Goger
Thierry Goger FEHRL Secretary General Speaker
Janis Barbars
Janis Barbars Latvian State Roads Head of Research and development department at Road Competence Centre Speaker

#Algorithms, #Artificial Intelligence, #Digital Modelling, #Digital Twins, #Smart Environments, #Smart Networks

Tue 5 12:45h - 13:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora All passes
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Cities as Laboratories of Mobility Innovation

Mireia Gilibert
Mireia Gilibert EIT Urban Mobility Innovation Lifecycle Officer Moderator/Presenter
Minna Torppa
Minna Torppa Forum Virium Helsinki Programme Director, Smart Mobility Speaker
Nick Tyler
Nick Tyler UCL Centre for Transport Studies Director Speaker
Paula Ramos
Paula Ramos Municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia Coordinator of Urban Planning Speaker
Xan Albrecht
Xan Albrecht City of Ghent Traffic Researcher Speaker

#Intelligent Transport Systems, #Zero-Emission

Tue 5 12:45h - 13:30h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment

Making Energy Communities Successful in Metropolitan Areas

Camila Canelas Navarro
Camila Canelas Navarro Ecoserveis Project Manager Moderator/Presenter
Federica Giardina
Federica Giardina Ecoserveis Social Sciences Expert Consultant Speaker
Marcel Camps
Marcel Camps Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB) Project Manager Speaker
Daniel Pelufo Pascual
Daniel Pelufo Pascual Metropolis Program's officer Speaker

#Climate Change, #Decentralized Energy, #Energy Efficiency, #Energy Transition, #New Energy Models, #Urban Resilience

Tue 5 12:45h - 13:30h Hall 2 | Green Agora All passes
Solution Talks | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Living & Inclusion

Are We Ready for Tech-Forward Solutions?

Oriana Romano
Oriana Romano OECD Head of Unit Water Governance, Blue and Circular Economy Cities, Urban Policies, and Sustainable Development Division Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities Chair
Tomaž Lanišek
Tomaž Lanišek City of Kranj Head of Office for Development and Smart City Speaker
Maiju Viiki
Maiju Viiki City of Tampere Account Manager Speaker
Hannah Prior
Hannah Prior Microsoft WW Climate Resilience Lead for Government Speaker
Kaveh Vessali
Kaveh Vessali PwC Middle East Partner, Digital Services, Cognitive Cities Lead Speaker
Maurits Kaptein
Maurits Kaptein Network Optix Chief Data Scientist Speaker
Ali Albrahim
Ali Albrahim Aramco Digital Transformation Consultant Speaker

#Data Management, #Innovation Ecosystems, #Smart Environments

Tue 5 12:45h - 13:30h Hall 2 | Orange Agora All Passes
High-Level Roundtable | TOMOROW.BLUE ECONOMY Blue Economy

Ports Open to the City: How Smart Ports Bring Value to BCN & L.A.

José Sánchez
José Sánchez AIVP Director 2030 Agenda, Projects, and Content Member of the Management Committee Moderator/Presenter
Emma Cobos
Emma Cobos Port de Barcelona Innovation and Business Strategy Department Speaker
Erick Martell
Erick Martell City of Los Angeles Director of Economic Infrastructure, Ports Office of Mayor Karen Bass Speaker
Michael DiBernardo
Michael DiBernardo Port of Los Angeles Deputy Executive Director and Marketing and Customer Relations Speaker
Olga Cerezo Martin
Olga Cerezo Martin Port Olímpic Directora Speaker

Tue 5 12:50h - 13:40h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress Pass
Thematic keynote | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy Living & Inclusion

Neither Bottom Up, Nor Top Down: Time for Hybrid Smart Cities

Patrycja Sasnal
Patrycja Sasnal University of California Visiting Professor Chair
Mennatullah Hendawy
Mennatullah Hendawy University of California Santa Cruz Center for Advanced Internet Studies Impact Circles e.V Speaker

Tue 5 12:55h - 13:15h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Dialogue | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment Living & Inclusion

Powering Green Cities: Cloud-based Innovations for Climate Action

Sacha Stolp
Sacha Stolp City of Amsterdam Director of Innovation for Future Roof Assets Chair
Linh Le
Linh Le Amazon Web Services (AWS) Global Lead, Smart City Competency Program Speaker

#Climate Change, #Climate Tech, #Low Emissions Tech

Tue 5 12:55h - 13:15h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
Private Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Governance & Economy

Coalition of Global City CIOs

#Best Practices, #City-to-city Cooperation, #Creative Cities, #Cross-sector Governance, #Global Cities, #Innovation Ecosystems, #Metropolitan Governance

Tue 5 13:00h - 17:00h Conference Center | Zone: CC1 – Room 1.2 Access by invitation only
Panel Session | TOMOROW.BLUE ECONOMY Blue Economy

Ports of Tomorrow: Why You Should Transition from Landlord to Business Promoter

Sasha Twining
Sasha Twining The Corporate Facilitator Journalist Moderator/Presenter
Luc Arnouts
Luc Arnouts Port of Antwerp-Bruges Vice President of International Relations and Networks Speaker
Patrick Benrick
Patrick Benrick Port of Gothenburg Head of Strategic Development and Innovation Speaker
Christopher Chase
Christopher Chase Port of Los Angeles Assistant Director of Marketing Speaker
Patrick Verhoeven
Patrick Verhoeven IAPH London Office Managing Director Speaker
Jinsun Shin
Jinsun Shin Busan Port Authority Head of BPA Euro Office Speaker

Tue 5 13:05h - 13:50h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.BlueEconomy Agora All Passes
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy Living & Inclusion

Effective Public Policies for Healthier Communities

Patrycja Sasnal
Patrycja Sasnal University of California Visiting Professor Chair
Amaia Celaya Alvarez
Amaia Celaya Alvarez European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations Advisor Speaker
Jack Lehane
Jack Lehane Smart D8 Ecosystem Manager Speaker
Laura Valdés
Laura Valdés Metropolis Head of Policy Speaker
Yosik Kang
Yosik Kang Seoul Digital Foundation President Speaker
Akram Awad
Akram Awad Boston Consulting Group Partner and Global Lead for Smart Cities Speaker

#Education, #Health, #Right to the City

Tue 5 13:25h - 14:10h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
In Focus | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment Living & Inclusion

Climate-Proofing Cities: Towards Greener Public Spaces

Sacha Stolp
Sacha Stolp City of Amsterdam Director of Innovation for Future Roof Assets Chair
Juan Francisco Paz
Juan Francisco Paz Sener Mobility Global Director Architecture, Health and Sports Speaker
Yann Mareschal
Yann Mareschal Bordeaux Métropole Innovation Project Manager Speaker
Yogita Popat
Yogita Popat Socitm-MCE/London Borough of Barnet Programme Director, Culture and Sustainability/Vice-President SOCITM Speaker
Washington Fajardo
Washington Fajardo Inter-American Development Bank Architect and Urbanist Speaker

#Air Quality, #Ecology, #Green Spaces

Tue 5 13:25h - 14:10h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
TMWC - Thematic Rountable | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Current and Future Use Cases for Urban Air Mobility

Rikesh Shah
Rikesh Shah Connected Places Catapult Head of Innovation Procurement Empowerment Centre Moderator/Presenter
Cesar Nava
Cesar Nava AENA Innovation Engineer Speaker
Manon Coyne
Manon Coyne POLIS Project and Capital Cities Working Group Manager Speaker

#Artificial Intelligence, #Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, #E-VTOL, #Intelligent Transport Systems

Tue 5 13:25h - 14:05h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
In Focus | TOMORROW.BUILDING Enabling Technologies Infrastructure & Building

Tech-Forward Construction Shaping the Future of Building

Yelda Gin
Yelda Gin London South Bank University Lecturer in Architectural Technology and Digital Construction Chair
Loretxu Garcia Arraztoa
Loretxu Garcia Arraztoa Nido Biotech Founder Speaker
Christina Yan Zhang
Christina Yan Zhang The Metaverse Institute CEO Speaker
Arthur Montillet
Arthur Montillet Dassault Systèmes Industry Sales Strategy Director – Architecture, Engineering, Construction Speaker
Shri Sanjeet
Shri Sanjeet IRAS Joint Secretary and Financial Advisor, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs Speaker
Greg Demchak
Greg Demchak Bentley Systems VP Emerging Technologies Speaker

#Building Automation, #Innovative Building Technology, #Modular Construction

Tue 5 13:30h - 14:15h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

From Policy to Pavement: Driving E-Mobility Success Stories Across the Globe

Jaime Ruiz Huescar
Jaime Ruiz Huescar CITIES FORUM Co-founder & Director Moderator/Presenter
Alessandra Barbieri
Alessandra Barbieri Florence City Council EU Funded Programs Coordinator Speaker
Sílvia Valero
Sílvia Valero Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) Manager Speaker
Ángel Moya
Ángel Moya PNO innovation E-mobility expert & Senior Innovation Consultant Speaker

#Integrated Mobility Plans, #Low Emissions Tech, #Public Transport, #Urban Planning, #Zero-Emission

Tue 5 13:45h - 14:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora All passes
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

BILM Urban Mobility Challenge Finalists

Lluís Gómez
Lluís Gómez Fira Internacional de Barcelona Innovation Director of Fira de Barcelona Moderator/Presenter
Youval Abenhaim
Youval Abenhaim BusPas CEO Speaker
Ole Liabø
Ole Liabø Kobla AS CEO Speaker
Javier Burrieza Galán
Javier Burrieza Galán Nommon WiseTransit Senior Business Developement Engineer Speaker
Javier Peña Pérez
Javier Peña Pérez Torch Co-Founder Speaker
Lisa Grace
Lisa Grace Chief Marketing Officer Nemi Mobility Solutions Speaker
Pawan Seshadri Venkatesh
Pawan Seshadri Venkatesh Urban Vind B.V. CEO & Cofounder Speaker

#Future of Mobility, #Mapping and Routing Software, #Mobility Service Providers, #Public Transport, #Smart Traffic Management, #Urban Planning

Tue 5 13:45h - 14:30h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes
Solution Talks | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Governance & Economy

Embracing Digital Innovation for Smart City Living

Mike Lake
Mike Lake Leading Cities President and CEO Chair
Mila Gasco Hernandez
Mila Gasco Hernandez Center for Technology in Government Research Director Speaker
Max Huang
Max Huang Dahua Director of Global Government Project Speaker
Youssef Nadiri
Youssef Nadiri PNY Technologies Product and BDM Smart Cities & Spaces Speaker
Randy Lack
Randy Lack DELL General Manager Global Industries Speaker
Sandra Barnabé
Sandra Barnabé Ubiwhere Innovation Manager Speaker

Tue 5 13:45h - 14:30h Hall 2 | Green Agora All Passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

Big Bets in Cities: How Philanthropy Can De-Risk Innovation

Aparna Ramanan
Aparna Ramanan Bloomberg Philanthropies Government Innovation Moderator/Presenter
Ronnie Lagnada
Ronnie Lagnada City of Butuan Mayor Speaker
Une Kaunaite
Une Kaunaite EDU Vilnius Director Speaker
Manja Kargbo
Manja Kargbo City of Freetown Lead, Mayor's Delivery Unit Speaker

#Citizen Engagement, #Global Cities, #Innovation Ecosystems, #Metropolitan Governance, #Philanthropies

Tue 5 13:45h - 14:30h Hall 2 | Orange Agora All passes
TMWC - High Level Keynote | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

A Smart and Green City is no Rocket Science

Femi Oke
Femi Oke Moderate the Panel Co-Founder Master of Ceremonies
Sascha Pallenberg
Sascha Pallenberg Blogger Speaker

#Future of Mobility, #Rocket Science, #Smart Green City, #Taipei

Tue 5 14:00h - 14:30h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Agora Event | TOMOROW.BLUE ECONOMY Blue Economy

Blue Solutions for Ports to Face Plastic Pollution

Ignasi Mateo Rodríguez
Ignasi Mateo Rodríguez MedWaves. BlueMissionMed Project Project Manager Moderator/Presenter
Araceli Martín Sepúlveda
Araceli Martín Sepúlveda IEO-CSIC. BlueMissionMed Project Technician BlueMissionMed Speaker
Leticia Serramalera Feduchi
Leticia Serramalera Feduchi HAPI METHOD Technician Speaker
Marta Sainz Ludevid
Marta Sainz Ludevid POTS INNOVATIVE REUSE SYSTEMS, S.L. Founder and CEO Speaker
Olga Bayé
Olga Bayé TecnoConverting Engineering - TecnoGrabber® Retention Systems Manager of TecnoGrabber® Systems Speaker
Francois Devy
Francois Devy SEAQUAL INITIATIVE Managing Director Speaker
Ignacio Molina  Muntañola
Ignacio Molina Muntañola SUMBOX CEO Speaker

#Blue Growth, #Coastal Tourism and Recreation, #Marine Pollution Control, #Maritime Transport, #Ocean Governance, #Plastic Pollution, #Ports, #Sustainable Tourism

Tue 5 14:00h - 14:45h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.BlueEconomy Agora All passes
Open Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Governance & Economy

Unlocking the potential of smart cities in Latin America

#Best Practices, #Innovation Ecosystems, #Internationalitsation Strategies, #Policies, #Regional Development, #Urban Global Agendas

Tue 5 14:00h - 16:00h Conference Center | Zone: CC1 – Room 1.3 All passes
TMWC - High Level Roundtable | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility Governance & Economy

The Power of Ecosystems: Solving Urban Mobility Challenges Through Cross-Sector Collaboration

Maria Tsavachidis
Maria Tsavachidis EIT Urban Mobility CEO Moderator/Presenter
Normunds Popens
Normunds Popens European Commission - Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture Director General Speaker
Raed Kadri
Raed Kadri Ontario Centre of Innovation Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, Business Development and Head of the Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN) Speaker
Eva Oosters
Eva Oosters City of Utrecht Deputy mayor for zero-emission mobility Speaker
Abdulrahman Ibrahim
Abdulrahman Ibrahim Madinah Region Development Authority Chief Data and Innovation Officer Speaker

#Cities, #Corporates, #Governments, #Research, #Start-ups

Tue 5 14:30h - 15:15h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Open Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Enabling Technologies

Challenges in Mobility, Digital Transformation, and Zero Emissions in Japan

#5G, #Artificial Intelligence, #Big Data, #City Platforms, #Cloud Computing, #Connectivity, #Data Analytics, #IOT

Tue 5 14:30h - 16:00h Conference Center | Zone: CC1 – Room 1.1 All passes
Thematic keynote | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Governance & Economy

Building Vision AI Pipelines using Nx Tookit

Vishala Sri-Pathma
Vishala Sri-Pathma BBC News Anchor and Business Journalist Chair
Maurits Kaptein
Maurits Kaptein Network Optix Chief Data Scientist Speaker

#Artificial Intelligence, #Connectivity, #Sensoring, #Smart Environments

Tue 5 14:40h - 15:00h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic keynote | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment Governance & Economy

Winds of Change: Sailing and Technology to Build a Legacy Beyond Blindness

Anu Devi
Anu Devi World Economic Forum Lead, Urban Transformation Chair
Dani Anglada Pich
Dani Anglada Pich Yes We Sail Founder Speaker

Tue 5 14:40h - 15:00h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Fail Forward – Lessons from Urban Mobility Innovations

Juan Caballero
Juan Caballero Eurocities Senior Project Coordinator - Mobility Moderator/Presenter
Michiel Penne
Michiel Penne City of Antwerp Coordinator Smart Ways to Antwerp Speaker
Suzanne Green
Suzanne Green City of Gothenburg Project Manager Speaker
Sondre Vasseng
Sondre Vasseng City of Oslo Adviser Speaker
David Gordon
David Gordon City of Munich Project Manager Speaker

#Shared Mobility

Tue 5 14:45h - 15:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora All passes
Agora Event | TOMOROW.BLUE ECONOMY Blue Economy

Brazil: blue, green & yellow

Eduardo Marques
Eduardo Marques iCities Partner & Director of Strategy and Innovation Moderator/Presenter
Axel Grael
Axel Grael Prefeitura de Niteroi - RJ Mayor Speaker
Gilvan José Pereira Junior
Gilvan José Pereira Junior Governo do Estado de Rondônia State Superintendent of Tourism Speaker
Eduardo Bekin
Eduardo Bekin Invest Paraná CEO Speaker

#Blue Growth, #Coastal Development, #Desalination, #Marine Pollution Control, #Ocean Governance, #Ocean Monitoring, #Plastic Pollution, #Renewable Energy

Tue 5 14:45h - 15:15h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.BlueEconomy Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment

Startup Pitches – Data-Driven Solutions for Livable Cities

John Biggs
John Biggs Baker Hall Capital Founder Moderator/Presenter
Miren Soto
Miren Soto Nästa Cofounder Speaker
Milene Pardo Figueroa
Milene Pardo Figueroa Mitiga Sustainability Specialist Speaker
Tiago Marques
Tiago Marques Greenmetrics CEO & Co-founder Speaker
Pablo Jose Hyam Borrachero
Pablo Jose Hyam Borrachero Optynamics SL Msc Civil Engineer Speaker
Christoph Klocker
Christoph Klocker Citymonitor CEO Speaker
Mikal Løvik
Mikal Løvik EQON CEO Speaker
Anne Marieke Eveleens
Anne Marieke Eveleens The Great Bubble Barrier Co-founder & Chief Business Development Speaker
George Dzhgarkava
George Dzhgarkava Ursa Robotics Founder Speaker

#Cleantech, #Climate Tech, #Data Analytics, #Energy Transition

Tue 5 14:45h - 15:30h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

Power of Communities: Co-creating Pathways to Climate Neutrality

Veronika Cerna
Veronika Cerna Twenty Communications CEO Moderator/Presenter
Dirk Ahlers
Dirk Ahlers NTNU Senior Researcher Speaker
Anh Minh Vu
Anh Minh Vu Project Coordinator City of Dresden Speaker
Baptiste Mougeot
Baptiste Mougeot SPL Lyon Confluence Project Manager Speaker
Leen Peeters
Leen Peeters Th!nk E Owner Speaker
Jörgen Lööf
Jörgen Lööf ElectriCITY CEO Speaker

#Business Models, #Citizen Engagement, #Creative Cities, #Local Economic Development

Tue 5 14:45h - 15:30h Hall 2 | Green Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

Shenzhen Smart City Development: Challenges and Opportunities

Zhiyun Zhang
Zhiyun Zhang Government Services and Data Management Bureau of Dongguan Municipality Director-General Moderator/Presenter
Bing Kuang
Bing Kuang Shenzhen Municipal People's Government Deputy Secretary General Speaker
Gang Wang
Gang Wang Shenzhen Smart City Chief Technology Officer Speaker
Liang Zhao
Liang Zhao Shenzhen Data Exchange Co., Ltd. Deputy General Manager Speaker
Rubert Mario
Rubert Mario International Economic Promotion, Barcelona City Council Director Speaker
Xiaoman Zhang
Xiaoman Zhang Tencent Cloud Shenzhen Head of SOEs Speaker
Yaowen Wang
Yaowen Wang Government Services and Data Management Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality Deputy Director-General Speaker

#5G, #Big Data, #Cloud Computing, #Connectivity, #Data Protection, #Data Security and Safety, #IT Governance, #Urban Services

Tue 5 14:45h - 15:30h Hall 2 | Orange Agora All passes
Dialogue | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Governance & Economy

Safeguarding Elections in the AI and GenAI Era

Vishala Sri-Pathma
Vishala Sri-Pathma BBC News Anchor and Business Journalist Chair
Ruthbea Yesner
Ruthbea Yesner IDC Vice President, Government, Education and Smart Cities Speaker

#Artificial Intelligence, #Best Practices, #Data Protection, #Open Data

Tue 5 15:00h - 15:20h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Dialogue | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment Governance & Economy

From Scarcity to Sustainability: Rethinking Water for Tomorrow

Anu Devi
Anu Devi World Economic Forum Lead, Urban Transformation Chair
Oriana Romano
Oriana Romano OECD Head of Unit Water Governance, Blue and Circular Economy Cities, Urban Policies, and Sustainable Development Division Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities Speaker
Sabine Stuiver
Sabine Stuiver Hydraloop CMO & Co-Founder Speaker

#Rainwater systems, #Water Management

Tue 5 15:00h - 15:20h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic keynote | TOMORROW.BUILDING Governance & Economy Infrastructure & Building

Sustainable Urban Evolution & World Cup 2026

Evelise Grunow
Evelise Grunow Revista Projeto Executive Editor Chair
Jennifer Sanders
Jennifer Sanders North Texas Innovation Alliance Executive Director Speaker

#Built Environment, #Community Facilities, #Smart Infrastructures

Tue 5 15:00h - 15:20h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
Private Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Mobility

Seamless Urban Mobility Services Event – solutions for better design, evaluation and monitoring of new mobility services

#Future of Mobility, #Health Benefits of Active Mobility, #Mobility Service Providers, #Public Transport, #Shared Mobility

Tue 5 15:00h - 18:00h Conference Center | Zone: CC3 - 3.12 All passes
SIDE EVENTS Infrastructure & Building

Business Forum SCEWC Barcelona 2024

Tue 5 15:00h - 19:00h Conference Center | Zone: CC3 - 3.13C
TMWC - High Level Roundtable | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

An awakening call for public transport in Europe

André Sobczak
André Sobczak Eurocities Secretary General Speaker
Arianna Censi
Arianna Censi City of Milan Deputy Mayor for Mobility Speaker
Donna Cooney
Donna Cooney City of Dublin Deputy Lord Mayor for Mobility Speaker
Laia Bonet
Laia Bonet Barcelona City Council Vice Mayor Speaker
Thomas Avanzata
Thomas Avanzata UITP Senior Director Europe and Spokesperson of the European Union Committee Speaker

Tue 5 15:15h - 15:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
In Focus | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Governance & Economy

Predicting Tomorrow through Data-Driven Management

Vishala Sri-Pathma
Vishala Sri-Pathma BBC News Anchor and Business Journalist Chair
Wangxian Liu
Wangxian Liu Dongguan Municipal People’s Government Deputy Mayor Speaker
Fernando De Pablo Martín
Fernando De Pablo Martín Ayuntamiento de Madrid Digital Office General Director Speaker
Julien Moutte
Julien Moutte Bentley Systems Chief Technology Officer Speaker
John Rohrer
John Rohrer AMSYS VP Enterprise Sales & AI Data Practice Lead Speaker

#Data Analytics, #Data Management, #Identity Management

Tue 5 15:30h - 16:15h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment Governance & Economy

Circularity as the New Paradigm for Sustainable Growth

Maíta Fernández-Armesto Sánchez
Maíta Fernández-Armesto Sánchez Barcelona City Council Director of Public Space Chair
Vanessa Velasco Bernal
Vanessa Velasco Bernal Secretary District of Habitat Speaker
Amy Aussieker
Amy Aussieker Envision Charlotte Executive Director Speaker
John Roberson
John Roberson City of Chicago Chief Operating Officer Speaker
Oriana Romano
Oriana Romano OECD Head of Unit Water Governance, Blue and Circular Economy Cities, Urban Policies, and Sustainable Development Division Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities Speaker

#Circularity, #Waste Management, #Water Management

Tue 5 15:30h - 16:15h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic Roundtable | TOMORROW.BUILDING Governance & Economy Infrastructure & Building

Hosting the World: Global Events and Smart Tourism

Pati Núñez
Pati Núñez Pati Núñez Agency Founder and CEO Chair
Jennifer Sanders
Jennifer Sanders North Texas Innovation Alliance Executive Director Speaker
Janet Castro
Janet Castro Euroaula Escola Universitària Professor Speaker
Misa Labarile
Misa Labarile European Commission PhD I Policy officer - Tourism Speaker
Zayed Alzayani
Zayed Alzayani Kingdom of Bahrain Minister of Industry, Commerce & Tourism Speaker

#Smart Infrastructures, #Sustainable Destination, #Tourism, #Urban Design

Tue 5 15:30h - 16:15h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
Panel Session | TOMOROW.BLUE ECONOMY Blue Economy

Start-ups and Ports Working Together for Success

Carles Rúa
Carles Rúa Port of Barcelona Head of Innovation Moderator/Presenter
Matt Petersen
Matt Petersen Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI) President and CEO Speaker
Michael Perreault
Michael Perreault Port of Quebec Innovation Project Manager Speaker
Inés Sylverans
Inés Sylverans The Beacon General Manager Speaker
Manuel Martinez de Ubago
Manuel Martinez de Ubago NextPort BD @ Product Strategy Speaker

Tue 5 15:30h - 16:15h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.BlueEconomy Agora All Passes
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Urban Air Mobility by 5G solutions: Accelerating Drone Services

Viesturs Celmiņš
Viesturs Celmiņš Innovation Movement VEFRESH Managing Director Moderator/Presenter
Renske Martijnse-Hartikka
Renske Martijnse-Hartikka Forum Virium Helsinki Senior Project Manager Smart Mobility Speaker
Guido Acchioni
Guido Acchioni European Commission Policy Officer DG CNECT B5 & 5G for Smart Communities Speaker
Arnis Gulbis
Arnis Gulbis Riga City Council Digital Agency Director Speaker
Lorenzo Pessotto
Lorenzo Pessotto European Projects Unit City of Torino Project Manager Speaker
Staņislavs Šeiko
Staņislavs Šeiko Riga Municipal police Head of strategic planning Speaker

#Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, #Drones, #Future of Mobility, #Integrated Mobility Plans, #Mobility Data Spaces, #Smart Traffic Management

Tue 5 15:45h - 16:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora All passes
Solution Talks | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

Revolutionizing City Life Through Digital Services

Manu Fernández
Manu Fernández Anteverti Deputy Director General Chair
Veronika Cerna
Veronika Cerna Twenty Communications CEO Speaker
Lorenzo Pessotto
Lorenzo Pessotto Speaker
Jose A Ondiviela
Jose A Ondiviela University Francisco Vitoria Director Intelligent Cities Research Institute Speaker
Walaa Alharthi
Walaa Alharthi Smart City Program Adviser Speaker
Adrian Marcellus
Adrian Marcellus MyDIGITAL Corporation CEO Speaker
Hotham Altwaijry
Hotham Altwaijry National Information Center - SDAIA Assistant Director for Advanced Recognition Technologies and Digital Identity (iDART) Speaker

Tue 5 15:45h - 16:30h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All Passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Infrastructure & Building

New European Bauhaus LAB: Inclusive and Sustainable Neighbourhoods

Haris Piplas
Haris Piplas Drees & Sommer Urbanist / Leading Consultant Moderator/Presenter
Alexander Schmidt
Alexander Schmidt BABLE Smart Cities Founder and CEO Speaker

Tue 5 15:45h - 16:15h Hall 2 | Green Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

Cádiz Investment Hub:The Benefits of the Province of Cádiz as an Investment Destination.

Tue 5 15:45h - 16:30h Hall 2 | Orange Agora All passes
Open Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Enabling Technologies

Networking and B2G with Tokyo, Kyoto, and Yokohama

#5G, #Artificial Intelligence, #Big Data, #City Platforms, #Cloud Computing, #Connectivity, #Data Analytics, #IOT

Tue 5 15:45h - 17:30h Conference Center | Zone: CC1 – Tàpies Area All passes
Dialogue | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment Governance & Economy

Trasforming Rome. Meet the Mayor Gualtieri

Pipo Serrano
Pipo Serrano YouPlanet Productions Managing Director Chair
Roberto Gualtieri
Roberto Gualtieri Municipality of Roma Mayor Speaker

#Artificial Intelligence, #Housing, #Smart Infrastructures

Tue 5 15:55h - 16:15h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress Pass
TMWC - Thematic Rountable | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Addressing Underrepresentation and Transport Poverty in the Sustainable Mobility Transition

Naomi Lloyd
Naomi Lloyd Naomi Lloyd Event Moderator Moderator/Presenter
Christiane Malina
Christiane Malina City of Hasselt Head of Department of Mobility Speaker
Melanie Grötsch
Melanie Grötsch City of Munich Head of Research & Innovation Speaker

#Diversity, #Equity and Inclusion in Mobility; Mobility for All, #Mobility Budgets, #Transport Poverty

Tue 5 16:00h - 16:45h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Private Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Mobility

The Power of Mobility Data for Cities

#Integrated Mobility Plans, #Intelligent Transport Systems, #Mobility Data Spaces, #Public Transport

Tue 5 16:00h - 18:00h Conference Center | Zone: CC1 – Room 1.4 Access by invitation only
Private Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Energy & Environment

Transforming Cities: Opportunities and Challenges in Low Carbon Transition

#Climate Change, #Decarbonisation, #GHG Emissions, #Green Cities, #Mitigation, #Urban Resilience

Tue 5 16:00h - 18:00h Conference Center | Zone: CC3 - 3.13A Access by invitation only
High-Level Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Living & Inclusion

Beyond Access: Emerging Tech for Inclusive City Living

Meredith Hodgman
Meredith Hodgman Internet of Things Alliance Australia Policy Lead Moderator/Presenter
Kristina Sinemus
Kristina Sinemus State of Hesse Minister for Digitalisation and Innovation Speaker
Sattam Alsubaiee
Sattam Alsubaiee Saudi Data and AI Authority CEO of Smart Cities Speaker
Charbel J Aoun
Charbel J Aoun NVIDIA Corporation Smart Cities and Spaces Director EMEA Speaker
Aawatif Hayar
Aawatif Hayar Government of Morocco Minister of Solidarity, Social Integration and Family Speaker

#Digital Equality, #Digital Rights, #Urban Tech

Tue 5 16:15h - 17:05h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress Pass
Keynote Session | TOMOROW.BLUE ECONOMY Blue Economy

Aspirational Pitch

Sasha Twining
Sasha Twining The Corporate Facilitator Journalist Moderator/Presenter
Anjaney Borwankar
Anjaney Borwankar Navozyme Co-Founder & Chief Executive Speaker

Tue 5 16:15h - 16:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.BlueEconomy Agora All Passes
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment Governance & Economy

Driving Urban Sustainability: Achieving Net-zero the Just Way

Alis Daniela Torres
Alis Daniela Torres ICLEI European Secretariat Head, Green Digital Transformation Chair
Marc Serra Solé
Marc Serra Solé Provincial Council of Barcelona Councillor at Barcelona City Council, President of the Climate Action and Energy Transition Area at the Provincial Council of Barcelona, member of the EU Covenant Board & Global Covenant of Mayors Speaker
Orsolya Küttel
Orsolya Küttel FFG CEO, Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) Partnership Speaker
Filipe Araújo
Filipe Araújo Câmara Municipal do Porto Vice-Mayor of Porto, Intelligent Cities Challenge - Mentor City Speaker
Donal O’Herlihy
Donal O’Herlihy European Urban Initiative (EUI) expert and Innovation Consultant EUI Expert low carbon and energy transition and Expert on adaptation to climate change and integrated urban development Speaker
Tadhg O'BriaIn
Tadhg O'BriaIn European Commission Deputy Head of Unit at European Commission’s Directorate General for Energy covering Consumers, Local Initiatives and Just transition Speaker

#Adaptation, #Cleantech, #Collaboration, #Emergency Response, #Green Deal, #Urban Resilience

Tue 5 16:30h - 17:15h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
In Focus | TOMORROW.BUILDING Governance & Economy Infrastructure & Building

Transforming our Neighbourhoods: How to Get People and Politicians Onboard?

Camille Tallon
Camille Tallon C40 Manager for Urban Planning Chair
Washington Fajardo
Washington Fajardo Inter-American Development Bank Architect and Urbanist Speaker
Vanessa Velasco Bernal
Vanessa Velasco Bernal Secretary District of Habitat Speaker
Maurizio Veloccia
Maurizio Veloccia City of Rome Deputy Mayor for Urban Planning Speaker
David Martinez
David Martinez City of Barcelona Chief City Planner Speaker

#Citizen Engagement, #Collaboration, #Smart Infrastructures, #Street Design, #Urban Planning

Tue 5 16:30h - 17:15h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
Panel Session | TOMOROW.BLUE ECONOMY Blue Economy

Innovation Hubs Presentation

Sasha Twining
Sasha Twining The Corporate Facilitator Journalist Moderator/Presenter
Robin Pauwels
Robin Pauwels The Beacon Chief Operating Officer Speaker
Rita Almela
Rita Almela World Trade Center Barcelona Innovation Manager Speaker

Tue 5 16:30h - 16:50h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.BlueEconomy Agora All Passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment

GCoM and Partners: Business to Cities Matchmaking and Climate Finance

Oscar Prat van Thiel
Oscar Prat van Thiel Global Covenant of Mayors of Climate and Energy Senior Expert Business Match Making Moderator/Presenter
Fen-Yu (Vicky) Lin
Fen-Yu (Vicky) Lin Blue21 Project Manager Speaker
Anne Marieke Eveleens
Anne Marieke Eveleens The Great Bubble Barrier Co-founder & Chief Business Development Speaker
Venelina Varbova
Venelina Varbova Global Covenant of Mayors of Climate and Energy Climate Finance Expert Speaker
Stephan Anescot
Stephan Anescot Cocoparks VP of Business Development Speaker
Keshav Jha
Keshav Jha ICLEI South Asia Senior Project Officer (Energy and Climate) Speaker
Gonzalo Julian Romero
Gonzalo Julian Romero Municipality of San Justo Secretary of the Municipality San Justo Speaker
Andy Deacon
Andy Deacon Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (GCoM) Co-Managing Director Speaker

#Adaptation, #Circularity, #Climate Change, #Renewables, #Urban Management, #Waste Management

Tue 5 16:30h - 17:15h Hall 2 | Green Agora All passes
In Focus | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

Local Action for Global Impact: Strategies to End Gender-based Violence

Ján Michalko
Ján Michalko ODI Research fellow Chair
Gunn Marit Helgesen
Gunn Marit Helgesen Vestfold and Telemark Councillor of Vestfold and Telemark, KS President & CEMR President Speaker
Firdaous Oussidhoum
Firdaous Oussidhoum UCLG Assistant Secretary General for Monitoring Speaker
Emilia Koikkalainen
Emilia Koikkalainen City of Keuruu City Councillor of Keuruu & CEMR Vice-President Speaker
Philippe Laurent
Philippe Laurent City of Sceaux Mayor of Sceaux, President of AFCCRE & Co-President of CEMR Speaker
Fabrizio Rossi
Fabrizio Rossi Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) Secretary General Speaker
Andreas Wolter
Andreas Wolter City of Cologne Speaker

#Collaboration, #Gender Equality, #Urban safety

Tue 5 16:45h - 17:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
TMWC - Thematic Keynote | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Ensuring Mobility for All: Putting Citizens at the Core

Celeste Reglá
Celeste Reglá EIT Urban Mobility EIT Community Startup Programmes Master of Ceremonies
Jordi Casas
Jordi Casas RACC Coordinator of the Mobility Institute Speaker

#Diversity, #Equity and Inclusion in Mobility; Mobility for All, #Mobility Budgets, #Transport Poverty

Tue 5 16:45h - 17:00h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

New Human Behaviour Challenges Towards Automated Driving

Christoph Vollath
Christoph Vollath RACC Technical Director Mobility Area Moderator/Presenter
Ruth Madigan
Ruth Madigan University of Leeds Senior Research Fellow Speaker
Luca Pascotto
Luca Pascotto FIA Head of Road Safety & Global Advocacy Speaker

#Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, #Future of Mobility, #Intelligent Transport Systems, #Smart Traffic Management

Tue 5 16:45h - 17:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

Startup Pitches – Cutting-edge Solutions for Governments Worldwide

John Biggs
John Biggs Baker Hall Capital Founder Moderator/Presenter
Simone Sartoni
Simone Sartoni Act4City Founder & CEO Speaker
César López
César López Findspo CEO & Founder Speaker
Georgina Denis
Georgina Denis PSi CEO Speaker
Jorgos Coenen
Jorgos Coenen Citizen Dialog Kit CEO and Co-Founder Speaker

Tue 5 16:45h - 17:30h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

EDIC CitiVERSE: Enabling Digital Twins on Cities through EU LDT Toolbox

Jordi Ortuño
Jordi Ortuño Barcelona city council Deputy chair of EDIC on LDT (Working Group) Moderator/Presenter
Helen Köpman
Helen Köpman European Commission Deputy Head of Unit, AI for Societal Good Speaker
Ernesto Faubel
Ernesto Faubel Valencia city council Chair of the EDIC on LDT (WG) - Head of Smart City Office & Data Management Speaker
Martine Delannoy
Martine Delannoy Digital Vlaanderen Smart & Sustainable Cities & Communities Advisor & EU Project Developer Speaker
German Castignani
German Castignani Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) Dr-Ing. Digital Twin Innovation Centre Manager - AIDA Platform Leader Speaker
Antonio Jara
Antonio Jara Libeliu PhD - CSO Speaker
Arnis Gulbis
Arnis Gulbis Riga City Council Digital Agency Director Speaker

#Algorithms, #Artificial Intelligence, #City Platforms, #Digital Modelling, #Digital Twins, #Metaverse, #Simulated Environments, #Smart Environments

Tue 5 16:45h - 17:30h Hall 2 | Orange Agora
Pich Session | TOMOROW.BLUE ECONOMY Blue Economy

Start-ups Leading Sustainable Maritime Innovation

Sasha Twining
Sasha Twining The Corporate Facilitator Journalist Master of Ceremonies
Dani Anglada Pich
Dani Anglada Pich Yes We Sail Founder Speaker
Henry Hooper
Henry Hooper Metarina CEO & Co-Founder Speaker
Johann Dorval
Johann Dorval Janah Cycle Co-founder Speaker
Paul Hugenholtz
Paul Hugenholtz UTURN International Sales Speaker
José María Jiménez
José María Jiménez ICTYS CEO Speaker
Francesco Pititto
Francesco Pititto Envjoy CEO Speaker
Pau Guasch
Pau Guasch Seabots CEO Speaker
Marta Miquel
Marta Miquel Escola Europea Intermodal Chief Business Officer Speaker
Orlando Reveco
Orlando Reveco Escola Europea Intermodal Digital Product Manager Speaker
Noelia Ortega
Noelia Ortega Centro Tecnológico Naval y del Mar CEO and Director Speaker
Caspar Curvers
Caspar Curvers UTURN Head of Business Development Speaker
Pieterjan de Smet
Pieterjan de Smet Tracked Founder & Managging Partner Speaker
Bart Adams
Bart Adams xyzt.ai CTO Speaker
David Rodés
David Rodés Ocean Ecostructures CDO Speaker
Oriol Milà
Oriol Milà Biotop Antina Co-Founder & Oceanographer Speaker
Rafa Sánchez
Rafa Sánchez Vortex International Business Development Director Europe Speaker
Alejandro Samaniego
Alejandro Samaniego Titanium Technology CEO Speaker

Tue 5 16:50h - 18:00h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.BlueEconomy Agora All Passes
TMWC - Solution Talk | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Considering the Mobility Needs of All Users

Celeste Reglá
Celeste Reglá EIT Urban Mobility EIT Community Startup Programmes Master of Ceremonies
Hugo Furtado
Hugo Furtado Dreamwaves President/CEO/Owner Speaker
Claudia Falkinger
Claudia Falkinger POINT& Co-Founder & Managing Director Speaker

#Diversity, #Equity and Inclusion in Mobility; Mobility for All, #Mobility Budgets, #Transport Poverty

Tue 5 17:00h - 17:15h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Open Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Living & Inclusion

Guide towards a humanized urbanization

#Cities for All, #Education, #Future Skills, #Gender Equality, #Labour Platforms, #Migration, #Minorities, #Social Inclusion

Tue 5 17:00h - 19:00h Conference Center | Zone: CC1 – Room 1.3
High-Level Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO

Smart City Expo and Tomorrow Editions Abroad: A Global Conversation Throughout the Year

Femi Oke
Femi Oke Moderate the Panel Co-Founder Master of Ceremonies
Andrea Urdampilleta
Andrea Urdampilleta Fira Barcelona International International Event Director Moderator/Presenter
Rafael Greca
Rafael Greca Prefeitura Municipal de Curitiba - PR Mayor Speaker
Axel Grael
Axel Grael Prefeitura de Niteroi - RJ Mayor Speaker
Aarti Tandon
Aarti Tandon Smart City Expo USA CEO Speaker
Anuar Fariz Fadzil
Anuar Fariz Fadzil Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation CEO Speaker
Luis Mao
Luis Mao Fira Barcelona China Sales Representative Speaker
Norma Fuentes
Norma Fuentes City of Santiago del Estero Mayor Speaker
Santiago Murillo
Santiago Murillo Cartagena de Indias Director Smart City Speaker
Jaime Oropeza
Jaime Oropeza Ayuntamiento de Puebla Secretario de Economía y Turismo Speaker

#Best Practices, #City Diplomacy

Tue 5 17:20h - 18:05h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress Pass
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

Responsible Digital: What Citizen Policies?

Bertrand Serp
Bertrand Serp Toulouse Métropole Vice-president of Toulouse metropolis in charge of digital transition, co-chair of France urbaine’s digital commission Speaker
Florent Cholat
Florent Cholat Grenoble Alpes Métropole Delegated representative of Grenoble metropolis, in charge of digital development and digital innovation Speaker
Mathias Hummel
Mathias Hummel Bordeaux Métropole Director of digital commons. Speaker
Geoffroy Boulard
Geoffroy Boulard Greater Paris Metropolis Vice-president of the Greater Paris Metropolis Speaker

#5G, #Algorithm Ethics, #Algorithms, #Artificial Intelligence, #City Platforms

Tue 5 17:25h - 18:10h Hall 2 | Green Agora All passes
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Living & Inclusion

Digital Rights In Our Cities: From Challenges To Solutions

Sophie Woodville
Sophie Woodville Bordeaux Métropole Digital Program Manager Chair
Michael Donaldson
Michael Donaldson Barcelona City Council Comissioner for Urban Innovation Speaker
Alexandra Briem
Alexandra Briem Reykjavík City Council City Council member and Chair of the Digital Committee Speaker
Sam Nutt
Sam Nutt London Office of Technology and Innovation Data Ethicist Speaker
Manon Reniers
Manon Reniers City of Brussels Project Coordinator within the Smart City Unit Speaker
Jung Hoon Lee
Jung Hoon Lee Seoul Metropolitan Gov. and Yonsei University Professor and Project Manager Speaker

#Digital Divide, #Digital Rights, #Safety & Security

Tue 5 17:30h - 18:30h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
In Focus | TOMORROW.BUILDING Infrastructure & Building

Digitalized, Equitable, and High-Quality City and Territory

Sergio García-Gasco Lominchar
Sergio García-Gasco Lominchar Consejo Superior de los Colegios de Arquitectos de España (CSCAE) Chair
Javier Dorao Sánchez
Javier Dorao Sánchez CREAMNN Head of Innovation Speaker
Frederic Vieuxmaire
Frederic Vieuxmaire Telefónica Smart City Manager Speaker
Jasna Popović
Jasna Popović Hispania Nostra Project Manager Speaker
Mar Santamaria Varas
Mar Santamaria Varas 300.000Km/s Co-founder Speaker
Mari Ángel López Amado
Mari Ángel López Amado Observatorio 2030 Directora Speaker

#Built Environment, #Construction Tech, #Digitalization, #Human-centric Cities

Tue 5 17:30h - 18:30h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress Passes
Private Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Governance & Economy

Join our Investors & Founders Networking Activity!

Tue 5 17:30h - 19:00h Conference Center | Zone: CC3 - 3.11 Access by invitation only
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Tomorrow Freight: Last Mile Deliveries Update

Gisèle Muñoz Alsina
Gisèle Muñoz Alsina Centro Español de Logística (CEL) Innovation and Development Director Moderator/Presenter
Jordi Espín Vallbona
Jordi Espín Vallbona TRANSPRIME - Spanish Shippers’ Council (SSC) General Secretary Speaker
Jordi Periz Català
Jordi Periz Català Veepee Transport Manager South Europe Speaker
Oscar Colado
Oscar Colado Kerry Logistics Iberia Director – Sales Iberia Speaker
Joan Lluís Rubio
Joan Lluís Rubio Supergroup Marketing and Sustainability Director for Spain Speaker

#First/Last Mile, #Net Zero Emissions, #Transport Networks

Tue 5 17:45h - 18:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

EU Cities Paving the Way to the CitiVERSE

Helen Köpman
Helen Köpman European Commission Deputy Head of Unit, AI for Societal Good Moderator/Presenter
Esa Kokkonen
Esa Kokkonen The Baltic Institute of Finland/City of Tampere Director Speaker
Antonio Jara
Antonio Jara Libeliu PhD - CSO Speaker

#Artificial Intelligence, #Digital Twins, #Implementation Challenges, #Metaverse, #Virtual Reality

Tue 5 17:45h - 18:30h Hall 2 | Orange Agora All passes
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Challenges for Cities on Mobility. What Kind of SMART we Need?

Servaz van Berkum
Servaz van Berkum DTAM Moderator Moderator/Presenter
Fabio Nussio
Fabio Nussio Service Mobility Agency for the City of Rome Responsible of External and International Cooperation Speaker
Adrià Gomila
Adrià Gomila Barcelona City Council Mobility Services Director Speaker
Willem van Heijningen
Willem van Heijningen Department of Public Space and Mobility Strategist Speaker
Mikael Ivari
Mikael Ivari Department for Urban Environment Senior Advisor Speaker
Cécile Honoré
Cécile Honoré Public Space Sharing and Air Quality Division. Mobility Agency Deputy Manager Speaker

#Mobility Data Spaces, #Public Transport, #Shared Mobility, #Zero-Emission

Wed 6 09:30h - 10:15h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Living & Inclusion

Digital Rights in Europe: Where are we at and Where Shall we Go

Sophie Woodville
Sophie Woodville Bordeaux Métropole Digital Program Manager Moderator/Presenter
Pablo Fernández Marmissolle-Daguerre
Pablo Fernández Marmissolle-Daguerre United Cities and Local Governments Assistant Secretary-General for Partnerships Speaker
Paulo Calçada
Paulo Calçada Porto Digital CEO and Board Member of Porto Digital Speaker
Eric Peters
Eric Peters European Commission Acting Head of Unit responsible for the Digital Decade 2030 Strategy, DG CNECT European Commission. Speaker
Tamilla Abdul-Aliyeva
Tamilla Abdul-Aliyeva City of Amsterdam Digital Rights and Ethics officer Speaker

#Cities for All, #Digital Rights, #Social Inclusion, #Social Inequality

Wed 6 09:30h - 10:15h Hall 2 | Green Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

How to Make it Work – Innovation Practices and Models for Cities

Tiina Ruohonen
Tiina Ruohonen City of Oslo / Move 21 Project Coordinator MOVE21 Speaker
Geiske Bouma
Geiske Bouma TNO Senior Researcher Speaker
Johan Granberg
Johan Granberg RISE Foresight Analyst Speaker
Julia Peleikis
Julia Peleikis City of Hamburg Project Manager Speaker
Alexandra Bakosch
Alexandra Bakosch Urban Environment Department, City of Gothenburg Project Manager Speaker
Isak Solomon
Isak Solomon City of Oslo Mobility Advisor Speaker

#Best Practices, #Co-creation, #Collaboration, #Innovation Ecosystems, #Multilevel Governance, #Policy-making

Wed 6 09:30h - 10:15h Hall 2 | Orange Agora All passes
Private Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Mobility

Challenges for Cities on Mobility. What Kind of SMART we Need?

#Mobility Data Spaces, #Public Transport, #Shared Mobility, #Zero-Emission

Wed 6 09:30h - 14:00h Conference Center | Zone: CC1 – Room 1.2 Access by invitation only
Open Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Governance & Economy

Urban Digital Twins: towards evidence-based decision-making?

#Best Practices, #Cross-sector Governance, #Data Strategies, #Models Performance Measurement, #Open Data, #Policies, #Policy-making

Wed 6 09:30h - 11:30h Conference Center | Zone: CC1 – Room 1.3
Private Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Governance & Economy

Inclusive and Accessible Societies: Addressing Inequality and Discrimination

#Alliances, #Citizen Engagement, #Collaboration, #Local Economic Development, #Multilateral Institutions, #Multilevel Governance, #Policy-making, #Rural-Urban

Wed 6 09:30h - 19:00h Conference Center | Zone: CC1 – Room 1.4 Access by invitation only
Private Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Mobility

The Integration of Shared Autonomous Vehicles in Public Transportation System

Wed 6 09:30h - 11:30h Conference Center | Zone: CC1 – Room 1.5 Access by invitation only
Private Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Enabling Technologies

Deep Tech Summit | LP / GP Meeting: Emerging VC Managers – A New Generation of Investors Backing Deep Tech in Europe

Wed 6 09:30h - 14:30h Conference Center | Zone: CC3 - 3.11 Access by invitation only
Open Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Governance & Economy

Enabling Cities and Municipalities to Scope Emerging Technologies

#Business Models, #Co-creation, #Data Strategies, #Indicators, #Multi-stakeholder

Wed 6 09:30h - 11:30h Conference Center | Zone: CC3 - 3.12
Open Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Living & Inclusion

Catalyse NEB 2024 Demo Day

#Affordability, #Cities for All, #Climate Justice, #Smart Destination, #Social Inclusion, #Sustainable Destination, #Utopia, #Wellbeing

Wed 6 09:30h - 18:00h Conference Center | Zone: CC3 - 3.14C

Addressing Global Urban and Regional Challenges Through Technology

Wed 6 09:30h - 14:00h Conference Center | Zone: CC3 - 3.15
Open Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Governance & Economy

Space4Cities: governments and suppliers on satellite tech for liveable cities

#Citizen Engagement, #Co-creation, #Collaboration, #Innovation Ecosystems, #Multi-stakeholder, #PPP

Wed 6 09:30h - 12:30h Conference Center | Zone: CC3 - 3.17 All passes
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Governance & Economy

Digital Transformation Strategies and Tools for Urban Innovation

Adela Artero
Adela Artero Ayuntamiento de Viladecans Secretary of Red Innpulso and Director of Estrategia 2030, Innovation and Institutional Networks Chair
Antonio Francés Pérez
Antonio Francés Pérez City of Alcoy Mayor Speaker
José de la Uz Pardos
José de la Uz Pardos Mayor of Las Rozas de Madrid President of RECI Speaker
Carlos Ventura
Carlos Ventura Ayuntamiento de Rivas Vaciamadrid Coordinator of the Economics, Organization and Innovation Area Speaker
Alfonso Pérez
Alfonso Pérez Ayuntamiento de Logroño General Director of Technology and Innovation Speaker
Mario Alguacil Sanz
Mario Alguacil Sanz Ajuntament de Sant Feliu de Llobregat Corporate Strategy and Digital Policies Director Speaker

#Best Practices, #City Platforms, #Data Strategies

Wed 6 09:45h - 10:30h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic Roundtable | TOMORROW.BUILDING Energy & Environment Governance & Economy Infrastructure & Building

Reinventing Cities: Public-Private Collaboration for Sustainable Urban Regeneration

Costanza De Stefani
Costanza De Stefani C40 Cities Reinventing Cities Project Manager Chair
Margarita Chiclana
Margarita Chiclana Unexum Real Estate CEO of Unexum Real Estate Speaker
Jeff Merritt
Jeff Merritt World Economic Forum Head of Urban Transformation; Member of Executive Committee Speaker
Kamma Thordarson
Kamma Thordarson City of Reykjavik Project Manager, Urban and Economic Development Speaker
Elena Andreoni
Elena Andreoni City of Rome Architect PhD Speaker

#Collaboration, #Decarbonisation, #Green Cities, #PPP, #Urban Resilience

Wed 6 09:45h - 10:30h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Infrastructure & Building

Startup Pitches – AI & Real Time Monitoring Driving Urban Evolution

John Biggs
John Biggs Baker Hall Capital Founder Moderator/Presenter
Rahul Tomar
Rahul Tomar Digital Twin Technology Managing Director Speaker
Angelos Chronis
Angelos Chronis Infrared.city CEO & Co-Founder Speaker
Hiroaki Sengoku
Hiroaki Sengoku Microbase CEO Speaker
Marco Capani
Marco Capani Asymmetrica Innovation Manager Speaker
Edouard Leeuwenburg
Edouard Leeuwenburg Husense COO & Co-Founder Speaker

#Urban Tech

Wed 6 09:45h - 10:15h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes
Keynote Session | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

How AI and Smart Technologies are Transforming Urban Infrastructure?

Femi Oke
Femi Oke Moderate the Panel Co-Founder Master of Ceremonies
Dr. Esam Alwagait
Dr. Esam Alwagait SDAIA in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Director of National Information Centre Speaker

#Artificial Intelligence, #Data Analytics, #Safety & Security, #Smart Infrastructures, #Urban Tech

Wed 6 09:45h - 09:55h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress Pass
Keynote Session | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

Elevating Urban Living: Engaging Communities and Integrating Services for a Net Positive Smart City

Christina Yan Zhang
Christina Yan Zhang The Metaverse Institute CEO Master of Ceremonies
Mohammed Al Sultan
Mohammed Al Sultan Saudi Aramco VP Community Services Speaker

Wed 6 09:55h - 10:15h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress Pass
Panel Session | TOMOROW.BLUE ECONOMY Blue Economy

Blue To Green: a Lesson in Innovation Driving Sustainability

Matt Petersen
Matt Petersen Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI) President and CEO Speaker
Ana Arévalo
Ana Arévalo Port of Barcelona Head of Shorepower Speaker

Wed 6 10:00h - 10:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.BlueEconomy Agora All Passes
Private Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Governance & Economy

Institutional closing ceremony of the European Capital of Democracy

#Best Practices, #Citizen Engagement, #City-to-city Cooperation, #Co-creation, #Collaboration, #International Projection, #Metropolitan Governance, #Open Government

Wed 6 10:00h - 12:00h Conference Center | Zone: CC1 – Room 1.1 Access by invitation only
TMWC - High Level Roundtable | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Energy & Environment Mobility

Driving Change: The Role of Vehicle Fleets in the Sustainable Mobility Transition

Jean-Paul Judson
Jean-Paul Judson NOWMORE Founder and Managing Director Moderator/Presenter
Lídia León
Lídia León EMT Madrid Deputy Director for Operations’ Centres Speaker
Juliane Martinius
Juliane Martinius The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg Head of Division Transport Development and Strategies Speaker
Eugenio Patanè
Eugenio Patanè Municipality of Roma Deputy Mayor for Mobility Speaker
Thomas Avanzata
Thomas Avanzata UITP Senior Director Europe and Spokesperson of the European Union Committee Speaker
Michael Flynn
Michael Flynn Deloitte Global Infrastructure, Transport & Regional Government Leader Speaker

#Corporate Mobility, #Mass Transit, #Public Transport, #Zero-Emission

Wed 6 10:15h - 11:00h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

How Can Public-Private Partnerships Leverage Vehicle Data to Improve Mobility?

Melina Kreischer
Melina Kreischer Mercedes-Benz AG Product Owner Data-driven Mobility Speaker
Adela Spulber
Adela Spulber Mercedes-Benz AG Project & Product Manager Speaker
Christoph Wolfinger
Christoph Wolfinger Mercedes-Benz AG Project and Product Manager Speaker
Bernadette van Doorn
Bernadette van Doorn Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management Deputy Head of the Department for Vehicles and Digital Infrastructure Speaker

#Business Models, #Connectivity, #Integrated Mobility Plans, #Roads, #Smart Traffic Management

Wed 6 10:30h - 11:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora All passes
Panel Session | TOMOROW.BLUE ECONOMY Blue Economy

Exploring the Role of Green Corridors in Port-city Collaboration

Alisa Kreynes
Alisa Kreynes C40 Cities Head, Ports & Shipping Moderator/Presenter
Stephanie Jones Stebbins
Stephanie Jones Stebbins Port of Seattle Managing Director, Maritime Speaker
Michael DiBernardo
Michael DiBernardo Port of Los Angeles Deputy Executive Director and Marketing and Customer Relations Speaker
Ray Ren
Ray Ren Shanghai International Port (Group) Vice-President of SIPG Speaker
Patrick Benrick
Patrick Benrick Port of Gothenburg Head of Strategic Development and Innovation Speaker
Joseph Sandwing
Joseph Sandwing Gothenburg Port Authority Head of Digital Business Transformation Speaker

Wed 6 10:30h - 11:15h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.BlueEconomy Agora All Passes
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

How To Overcome The Specific Investment Struggles For Mobility Startups?

Marie Caroline Hameon
Marie Caroline Hameon EIT Urban Mobility Access to Finance Manager Moderator/Presenter
Vincent Cabanel
Vincent Cabanel Via ID Associate Speaker
Mina Kolagar
Mina Kolagar PANTOhealth GmbH Co-founder & Innovation Manager Speaker
Jose Pacheco
Jose Pacheco Astara Chief Innovation Officer Speaker
Håkan Lutz
Håkan Lutz Luvly AB CEO & Founder Speaker

#Business Models, #Energy Transition, #Public Transport, #Roads

Wed 6 10:30h - 11:15h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

Weaving Digital Future of Communities, Cities and Regions

Giorgio Prister
Giorgio Prister Major Cities of Europe President Moderator/Presenter
Elena Aversa
Elena Aversa City of Florence Engineer/ Technician at the City Climate Task Force Speaker
Paolo Guarnieri
Paolo Guarnieri Prato Municipality PRISMA Project Manager - House of Emerging Technologies - Prato (IT) Speaker
Giacomo Russo
Giacomo Russo University of Florence PhD Student Speaker
Alessandro Ferrini
Alessandro Ferrini PIN S.c.r.l. - Polo Universitario Software Developer Speaker
Serena Di Grazia
Serena Di Grazia Confservizi Cispel Toscana Geologist/Science Communicator Speaker

#Artificial Intelligence, #Circular Economy, #Innovation, #Sustainability, #Sustainable Logistics

Wed 6 10:30h - 11:15h Hall 2 | Green Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment

Biocluster for Innovation and Health:An Alliance to Lead Health Research in Europe

Neus Olea
Neus Olea AEBALL - Business Association of L'Hospitalet and Baix Llobregat General Director Moderator/Presenter
Gabriel Capella
Gabriel Capella Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute IDIBELL Director Speaker
Josep Comin
Josep Comin Bellvitge University Hospital and the Viladecans Community Hospital Clínic Director Speaker
Laura García
Laura García City Council of L'Hospitalet Deputy Mayor Speaker

#Food Policies, #Food Safety, #Food Systems, #Public Space, #Smart Infrastructures, #Urban Management, #Urban Planning, #Urban Resilience

Wed 6 10:30h - 11:15h Hall 2 | Orange Agora All passes
Dialogue | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

Madrid’s AI-Driven Approach to Transforming Tourism

Zoe Eather
Zoe Eather My Smart Community CEO and Host Chair
Kathleen Mitford
Kathleen Mitford Microsoft Corporate Vice President of Global Industry Marketing Speaker
Abigail Sigüenza Perez
Abigail Sigüenza Perez Madrid Destino Director Strategic Marketing Speaker

#Artificial Intelligence, #Connectivity, #Smart Destination, #Tourism

Wed 6 10:45h - 11:05h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic keynote | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Energy & Environment

The Future Depends Not on What we Dream But on What we Do Today

Felix Finkbeiner
Felix Finkbeiner Plant-for-the-Planet Founder Chair
Melati Wijsen
Melati Wijsen Bye Bye Plastic Bags and Youthtopia Founder, Full time Changemaker Speaker

#Circularity, #Green Cities, #Plastic Pollution

Wed 6 10:45h - 11:10h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
TMWC - Solution Talk | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Towards the Symbiosis of Active and New Micromobility

Mohamed Gadelrab
Mohamed Gadelrab EIT Urban Mobility Academy Officer Master of Ceremonies
Christoph Vollath
Christoph Vollath RACC Technical Director Mobility Area Speaker

#Challenges of interaction, #Nudging, #Promoting Cycling Culture, #Walkability

Wed 6 11:00h - 11:10h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Thematic keynote | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

AI Beyond Chatbots: Meaningful Use Cases that Drive Real Impact

Zoe Eather
Zoe Eather My Smart Community CEO and Host Chair
Asong Suh
Asong Suh Sand Technologies Managing Director, Customer Solutions Speaker

#Algorithm Ethics, #Artificial Intelligence, #Data Science

Wed 6 11:05h - 11:25h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Dialogue | TOMORROW.BUILDING Enabling Technologies Infrastructure & Building

How cities are leading the development of local digital twins

Mar Santamaria Varas
Mar Santamaria Varas 300.000Km/s Co-founder Chair
Michael Donaldson
Michael Donaldson Barcelona City Council Comissioner for Urban Innovation Speaker
Markus Mohl
Markus Mohl City of Munich Geoservices and Digital Twin Speaker

#Digital Tools, #Digital Twins, #GovTech

Wed 6 11:05h - 11:25h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
Thematic keynote | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Energy & Environment

Connecting for Greener Cities

Lucrezia Lenardon
Lucrezia Lenardon Renewable Matter Digital Editor and Author Chair
Jacco Saaman
Jacco Saaman SPIE Business Development, Sales & Innovation Director Speaker

#Climate Tech, #Sustainable Tech, #Waste Management

Wed 6 11:10h - 11:30h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
TMWC - Dialogue Debate | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Planning for Active Mobility in Cities

Mohamed Gadelrab
Mohamed Gadelrab EIT Urban Mobility Academy Officer Master of Ceremonies
Alan Murphy
Alan Murphy Smart Dublin Manager Speaker
Michiel Penne
Michiel Penne City of Antwerp Coordinator Smart Ways to Antwerp Speaker

#Health Benefits of Active Mobility, #Nudging, #Promoting Cycling Culture, #Walkability

Wed 6 11:10h - 11:30h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Panel Session | TOMOROW.BLUE ECONOMY Blue Economy

How to Capitalise on the Transformative Power of AI

Sasha Twining
Sasha Twining The Corporate Facilitator Journalist Moderator/Presenter
Sergi Lopez
Sergi Lopez IBM IBM Envizi ESG Suite Specialist Speaker
Paola Sánchez
Paola Sánchez Aggity GreenwAIs Solutions Leader Speaker
Sheeba Varughese
Sheeba Varughese Port of Los Angeles Chief Information Officer Speaker

Wed 6 11:15h - 12:00h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.BlueEconomy Agora All Passes
High-Level Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment Infrastructure & Building

Eco-Urbanism: Responding to a Changing Climate

Lauren Sorkin
Lauren Sorkin Resilience Cities Network Executive Director Moderator/Presenter
Lex Delles
Lex Delles Government of Luxembourg Minister of the Economy, SME, Energy and Tourism Speaker
Keiko Kuroda
Keiko Kuroda City of Kobe Vice Mayor Speaker
Jayesh Maganlal
Jayesh Maganlal ROSHN Group Group Chief Information and Digital Officer Speaker
Yongsoo Kim
Yongsoo Kim SMR Project Office, Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Vice President Speaker

#Built Environment, #Decarbonisation, #Green Cities, #Public Space

Wed 6 11:20h - 12:05h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress Pass
TMWC - Thematic Rountable | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Measuring and Promoting Active Mobility

Jorgina Cuixart
Jorgina Cuixart EIT Urban Mobility Innovation Manager Moderator/Presenter
Paloma Nieri
Paloma Nieri CARNET Urban Planning Project Manager Speaker
Henk Swarttouw
Henk Swarttouw European Cycling Federation President Speaker
Anne de Koster
Anne de Koster City of The Hague Project Leader 100 Climate Neutral Cities Speaker
Cantal Bakker
Cantal Bakker Pikala Bikes Founder and Operation Director Speaker
Irene McAleese
Irene McAleese See.Sense Co-Founder Speaker

#Health Benefits of Active Mobility, #Nudging, #Promoting Cycling Culture, #Walkability

Wed 6 11:30h - 12:30h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Infrastructure & Building

Startup Pitches – Paving the Way for Sustainable Urban Living

John Biggs
John Biggs Baker Hall Capital Founder Moderator/Presenter
Aldo Sollazzo
Aldo Sollazzo Noumena Design Research Education Founder and CEO Speaker
Edward Hamilton
Edward Hamilton Barri CEO Speaker
Michael Erd
Michael Erd Enso Coliving CEO Speaker
David Kempfner
David Kempfner SURVIOT Business Development Manager Speaker
Simon Gonzalez
Simon Gonzalez Sustein Material CEO & Founder Speaker
Per Ranch
Per Ranch Addel - Ab Co-Founder Speaker

#Construction Tech, #PropTech

Wed 6 11:30h - 12:15h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment

Youth Reinventing Cities : How are Youth Ideas Reshaping Cities?

Costanza De Stefani
Costanza De Stefani C40 Cities Reinventing Cities Project Manager Moderator/Presenter
Anna Cabrera Hens
Anna Cabrera Hens City of Barcelona Architect, Urban Planning Management Speaker
Doug Priest
Doug Priest Microsoft Public Transportation & Urban Infrastructure Lead Speaker
Sacha Stolp
Sacha Stolp City of Amsterdam Director of Innovation for Future Roof Assets Speaker
Riccardo Palazzolo Henkes
Riccardo Palazzolo Henkes Institut Cerdà Senior Consultant and PhD Candidate Speaker

#Adaptation, #Climate Change, #Green Cities, #Green Spaces, #Mitigation, #Public Space, #Urban Planning, #Urban Resilience

Wed 6 11:30h - 12:15h Hall 2 | Green Agora All passes
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Data-Driven Decisions: Paving the Way for Sustainable Smart Cities

Jeanett Bolther
Jeanett Bolther PNO Innovation Team Leader Transport, Mobility & Logistics Moderator/Presenter
Tamara Djukic
Tamara Djukic ERTICO Head of Green and Urban Mobility- Innovation and Deployment Speaker
Itir Coskun
Itir Coskun SWARCO Innovation Manager Speaker
Georgia Ayfantopoulou
Georgia Ayfantopoulou CERTH HIT's Deputy Director Speaker
Barry Rogers
Barry Rogers Dublin City Head of the Dublin City Tourism Unit Speaker
Albert Solé
Albert Solé EIT Urban Mobility Innovation Exploitation Manager Speaker

#Intelligent Transport Systems, #Public Transport, #Smart Infrastructures, #Smart Traffic Management, #Transport Networks

Wed 6 11:30h - 12:15h Hall 2 | Orange Agora
In Focus | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

AI Enabling Urban Decision-Making

Zoe Eather
Zoe Eather My Smart Community CEO and Host Chair
Youssef Nadiri
Youssef Nadiri PNY Technologies Product and BDM Smart Cities & Spaces Speaker
Jumbi Edulbehram
Jumbi Edulbehram NVIDIA Global Business Development, Smart Cities and Spaces Speaker
Tiia Joki
Tiia Joki City of Tampere Development Manager, Innovation and Competitiveness Speaker
Dario Paixão
Dario Paixão Curitiba City Hall City Secretary for Economic Development, Innovation and Artificial Intelligence Speaker
Juan Corro
Juan Corro Madrid City Council Gerente Organismo Autónomo de Informática Speaker

#Algorithm Ethics, #Artificial Intelligence, #Deep Learning

Wed 6 11:35h - 12:25h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
In Focus | TOMORROW.BUILDING Enabling Technologies Infrastructure & Building

Reimagining Tomorrow: Cutting-Edge Tech in Urban Design

Mar Santamaria Varas
Mar Santamaria Varas 300.000Km/s Co-founder Chair
Oana Taut
Oana Taut infrared.city CPO Speaker
Ramon Gras Alomà
Ramon Gras Alomà Aretian Urban Analytics and Design | Harvard CEO & Founder Speaker
Stephen Zoegall
Stephen Zoegall Jacobs Vice President and Global Market Director – Cities & Places Speaker
Abdulrahman Habib
Abdulrahman Habib Speaker

#Building Simulation, #Digital Tools, #Virtual Reality

Wed 6 11:35h - 12:20h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
In Focus | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Energy & Environment

The Tech Answers Making Cities Go Green

Lucrezia Lenardon
Lucrezia Lenardon Renewable Matter Digital Editor and Author Chair
Chung Hun-Jai
Chung Hun-Jai City of Gangnam-gu Deputy Mayor Speaker
Pablo M. Vidarte Gordillo
Pablo M. Vidarte Gordillo BIOO CEO Speaker
Leonie Van den Beuke
Leonie Van den Beuke Amsterdam InChange Strategist Speaker
Benedikt Pulvermüller
Benedikt Pulvermüller German Energy Agency Head of our Department for Digital Technologies Speaker

#Cleantech, #Climate Tech, #Low Emissions Tech

Wed 6 11:40h - 12:25h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Building Ecosystems for Sustainable Urban Mobility: EIT Urban Mobility approach

Daniel Serra Segarra
Daniel Serra Segarra EIT Urban Mobility Ecosystem & Stakeholders Director Moderator/Presenter
Caspar de Jonge
Caspar de Jonge Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management Programme Manager DMI-ecosystem (Dutch Metropolitan Innovation) Speaker
Eduard Dumitrașcu
Eduard Dumitrașcu Romanian Smart City And Mobility Association President Speaker
Estelle Sturtzer
Estelle Sturtzer French Ministry for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion Head of Strategy & Partnerships Hub Speaker
Martin Schreiner
Martin Schreiner Department of Mobility at the City of Munich Head of Strategy Speaker

#Best Practices, #Co-creation, #Collaboration, #Cross-sector Governance, #International Projection, #Local Economic Development, #Multilateral Institutions, #Regional Development

Wed 6 11:45h - 12:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora All passes
Panel Session | TOMOROW.BLUE ECONOMY Blue Economy

Getting One Step Ahead of Cybercrime in a Connected World

Cristian Medrano
Cristian Medrano Port of Barcelona Chief Information Security Officer Moderator/Presenter
Niels Vanlaer
Niels Vanlaer Port of Antwerp-Bruges Chair IAPH Risk and resilience Committee Harbour Master Speaker
Lluís Vera
Lluís Vera Ackcent CEO Speaker
Tony Zhong
Tony Zhong Port of Los Angeles Chief Information Security Officer Speaker

Wed 6 12:00h - 12:45h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.BlueEconomy Agora All Passes
Private Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Mobility

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Shaping the Future of Mobility

#Shared Mobility

Wed 6 12:00h - 14:00h Conference Center | Zone: CC1 – Room 1.3 Access by invitation only
Private Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Mobility

CEE Cities Roundtable: Strategies for Implementing Low Emission Zones

Wed 6 12:00h - 14:00h Conference Center | Zone: CC1 – Room 1.5 Access by invitation only
Keynote Session | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment

Energy Innovation Solution for the Future of Humanity: Smart Net-zero City

Femi Oke
Femi Oke Moderate the Panel Co-Founder Master of Ceremonies
Yongsoo Kim
Yongsoo Kim SMR Project Office, Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Vice President Speaker

#Clean Energy, #Green Cities, #Renewables

Wed 6 12:25h - 12:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress Pass
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

Cities’ Challenges

Saskia van Brakel
Saskia van Brakel ACCIÓ - Agency for Business Competitiveness Catalan Government Project manager Moderator/Presenter
Ana Simon
Ana Simon ACCIÓ - Agency for Business Competitiveness Catalan Government Open Innovation and Disruption Manager Speaker
Ferran Camps Roqué
Ferran Camps Roqué Department of Territories, Housing and Ecological Transition, Catalan Government Deputy Director General Speaker
Uxío Meis Piñeiro
Uxío Meis Piñeiro AQUAS, Health Department, Catalan Government Project Manager Speaker
Hiroyuki Suzuki
Hiroyuki Suzuki ATR - Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International Senior Executive Vice President, Representative Director Speaker
Francesco Travagli
Francesco Travagli Choose Paris Region Director of Investment Promotion & Facilitation Speaker
Grace Sly
Grace Sly ICLEI Europe Expert in Sustainable and Innovation Procurement Speaker
Steve Chan Hor Yin
Steve Chan Hor Yin Electrical & Mechanical Services Department, HKSAR Government Chief Engineer/Digitalisation and Technology Speaker
Anthony White
Anthony White Arapahoe Libraries Director, Innovation & Technology Speaker
Leandro Aglieri
Leandro Aglieri Roma Smart City Lab President Speaker
Noe Viedma Alonso
Noe Viedma Alonso MedCities Project manager Speaker

#Co-creation, #Collaboration, #Innovation Ecosystems, #International Projection, #PPP, #Public Procurement

Wed 6 12:30h - 13:15h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

Five Circular Economy Deep Dives into System Challenges in the Built Environment

Mikkel Andreas Thomassen
Mikkel Andreas Thomassen Smith Innovation CEO Moderator/Presenter
Dimitris Karamitsos
Dimitris Karamitsos The Basel Agency for Sustainable Energy (BASE) Senior Energy Efficiency Business Developer and Sustainable Finance Specialist Speaker
Fabio Barbero
Fabio Barbero The Circular Value Institute Coordinator Speaker

#Business Models, #Circular Economy, #Collaboration, #Economic Models, #Policy-making, #Standardization, #Start-ups, #Urban Global Agendas

Wed 6 12:30h - 13:15h Hall 2 | Green Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

Urban Digital Twins: What is at Stake for European Cities?

André Sobczak
André Sobczak Eurocities Secretary General Moderator/Presenter
Aude Robert
Aude Robert City of Brussels Smart City Coordinator Speaker
Inga Rós Gunnarsdóttir
Inga Rós Gunnarsdóttir City of Reykjavik Chief Data Officer Speaker
Fernando Cucchietti
Fernando Cucchietti Barcelona Supercomputing Center Head of Data Analytics and Vizualisation Speaker

#Best Practices, #Citizen Engagement, #Cross-sector Governance, #Policies, #Policy-making

Wed 6 12:30h - 13:15h Hall 2 | Orange Agora All passes
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

NetZero cities: Public Transportation and Personal Mobility

Rodger Lea
Rodger Lea Urban Technology Alliance CTO Moderator/Presenter
Akinori Morimoto
Akinori Morimoto Waseda University Professor at the Faculty of Science and Engineering Speaker
Georg Brenner
Georg Brenner Wiener Linien, City of Vienna Project Leader and Coordiantor, Innovation and IT Speaker
Julie Blais
Julie Blais SMMAG, Grenoble-Alpes Metropole Head of the Observation, and Mobility Foresight Department Speaker
Verónica Gutierrez Polidura
Verónica Gutierrez Polidura Ayuntamiento de Santander Directora de Innovación, Transformación Digital y Modernización Speaker
Juho Kostiainen
Juho Kostiainen Mobility Lab Helsinki, City of Helsinki Project leader Speaker
Tatsuya Kitamura
Tatsuya Kitamura Smart CIty Intitute Japan Executive Managing Director Speaker

#Integrated Mobility Plans, #Intelligent Transport Systems, #Low Emissions Tech, #Mass Transit, #Public Transport, #Zero-Emission

Wed 6 12:45h - 13:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora
Panel Session | TOMOROW.BLUE ECONOMY Blue Economy

Building a Sustainable Blue Economy: Cross-Sector Innovations for Port-City Synergy

Joan Cabezas
Joan Cabezas Nactiva CEO & Co-Founder Moderator/Presenter
Mark Halle
Mark Halle UNDP Financial Centres for Sustainability Senior Advisor Speaker
María Rodríguez
María Rodríguez Banco Santander Voluntary Carbon Markets & Sustainability Speaker
Miquel de la Mano
Miquel de la Mano BCN Port Innovation Technical Director Speaker
Joan Ramón Vidal
Joan Ramón Vidal Tecnoambiente Founder & Strategic Partnership Manager Speaker

Wed 6 12:45h - 13:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.BlueEconomy Agora All Passes
High-Level Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

Next-Gen Tech Leading the New Urban Era

Nicol Turner Lee
Nicol Turner Lee Brookings Institution Senior Fellow and Director, Center for Technology Innovation Moderator/Presenter
Jaanika Merilo
Jaanika Merilo Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia Head of Digital Health and Care Speaker
Didier Ongena
Didier Ongena Microsoft Global Government Lead Speaker
Juraj Hostak
Juraj Hostak Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic Director-General of the Section of Innovations and Strategic Development Speaker
Ajaz Munsiff
Ajaz Munsiff Dell Technologies Global Head, Smart Cities Speaker

#Artificial Intelligence, #Data Analytics, #IOT

Wed 6 12:45h - 13:30h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress Pass
Dialogue | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Infrastructure & Building

Partnerships in the Digital Age: Transforming Operations with Intermodal Data and Digital Twin Technology

Philip Duffy
Philip Duffy KPMG in Canada Partner, Digital Transformation Chair
Jeremy Pennington
Jeremy Pennington KPMG in Canada Manager, Customer & Operations Speaker
Gerri Sinclair
Gerri Sinclair Vancouver Airport Authority Chief Prioritization, Planning and Performance-Optimization Officer Speaker

#Data Analytics, #Data Management, #Digital Twins

Wed 6 12:50h - 13:10h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Dialogue | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment

Smart Grids and Hydrogen Technologies: Driving the Energy Transition for Sustainable Urban Growth

Silvia Chellini
Silvia Chellini Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Business Development Manager Chair
Núria Forcada Matheu
Núria Forcada Matheu Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC) Full Professor in the Construction Innovation Research Group (GRIC) Speaker
Lluís Soler Turu
Lluís Soler Turu Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC) 'Ramón y Cajal' Senior Researcher in the Nanoengineering of Materials Applied to Energy Research Group (NEMEN) Speaker

#Clean Energy, #Energy Efficiency, #Energy Transition

Wed 6 12:50h - 13:10h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
TMWC - Thematic Keynote | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Costs and Benefits of the Urban Mobility Transition in Europe

Martí Massot
Martí Massot EIT Urban Mobility Public Sector Development Manager Master of Ceremonies
Stefano Borgato
Stefano Borgato TRT (Transporti e Territorio) Transport Planner and Policy Analyst Speaker

#Demand Management, #First/Last Mile, #Mass Transit, #Pricing Strategies, #Transport Networks

Wed 6 13:00h - 13:15h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Thematic keynote | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Infrastructure & Building

From Idea to Product: Cities’ Digital Twins Empowered by R&I

Brittany Lee
Brittany Lee Esri Canada Account Manager, Esri Canada Chair
Ana Pereira
Ana Pereira Ubiwhere Head of R&I Speaker

#Digital Twins, #Smart Environments, #Urban Tech

Wed 6 13:10h - 13:30h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic keynote | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment

The EU Mission for 100 Climate Neutral Cities as a Catalyst for Private Sector Investment and Engagement

Margherita Fadda
Margherita Fadda OCDE Junior Policy Analyst Chair
Patrick Child
Patrick Child European Commission Cities Mission Manager, Deputy Director General for Environment Speaker

#Climate Change, #Mitigation, #Multi-stakeholder

Wed 6 13:10h - 13:30h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
Dialogue | TOMORROW.BUILDING Enabling Technologies Infrastructure & Building

‘Building tomorrow: Sunderland UK, City of Smart’

Areti Markopoulou
Areti Markopoulou IAAC Academic Director Chair
Liz St Louis
Liz St Louis Sunderland City Council Director of Smart Cities Speaker
Dawn Mason
Dawn Mason Sunderland City Council Speaker

#Cities for All, #Digital Tools, #Urban Design

Wed 6 13:10h - 13:30h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
TMWC - Dialogue Debate | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Challenges and Opportunities for Public Transport in Central and Eastern Europe

Martí Massot
Martí Massot EIT Urban Mobility Public Sector Development Manager Master of Ceremonies
Jaromir Beranek
Jaromir Beranek City of Prague Chairman of the International Relations Committee Speaker
Dmytro Petsiy
Dmytro Petsiy Lviv City Council Deputy Director of the Department of Urban Mobility and Street Infrastructure Speaker

#Demand Management, #First/Last Mile, #Mass Transit, #Pricing Strategies, #Transport Networks

Wed 6 13:15h - 13:30h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
TMWC - Thematic Keynote | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Optimizing Bicycle-Bus Combination in Public Networks – an Operator’s Perspective

Martí Massot
Martí Massot EIT Urban Mobility Public Sector Development Manager Master of Ceremonies
Júlia Farré Barberà
Júlia Farré Barberà MOVENTIS Director Business Development Speaker

#Bike usage, #First/Last Mile, #Transport Networks

Wed 6 13:30h - 13:45h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Panel Session | TOMOROW.BLUE ECONOMY Blue Economy

Bluetechport: A Groundbreaking Building Dedicated to The Development of The Blue Economy

Emma Cobos
Emma Cobos Port de Barcelona Innovation and Business Strategy Department Speaker
Carles Anglada
Carles Anglada World Trade Center Barcelona Managing Director Speaker

Wed 6 13:30h - 13:45h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.BlueEconomy Agora All Passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

City.Solutions: Bringing City & Startup Collaboration to the Next Level

Jonas Schorr
Jonas Schorr Urban Impact Partner Moderator/Presenter
Sissel Hansen
Sissel Hansen Startup guide Founder & CEO Speaker
David Altabev
David Altabev Urban Frontiers Founder & Director Speaker
Richard Dawson
Richard Dawson Invest Newcastle Senior PR and Communications Manager Speaker

Wed 6 13:30h - 14:15h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment

Cities 360°: Pioneering Spanish Solutions for Smart Cities and Urban Well-Being

Albert Mira
Albert Mira amec urbis - Spanish Solutions for smart cities Business Unit Director Moderator/Presenter
Jose Ignacio Latorre
Jose Ignacio Latorre EVCharge - ETECNIC Business Unit Manager SaaS Speaker
Miguel Escribano
Miguel Escribano Bettair Cities Director of Business Development Speaker
Josep Maria Torras
Josep Maria Torras Urbiotica CEO Speaker
Jordi Duran
Jordi Duran upandbike IC Product Manager Speaker
César García-Caso
César García-Caso Lector Vision Bussiness Development Specialist Speaker

#Future of Mobility, #Intelligent Transport Systems, #Smart Traffic Management

Wed 6 13:30h - 14:15h Hall 2 | Green Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

Innovative Financing Options and Private Capital for Energy Transition in Cities

Sylwia Slomiak
Sylwia Slomiak Eurocities Senior Climate Finance Advisor Moderator/Presenter
Georg Houben
Georg Houben EU Commission’s Directorate General for Energy (DG ENER) Policy Officer Speaker
Tommaso Buso
Tommaso Buso Bankers without Boundaries Associate Speaker
Giulia Pizzini
Giulia Pizzini Institute for European Energy and Climate Policy (IEECP) Senior Energy Expert Speaker
Marcin Gradzki
Marcin Gradzki City of Warsaw Director of Climate Policy and Air Quality Department Speaker

#Best Practices, #Citizen Engagement, #City-to-city Cooperation, #Financing Schemes, #Global Cities, #Global Funds, #Investment Models, #Policy-making

Wed 6 13:30h - 14:15h Hall 2 | Orange Agora All passes
In Focus | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Infrastructure & Building

Empowering Urban Resilience through Digital Twins

Brittany Lee
Brittany Lee Esri Canada Account Manager, Esri Canada Chair
Carla Kranenborg-Van Eerd
Carla Kranenborg-Van Eerd Municipality of Breda Deputy Mayor Speaker
Kristina Madolova Jarlhov
Kristina Madolova Jarlhov Axis Communications AB Architect & Engineering Manager, Nordics Speaker
Oleg Polovynko
Oleg Polovynko Kyiv City Council Adviser to the Mayor of Kyiv on Digitalization Speaker
Yuka Sogawa
Yuka Sogawa International and Digital Policy Division, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,Transport and Tourism Deputy Director Speaker

#Augmented Reality, #Digital Modelling, #Simulated Environments

Wed 6 13:40h - 14:40h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
In Focus | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment

Clean Energy, New Dynamics: Cities in Transition

Margherita Fadda
Margherita Fadda OCDE Junior Policy Analyst Chair
Michael Poulton
Michael Poulton Committee for Ballarat CEO Speaker
Beatriz Corzo
Beatriz Corzo Sorigué Innovation Project Manager Speaker
Lisa Enarsson
Lisa Enarsson Miljöförvaltningen Project Manager Speaker
Jürgen Czernohorszky
Jürgen Czernohorszky Stadt Wien Executive City Councilor for Climate, Environment, Democracy and Personnel Speaker

#Decarbonisation, #Decentralized Energy, #Smart Grids

Wed 6 13:40h - 14:25h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
In Focus | TOMORROW.BUILDING Enabling Technologies Infrastructure & Building

Navigating the Digital Age of PropTech and Real Estate

Areti Markopoulou
Areti Markopoulou IAAC Academic Director Chair
Michael Lee
Michael Lee WE Wumbo Group Pty Ltd Chief Executive Speaker
Vanessa Velasco Bernal
Vanessa Velasco Bernal Secretary District of Habitat Speaker
Ahmed Al Korbi
Ahmed Al Korbi Msheireb Properties Senior Manager – Information & Communication Technology Speaker
Maha Al Saud
Maha Al Saud ROSHN Group Manager, Emerging Technologies Speaker

#Innovative Housing Models, #Property Management, #Urban Facility Management

Wed 6 13:40h - 14:25h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
TMWC - Thematic Rountable | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Exploring Public Transport System Innovations

Adrien Moulin
Adrien Moulin EIT Urban Mobility Course Development Manager Moderator/Presenter
Ian Catlow
Ian Catlow London's European Office Head of Office Speaker
Vibeke Harlem
Vibeke Harlem Ruter As Director of Radical Innovations Speaker
Cándido Perez
Cándido Perez KPMG Spain Partner Infrastructure, Transport, Government and Healthcare Speaker

#Demand Management, #First/Last Mile, #Mass Transit, #Pricing Strategies, #Transport Networks

Wed 6 13:45h - 14:30h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Accelerating Connectivity & Green Initiatives for Mobility

Robert Borzillo
Robert Borzillo CTIA Smart Cities Initiative Moderator/Presenter
Brandon Branham
Brandon Branham City of Peachtree Corners Assistant City Manager and Chief Technology Officer Speaker
Tiana McNeil
Tiana McNeil T-Mobile Program and Business Development Director Speaker
Lorand Mozes
Lorand Mozes Flashnet SA Chief Executive Officer Speaker

#Connectivity, #Energy Transition, #Intelligent Transport Systems, #Smart Traffic Management

Wed 6 13:45h - 14:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora
Keynote Session | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Living & Inclusion

Utopias, Dystopias, or UStopias: Whose Imagination are we Living in?

Femi Oke
Femi Oke Moderate the Panel Co-Founder Master of Ceremonies
Ruha Benjamin
Ruha Benjamin Princeton University Professor of African American Studies Speaker

Wed 6 13:50h - 14:20h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress Pass
Agora Event | TOMOROW.BLUE ECONOMY Blue Economy

An Innovative Approach to Tackling Plastic Pollution in Urban Waterways

Tamlyn Shimizu
Tamlyn Shimizu Bable Smart Cities Global Partnerships & Communications Lead Moderator/Presenter
Anne Marieke Eveleens
Anne Marieke Eveleens The Great Bubble Barrier Co-founder & Chief Business Development Speaker
Lotte Geeraedts
Lotte Geeraedts Municipality Amsterdam Strategic Advisor Water and Green-City of Amsterdam Speaker
Marius Suteu
Marius Suteu Lloyd's Register Head of Emerging Opportunities Speaker

#Marine Conservation, #Marine Pollution Control, #Ocean Monitoring, #Plastic Pollution, #Protected Areas, #Waste Management Smart Ports

Wed 6 14:00h - 14:45h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.BlueEconomy Agora All passes
High-Level Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy Living & Inclusion

Redefining Livability for the Citizens of Tomorrow

Orna Rosenfeld
Orna Rosenfeld Dr Orna Rosenfeld Team Housing and Urban Affairs Advisor & Managing Principal Moderator/Presenter
Gobind Singh Deo
Gobind Singh Deo Government of Malaysia Minister Speaker
Sarah Varghese
Sarah Varghese KPMG Global Head of Cities Speaker
LaToya Cantrell
LaToya Cantrell City of New Orleans Mayor Speaker
Michael Dyke
Michael Dyke New Murabba Chief Executive Officer Speaker

#Best Practices, #Cities for All, #Right to the City

Wed 6 14:20h - 15:05h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress Pass
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

The Smart Deal

Emma Lozano Doogan
Emma Lozano Doogan Kurrant Producer and Video Reporter Moderator/Presenter
Ralph Varcoe
Ralph Varcoe Connexin Chief Growth Officer Connexin Speaker
Werner De Wolf
Werner De Wolf Schréder Advisory Board Member - M&A and Strategic Projects Speaker
Abdulrahman Ibrahim
Abdulrahman Ibrahim Madinah Region Development Authority Chief Data and Innovation Officer Speaker
Gianni Minetti
Gianni Minetti Paradox Engineering President Speaker
Thomas Beaugendre
Thomas Beaugendre Demeter Investment Director Speaker
Nadia Bouzigues
Nadia Bouzigues Yotta Capital Managing Partner Speaker
Pascal Stuerchler
Pascal Stuerchler Bloomhaus Ventures AG CEO and Co-Founder Speaker
Sophia Escheu
Sophia Escheu Speedinvest Investor Speaker
Antoine Kassis
Antoine Kassis Kurrant Co-founder & CEO Speaker

#Artificial Intelligence, #City Platforms, #Connectivity, #Data Analytics, #Digital Twins, #IOT, #Sensoring, #Smart Environments

Wed 6 14:30h - 15:15h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes
Solution Talks | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment

Innovative Solutions for a Green Urban Transformation

Maíta Fernández-Armesto Sánchez
Maíta Fernández-Armesto Sánchez Barcelona City Council Director of Public Space Chair
Martina Costantino
Martina Costantino 3Bee International Partnership Developer Speaker
Francisco Silverio Marques
Francisco Silverio Marques Veolia Senior Vice President - Energy Services for Buildings Speaker
Kristýna Navrátilová
Kristýna Navrátilová OICT Prague Project Manager Speaker
Tomáš Lapáček
Tomáš Lapáček Prague Innovation Institute CEO Speaker

Wed 6 14:30h - 15:15h Hall 2 | Green Agora All Passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

How Does Interoperability Drive Local Digital Transformation?

Karl-Filip Coenegrachts
Karl-Filip Coenegrachts OASC Executive Director Moderator/Presenter
Alex Gluhak
Alex Gluhak OASC Senior technical advisor Speaker
Ivy Yang
Ivy Yang OASC Project manager Speaker
Gert Hilgers
Gert Hilgers OASC Project manager & local digital twin strategist Speaker
Sophie Meszaros
Sophie Meszaros OASC Project manager & research advisor Speaker
Virginie Verstraete
Virginie Verstraete OASC Head of communications, events & global partnerships Speaker

#City Platforms, #Connectivity, #Data Integration, #Data Management, #Digital Twins, #Smart Environments, #Smart Networks

Wed 6 14:30h - 15:15h Hall 2 | Orange Agora All passes
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Implementing Low Emission Zones: Insights and Solutions

Yann Simon
Yann Simon EIT Urban Mobility Agile Innovation Manager Moderator/Presenter
John David Babyack Hernandez
John David Babyack Hernandez Libelium Environmental Global Sales Manager Speaker
Cleto Carlini
Cleto Carlini Municipality of Bologna Director of the Public Works, Green Spaces and Mobility Departme Speaker
Cris Turner
Cris Turner Google Vice President of Knowledge & Information Products, Government Affairs and Public Policy Speaker
Martine Vazquez
Martine Vazquez Greater Paris Metropolis Head of Sustainable Economic Development Speaker

#Integrated Mobility Plans, #Smart Traffic Management, #Urban Infrastructure, #Zero-Emission

Wed 6 14:45h - 15:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora All passes
Thematic keynote | SMART CITY EXPO Living & Inclusion Infrastructure & Building

Radiography of the People who will Inhabit the Cities of the Future

Berta Segura Agulló
Berta Segura Agulló Dmentes CEO Speaker
Francesca Tur Serra
Francesca Tur Serra Tendenciastv Futurist and CEO Tendenciastv Speaker

Wed 6 14:55h - 15:15h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Dialogue | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Governance & Economy

Technology, AI and Governance: The Era of Smart Collaboration

Pau Solanilla
Pau Solanilla IMF Business School School of Public Affairs and Government Chair
Eduard Martin
Eduard Martin Mobile World Capital Chief Innovation Officer Speaker
Maria Galindo Garcia-Delgado
Maria Galindo Garcia-Delgado Generalitat de Catalunya Secretary of Digital Policies Speaker
Hila Oren
Hila Oren Tel Aviv Foundation CEO Speaker

#Artificial Intelligence, #Collaboration, #Data Strategies, #GovTech, #Policy-making

Wed 6 14:55h - 15:25h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
TMWC - High Level Keynote | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Public and Private Collaboration to Create Better Future Transport Systems for Cities

Luana Bidasca
Luana Bidasca EIT Urban Mobility EU Affairs Manager Master of Ceremonies
Rikesh Shah
Rikesh Shah Connected Places Catapult Head of Innovation Procurement Empowerment Centre Speaker

#Future Cities, #Innovation, #Partnerships, #Procurement

Wed 6 15:00h - 15:30h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Agora Event | TOMOROW.BLUE ECONOMY Blue Economy

Blue Economy Innovation: Pioneering Sustainable Solutions

Ann Lee Carpenter
Ann Lee Carpenter Braid Theory CEO Speaker

Wed 6 15:00h - 18:00h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.BlueEconomy Agora All Passes
Private Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Governance & Economy

City Club Advisory Group Meeting

#City-to-city Cooperation, #Innovation Ecosystems, #Metropolitan Governance, #Multi-stakeholder, #Multilateral Institutions

Wed 6 15:00h - 18:00h Conference Center | Zone: CC1 – Room 1.2 Access by invitation only
Private Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Energy & Environment

Green Ports Forum Workshop

#Adaptation, #Air Quality, #Climate Emergency, #Decarbonisation, #Energy Transition, #GHG Emissions, #Green Cities, #New Energy Models

Wed 6 15:00h - 19:00h Conference Center | Zone: CC1 – Room 1.5 Access by invitation only
Thematic keynote | SMART CITY EXPO Living & Inclusion Infrastructure & Building

Crafting Smart City Experiences: Madinah as a Model

Cristina Garrido
Cristina Garrido Anteverti CEO Chair
Abdulrahman Ibrahim
Abdulrahman Ibrahim Madinah Region Development Authority Chief Data and Innovation Officer Speaker

#Cities for All, #Digital Equality, #Digital Rights

Wed 6 15:15h - 15:35h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Dialogue | TOMORROW.BUILDING Energy & Environment Infrastructure & Building

Replicating Smart City Innovations across Europe – made by

Vanessa Ibarra
Vanessa Ibarra TheSharedWorld Founder & Impact Facilitator Chair
Jenny Atmanagara
Jenny Atmanagara Baden-Württemberg International Manager Smart Cities & Smart Regions | KLIM Speaker
Carina Müller
Carina Müller Fraunhofer IAO Team Leader Smart Urban Environments Speaker

#Innovative Building Technology, #Smart Infrastructures, #Urban Design

Wed 6 15:15h - 15:35h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
Dialogue | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

How are YOU Supporting Women in Technology?

Sandra Baer
Sandra Baer Personal Cities CEO Chair
Jason Whittet
Jason Whittet Amazon Web Services (AWS) Digital Transformation Speaker
Ekaterina Sirazitdinova
Ekaterina Sirazitdinova NVIDIA Senior Deep Learning Data Scientist Speaker

Wed 6 15:25h - 15:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
High-Level Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Governance & Economy

Leadership in Action: Crafting Safe and Tech-Forward Cities

Sarah Murray
Sarah Murray Freelance Writer and Journalist Moderator/Presenter
Jeff Merritt
Jeff Merritt World Economic Forum Head of Urban Transformation; Member of Executive Committee Speaker
Andrea Sorri
Andrea Sorri Axis Communications EMEA Smart City Business Development Manager Speaker
Maria-Noel Vaeza
Maria-Noel Vaeza ONU Mujeres Regional Director from Americas and Caribe Speaker
Hazem Galal
Hazem Galal PwC Global Leader, Cities and Local Government and Smart Mobility Co-Leader Speaker

#GovTech, #Innovation Ecosystems, #Urban safety

Wed 6 15:25h - 16:10h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress Pass
TMWC - Solution Talk | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Innovative Approaches to Charging Infrastructure

Rose Gregorio
Rose Gregorio EIT Urban Mobility Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Officer Master of Ceremonies
Marc Arjona Alonso
Marc Arjona Alonso Bia Power Manager Speaker
Pau Pinazo
Pau Pinazo YUP Mobility CPO Speaker

#Batteries, #Circular Value Chain, #Green Hydrogen, #Vehicle-To-Grid

Wed 6 15:30h - 15:45h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

Startup Pitches – Tech Solutions to Tackle Global Issues

John Biggs
John Biggs Baker Hall Capital Founder Moderator/Presenter
Ilya Ostrovsky
Ilya Ostrovsky AI Verse Head of Partnerships and Business Development Speaker
Jan Pasotto
Jan Pasotto Quandopasso CEA Speaker
Erik Dyrkoren
Erik Dyrkoren Zeabuz Co-founder Speaker
Jaime De Andrés Gracia
Jaime De Andrés Gracia Biodata bank Country Representative - Spain Speaker
Agustina Villavicencio
Agustina Villavicencio Diagnostica Salud Conectada CMO Speaker

#Artificial Intelligence, #Urban Tech

Wed 6 15:30h - 16:15h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes
Solution Talks | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

Tech-Forward Solutions for Future-Ready Cities

Lucía Bellocchio
Lucía Bellocchio Trend Smart Cities Founder & Executive Director Chair
Ma. Margarita Mejia
Ma. Margarita Mejia Quezon City Government Chief, Quezon City Business Permits and Licensing Department Speaker
Jordi Urbea
Jordi Urbea Ogilvy Senior Vice President of Ogilvy Spain and CEO of Ogilvy Barcelona Speaker
André Barriguinha
André Barriguinha Nova Information Management School Professor of the Practice and Executive Director at Nova Cidade Urban Analytics Lab Speaker
Eric Legale
Eric Legale City of Issy-les-Moulineaux Media General Manager Speaker
Ali Benfattoum
Ali Benfattoum Amazon Web Services Principal Product Manager for AWS IoT Speaker
Tudor Paul Toma
Tudor Paul Toma Tencent Cloud International Principal Solutions Architect for Tencent Cloud Europe Speaker

Wed 6 15:30h - 16:15h Hall 2 | Green Agora All Passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Living & Inclusion

Boost Democratic Participation in Cities to Recharge Democracy in Europe

Eric Corijn
Eric Corijn Global Parliament of Mayors Director of Research and Policy Speaker
Frédérique Hanotier
Frédérique Hanotier Human Rights Cities Network Founder Speaker
Nina Abrahamczik
Nina Abrahamczik Vienna Chairwoman of the City Council Committee on Climate, Environment, Democracy and Personnel Speaker

#Cities for All, #Education, #Gender Equality, #Minorities, #Racial Justice, #Right to the City, #Social Inclusion, #Social Inequality

Wed 6 15:30h - 16:15h Hall 2 | Orange Agora All passes
In Focus | SMART CITY EXPO Living & Inclusion Infrastructure & Building

Covering Needs to Make a City Home

Esteve Almirall
Esteve Almirall Esade Full Professor Innovation - A.I. and Smart Cities Chair
Stephanie Garnica
Stephanie Garnica DEDO (Denver Economic Development & Opportunity) Director of Global Engagements Speaker
Ariadne Daher
Ariadne Daher Jaime Lerner Arquitetos Associados Senior Partner Speaker
Valentina Taddeo
Valentina Taddeo Paradox Engineering Marketing & Communication Leader Speaker
Abdulrahman Ibrahim
Abdulrahman Ibrahim Madinah Region Development Authority Chief Data and Innovation Officer Speaker
Rahul Kapoor
Rahul Kapoor Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India Joint Secretary Speaker

#Cities for All, #Housing, #Urban safety

Wed 6 15:45h - 16:35h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic Roundtable | TOMORROW.BUILDING Energy & Environment Infrastructure & Building

Decarbonizing the Future one Building at a Time

Vanessa Ibarra
Vanessa Ibarra TheSharedWorld Founder & Impact Facilitator Chair
Vicente Guallart
Vicente Guallart Urbanitree Co-founder Speaker
Isabelle Dennieau
Isabelle Dennieau Efficacity Development Director Speaker
Ronan Herron Herron
Ronan Herron Herron Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council Digital Strategy Officer Speaker
Jorrit Vervoordeldonk
Jorrit Vervoordeldonk Metabolic Lead Cities & Regions Speaker

#Energy Efficiency, #Green Building, #Zero Emission Buildings

Wed 6 15:45h - 16:30h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
TMWC - Thematic Rountable | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Experiences and Takeaways from the Deployment of E-Mobility in Cities

Naomi Lloyd
Naomi Lloyd Naomi Lloyd Event Moderator Moderator/Presenter
Sílvia Valero
Sílvia Valero Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB) Manager Speaker
Michael Ruprecht
Michael Ruprecht e-Mobil BW - State Agency for New Mobility Solutions and Automotive Head of Mobility System Speaker
Jonas Eriksson
Jonas Eriksson Business Region Gothenburg Head of Department Speaker
Heiko Seitz
Heiko Seitz PwC Global eMobility Leader Speaker
Josh Hu
Josh Hu Tencent Cloud International Director of Multinational Corporation Business, Europe Speaker

#Batteries, #Circular Value Chain, #Green Hydrogen, #Vehicle-To-Grid

Wed 6 15:45h - 16:30h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Barcelona Innova Lab Mobility

Lluís Gómez
Lluís Gómez Fira Internacional de Barcelona Innovation Director of Fira de Barcelona Moderator/Presenter
Michael Donaldson
Michael Donaldson Barcelona City Council Comissioner for Urban Innovation Speaker
Angel López
Angel López Barcelona City Council Director of Mobility Speaker
Isabella Longo
Isabella Longo BIT Habitat, Urban Innovation Center, Barcelona City Council Project Director Speaker
Eugeni Rico Ciutad
Eugeni Rico Ciutad Barcelona City Council Strategy of Mobility Engineer Speaker
Lurdes Mochales
Lurdes Mochales ACCIÓ-Catalonia Trade&Investment International Open Innovation Team Leader Speaker
Agustí López
Agustí López Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona Director Àrea Projecte BUS Speaker
Charles Territo
Charles Territo Hayden AI Chief Growth Officer Speaker
Youval Abenhaim
Youval Abenhaim BusPas CEO Speaker
Ariadna Sancho
Ariadna Sancho Barcelona City Council Urban Goods Distribution Referent. Mobility Strategy. Mobility Services Directorate. Speaker
Tomeu Sabater Suau
Tomeu Sabater Suau Mobile World Capital Head of the Tech Lab Speaker

#Public Transport, #Roads, #Smart Traffic Management, #Transport Networks

Wed 6 15:45h - 16:45h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora All passes
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Governance & Economy

Navigating Urban Challenges with GovTech Solutions

Sandra Baer
Sandra Baer Personal Cities CEO Chair
Anni Orttenvuori-Ganter
Anni Orttenvuori-Ganter City of Espoo Development Manager, Digital Service Development and Knowledge Management Speaker
Jay Saggar
Jay Saggar London Office of Technology and Innovation Programme Manager Data and Smart Cities Speaker
Batia Mach Shepherd
Batia Mach Shepherd Mashcal - Local Government Economic Services LTD G-MiC Project Manager Speaker
Bryan K. Barnett
Bryan K. Barnett City of Rochester Hills Mayor Speaker
Marcelo Bessa
Marcelo Bessa CAF - Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean Principal Specialist - Smart Cities and Digital Development Speaker

#Best Practices, #Cross-sector Governance, #Policy-making

Wed 6 15:55h - 16:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
Private Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Enabling Technologies

Smart Communities Network meeting

#Artificial Intelligence, #Digital Twins, #Metaverse, #Platform as Service, #Smart Networks

Wed 6 16:00h - 18:00h Conference Center | Zone: CC1 – Room 1.3
Open Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Mobility

Patinetes eléctricos y otros VMP: Retos de cara al futuro en España y Europa

#E-scooters, #First/Last Mile

Wed 6 16:00h - 19:00h Conference Center | Zone: CC3 - 3.13A All passes
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment Governance & Economy

Cities at the heart of European Competitiveness: Reindustrialisation and Proximity Planning

Julia López
Julia López C40 Regional Director, Europe Chair
Laia Bonet
Laia Bonet Barcelona City Council Vice Mayor Speaker
Bev Craig
Bev Craig Manchester City Leader Speaker
Giuseppe Sala
Giuseppe Sala Municipality of Milano Mayor Speaker

#Climate Change, #Innovation Ecosystems

Wed 6 16:10h - 16:55h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress Pass
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

IoT Connectivity & Data Insights to Enhance Urban Life

Skye Warden
Skye Warden LoRa Alliance Vice President of Marketing Moderator/Presenter
Gurjyot Shergill
Gurjyot Shergill Tata Communications General Manager, Product Engineering Speaker
Boris Stöckermann
Boris Stöckermann ZENNER International Director New Business Areas & eCommerce - Europe Speaker

#Connectivity, #Implementation Challenges, #IOT, #Sensoring, #Smart Devices, #Smart Networks

Wed 6 16:20h - 16:50h Hall 2 | Orange Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

Urban Innovators Startup Awards

Oriol Pascual
Oriol Pascual S2 Xpeed CEO Moderator/Presenter
Alba Carandell
Alba Carandell Benito Urban - Ona Capital Operations Speaker
Xavier Ribas
Xavier Ribas EVARM Speaker
Mikal Løvik
Mikal Løvik EQON CEO Speaker
Anne Marieke Eveleens
Anne Marieke Eveleens The Great Bubble Barrier Co-founder & Chief Business Development Speaker
Jaime De Andrés Gracia
Jaime De Andrés Gracia Biodata bank Country Representative - Spain Speaker
Milene Pardo Figueroa
Milene Pardo Figueroa Mitiga Sustainability Specialist Speaker
Elsa Rivoire Luciani
Elsa Rivoire Luciani LInamar Innovation Lead Speaker
Marta Campillo
Marta Campillo Abac Nest Principal Speaker
Ricardo Zapatero
Ricardo Zapatero Repsol Corporate Venturing Speaker
David Kempfner
David Kempfner SURVIOT Business Development Manager Speaker

#Deep Learning, #IOT, #Robotics, #Sensoring, #Smart Devices

Wed 6 16:30h - 17:15h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

Smart City Platform

Antonio Garcia de la Paz
Antonio Garcia de la Paz Madrid City Council Deputy Director Of Data Strategy and AI Speaker
Sergio Caballero Benito
Sergio Caballero Benito Madrid City Council Deputy General Director of Sectoral Information Systems Speaker
Carlos Rubio Arévalo
Carlos Rubio Arévalo Madrid City Council Deputy General Director of Urban Facilities Speaker

#Algorithms, #City Platforms, #Data Lake, #Data Management, #Implementation Challenges, #Networked Devices, #Smart Environments

Wed 6 16:30h - 17:00h Hall 2 | Green Agora All passes
Private Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Governance & Economy

Project Office – Working Group Progress and Funding

#Financing Schemes, #Innovation Ecosystems, #Local Economic Development, #Public Procurement

Wed 6 16:30h - 19:00h Conference Center | Zone: CC1 – Room 1.1 Access by invitation only
TMWC - Thematic Keynote | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Unified Urban Mobility: A Holistic Pathway for Sustainable Cities

Albert Solé
Albert Solé EIT Urban Mobility Innovation Exploitation Manager Master of Ceremonies
Sebastian Sackmann
Sebastian Sackmann Boston Consulting Group Urban Mobility Expert Speaker

#Consolidation Centres, #Delivery Fleet Management, #Drone Delivery, #Ports and Waterborne Logistics, #Sustainable Logistics

Wed 6 16:45h - 17:00h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Artificial Intelligence Applied to the Image Analysis of TMB Buses

Joan Puigdellivol Goday
Joan Puigdellivol Goday Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona Technology System Responsible Speaker

#Algorithms, #Artificial Intelligence, #Big Data, #Data Integration, #IOT, #Smart Environments

Wed 6 16:55h - 17:15h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora All passes
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Governance & Economy

Delivering an Inclusive Urban Digital Transformation

Chiara Venturini
Chiara Venturini Eurocities Head of Digital Transformation and Economic Development Chair
Jochem Cooiman
Jochem Cooiman City of Rotterdam Digital Innovation Officer Speaker
Sophie Woodville
Sophie Woodville Bordeaux Métropole Digital Program Manager Speaker
Mieke van Schaik
Mieke van Schaik City of Eindhoven Programme Director European Affairs Speaker
Stefan De Smet
Stefan De Smet City of Ghent CIO Stad Gent and CEO District09 Speaker

#Agile Services, #APP Solutions, #Connectivity, #Cybersecurity, #Digital Rights, #GovTech, #IOT, #IT Governance, #Regulations

Wed 6 17:00h - 17:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

The Blueprint for Our Future City: The Power of Public-Private Partnerships

George Burciaga
George Burciaga U.S Mayors Roundtable Managing Partner Chair
Bryan K. Barnett
Bryan K. Barnett City of Rochester Hills Mayor Speaker
Jim Ross
Jim Ross City of Arlington Mayor Speaker
Donnie Beamer
Donnie Beamer City of Atlanta Mayor’s Senior Technology Officer-CTO Speaker
John Roberson
John Roberson City of Chicago Chief Operating Officer Speaker
Miguel Sangalang
Miguel Sangalang City of Los Angeles Commissioner of the Bureau of Smart Streat Lighting Speaker

#Alliances, #Best Practices, #Collaboration, #Policy-making, #PPP

Wed 6 17:00h - 17:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
In Focus | TOMORROW.BUILDING Energy & Environment Governance & Economy Infrastructure & Building

How Cities Are Cooling Neighborhoods and Buildings to Protect Residents

Frankie Downy
Frankie Downy C40 Head of Building Strategy & Implementation Chair
Johanna Sutton
Johanna Sutton Greater London Authority Principle Policy Officer Speaker
Irma Ventayol
Irma Ventayol City of Barcelona Director of the Office of Climate Change and Sustainability Speaker
Hakan Yilmaz
Hakan Yilmaz Carrier Senior Vice President, Chief Technology & Sustainability Officer Speaker
Grammatiki Papazoglou
Grammatiki Papazoglou Municipality of Athen Director of Division of Strategic Planning, Resilience, Innovation and Documentation Speaker

#Adaptation, #Air Quality, #Climate Emergency, #Cooling Systems, #Decarbonisation, #Energy Efficiency, #Green Building, #Green Cities, #Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEB), #Public Space, #Urban Resilience

Wed 6 17:00h - 17:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
TMWC - Solution Talk | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Key Concepts for Improving Urban Last-Mile Deliveries

Albert Solé
Albert Solé EIT Urban Mobility Innovation Exploitation Manager Master of Ceremonies
Georgia Ayfantopoulou
Georgia Ayfantopoulou CERTH HIT's Deputy Director Speaker
Jamieson Saab
Jamieson Saab Wolt Denmark Global Head of Sustainability Speaker

#Consolidation Centres, #Delivery Fleet Management, #Drone Delivery, #Ports and Waterborne Logistics, #Sustainable Logistics

Wed 6 17:00h - 17:15h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Private Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Living & Inclusion

Cities Coalition for Digital Rights Meet-Up

#Cities for All, #Digital Divide, #Digital Rights, #Social Inclusion, #Social Inequality

Wed 6 17:00h - 19:00h Conference Center | Zone: CC3 - 3.12 Access by invitation only
TMWC - Thematic Rountable | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Future Challenges and Opportunities for City Logistics

Thomas Jérémie Hayden-Lefebvre
Thomas Jérémie Hayden-Lefebvre Green Mobility Magazine Director and Editor in Chief Moderator/Presenter
Payal Pandya
Payal Pandya Dublin City Council Business Analyst and Project Manager Speaker
Daniel Rudmark
Daniel Rudmark Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) Research Lead Digitalization of the Transport System Speaker
Christiane Behrisch
Christiane Behrisch Landeshauptstadt München Urban Logistics Coordinator Speaker
Stan de Caluwé
Stan de Caluwé City of Utrecht Coordinator Urban Logistics Speaker

#Consolidation Centres, #Delivery Fleet Management, #Drone Delivery, #Ports and Waterborne Logistics, #Sustainable Logistics

Wed 6 17:15h - 18:00h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment

Strong Commitments, Bold Actions: How European Cities Accelerate Climate Action

Geiske Bouma
Geiske Bouma TNO Senior Researcher Moderator/Presenter
Alessandra Barbieri
Alessandra Barbieri Florence City Council EU Funded Programs Coordinator Speaker
Lisa Enarsson
Lisa Enarsson Miljöförvaltningen Project Manager Speaker
Anne de Koster
Anne de Koster City of The Hague Project Leader 100 Climate Neutral Cities Speaker

#Climate Change, #Climate Emergency, #Decarbonisation, #GHG Emissions, #Green Cities, #Mitigation

Wed 6 17:15h - 18:00h Hall 2 | Green Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

Innovation and Infrastructure for Large-Scale Events

Jeremy Goldberg
Jeremy Goldberg Microsoft Americas Strategy Director, Cities and Urban Infrastructure Speaker
Stephen Zoegall
Stephen Zoegall Jacobs Vice President and Global Market Director – Cities & Places Speaker
Brenda Walker
Brenda Walker KPMG Global Government Sector Head Speaker
Douglas Gilmour
Douglas Gilmour Tom Tom Global Business Develpment Manager Speaker
Teppo Rantenan
Teppo Rantenan City of Tampere Director of Competitiveness and Innovation Speaker
Tim Schock
Tim Schock Parsons Corporation VP - Intelligent Infrastructure BD Speaker

#Artificial Intelligence, #City Platforms, #Cloud Computing, #Data Lake, #Digital Modelling, #Digital Twins, #IOT, #Smart Environments

Wed 6 17:15h - 18:00h Hall 2 | Orange Agora
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Connecting the Dots in Urban Mobility

Agne Vaitekenaite
Agne Vaitekenaite ERTICO - ITS Europe Partnership Development Manager Moderator/Presenter
Joost Vantomme
Joost Vantomme ERTICO-ITS Europe CEO Speaker
Tamara Djukic
Tamara Djukic ERTICO Head of Green and Urban Mobility- Innovation and Deployment Speaker
Roelof Hellemans
Roelof Hellemans MaaS Alliance Secretary General Speaker
Julio Garcia Ramon
Julio Garcia Ramon ITS Spain & ITS Catalunya Chairman of ITS Catalunya & Vice- Chairman of ITS Spain Speaker
Diego Gomez Garcia
Diego Gomez Garcia City of Seville Head of the legal Department of Mobility Speaker

#Future of Mobility, #Intelligent Transport Systems, #Net Zero Emissions, #Public Transport

Wed 6 17:30h - 18:15h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment

Energy & Environment Startup Industry in 2024: Key Trends and Insights

#Cleantech, #Energy Efficiency, #Energy Storage, #Energy Transition, #Water Management

Wed 6 17:30h - 17:50h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes
SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Energy & Environment Mobility Governance & Economy Living & Inclusion Infrastructure & Building Blue Economy

World Smart City Awards Ceremony

Wed 6 18:00h - 18:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium All Passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment

Community Energy Sharing in the City for the Energy System of the Future

Hugo Niesing
Hugo Niesing Resourcefully Founder and Director Moderator/Presenter
Anna Camp Casano
Anna Camp Casano Provincial Council of Girona Energy and climate coordinator Speaker
Joaquim Meléndez Frigola
Joaquim Meléndez Frigola Universitat de Girona Professor Titular d'Universitat Speaker

#Decentralized Energy, #Energy Efficiency, #Energy Transition, #GHG Emissions, #Mitigation, #Renewables, #Smart Utilities

Wed 6 18:15h - 18:45h Hall 2 | Green Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

The Role of Data Protection in the Context of the Smart Cities

Meritxell Borràs i Solé
Meritxell Borràs i Solé Catalan Data Protection Authority Director Moderator/Presenter
Xavier Urios Aparisi
Xavier Urios Aparisi Catalan Data Protection Authority Head of Legal Advice Speaker

#Accountability, #Best Practices, #Data Strategies, #Legislation, #Policy-making, #Regulations

Wed 6 18:15h - 18:45h Hall 2 | Orange Agora

Afterwork Meetup

Wed 6 18:45h - 19:45h Main entrance: Hall Europa | Main entrance: Hall Europa All passes
Open Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Mobility

MaaS Summit 2024 – The Future of Integrated Public & Private Mobility Services

#Future of Mobility, #Health Benefits of Active Mobility, #Mobility Service Providers, #Mobility transition, #Shared Mobility

Thu 7 09:30h - 12:30h Conference Center | Zone: CC3 - 3.13A+B
TMWC - Thematic Keynote | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

The Role of Public Transport Companies

Lluis Puerto
Lluis Puerto EIT Urban Mobility Head of RIS and EIT Community Cross – KIC and Special Project Master of Ceremonies
Carles Casas Esplugas
Carles Casas Esplugas Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya Director de Planificació Estratègica i ASG d’FGC Speaker

#Accessibility, #Air Transport, #Diversity, #Equity, #Gender Equality, #Innovation, #Intermodality, #Public Transport, #Safety & Security, #Transport Policies, #Urban Design, #Urban Planning

Thu 7 09:30h - 09:45h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
Private Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Governance & Economy

Navigating Global Trends: Implications for Local Democracy

#Alliances, #City Diplomacy, #Collaboration, #Global Cities, #International Projection, #Internationalitsation Strategies, #Multilevel Governance, #Urban Global Agendas

Thu 7 09:30h - 13:30h Conference Center | Zone: CC1 – Room 1.1 Access by invitation only
Private Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Governance & Economy

Cities for Positive Impact: Implementing Local Urban Agendas

#Citizen Engagement, #Co-creation, #Cross-sector Governance, #Indicators, #Multi-stakeholder, #Multilevel Governance, #Urban Global Agendas

Thu 7 09:30h - 17:00h Conference Center | Zone: CC1 – Room 1.2 Access by invitation only
Private Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Governance & Economy

City-Business Climate Alliance Forum

#Alliances, #City-to-city Cooperation, #Collaboration, #Cross-sector Governance, #Economic Models, #Local Economic Development, #Multi-stakeholder, #PPP

Thu 7 09:30h - 15:30h Conference Center | Zone: CC1 – Room 1.4 Access by invitation only
Research Academy | SMART CITY EXPO Living & Inclusion

Accessible Communication in Culture and Higher Education for a Livable City

John Biggs
John Biggs Baker Hall Capital Founder Master of Ceremonies
Irene Hermosa-Ramírez
Irene Hermosa-Ramírez TraDiLex Research Group (UPF) / AccessCat Network Postdoctoral Researcher Speaker

#Cities for All, #Digital Rights, #Education, #Physical Inclusion, #Social Inclusion

Thu 7 09:35h - 09:45h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Electromobility and Connectivity – Smart Charging Success Case

Rodrigo Salcedo Campino
Rodrigo Salcedo Campino Director Asociación Latinoamericana de Movilidad Sostenible ALAMOS President Asociación de Vehículos Eléctricos de Chile Speaker
Andres Barentin
Andres Barentin DHEMAX Director Speaker
Felipe Zegers W.
Felipe Zegers W. DHEMAX Chief Commercial Officer Speaker

#Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, #Batteries, #Energy Transition

Thu 7 09:45h - 10:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment

Adaptation and Transition to Climate Change in Smart Water Cities and Regions

Jordi Cros
Jordi Cros CWP President Moderator/Presenter
David McDonough
David McDonough WSSC Water Deputy General Manager of Mission Support Speaker
John van Schoonhoven
John van Schoonhoven Bluecon International BV Business developer hospitality Speaker
Jung Won Yang
Jung Won Yang K-water General Director Speaker
Mario Ruiz Mateo
Mario Ruiz Mateo Aigües de Barcelona Head of Climate and Environmental Action Speaker

#Adaptation, #Climate Change, #Green Cities, #Smart Infrastructures, #Smart Utilities, #Urban Resilience, #Waste Management, #Water Management

Thu 7 09:45h - 10:30h Hall 2 | Green Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment

Urban Shark Tank: Replication in Smart & Climate-Neutral Cities

Alex Schmidt
Alex Schmidt BABLE Smart Cities CEO & Founder Moderator/Presenter
Fernando De Pablo Martín
Fernando De Pablo Martín Ayuntamiento de Madrid Digital Office General Director Speaker
Ivan Acimović
Ivan Acimović City of Freiburg Project Manager - AI Alliance Baden-Württemberg Speaker
Kiki Rees-Stavros
Kiki Rees-Stavros Smart Towns Wales Project Manager Speaker
Nadja Riedel
Nadja Riedel City of Leipzig Senior Project Manager / Team Leader, Digital City Unit Speaker

#Artificial Intelligence, #Big Data, #Connectivity, #Data Integration, #Data Management, #Digital Twins, #Implementation Challenges, #Smart Devices

Thu 7 09:45h - 10:30h Hall 2 | Orange Agora All passes
TMWC - Solution Talk | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

The Various Aspects of Safety in Mobility

Lluis Puerto
Lluis Puerto EIT Urban Mobility Head of RIS and EIT Community Cross – KIC and Special Project Master of Ceremonies
Julien Chamussy
Julien Chamussy Fluctuo President / CEO / Owner Speaker
Sara Adhitya
Sara Adhitya PEARL, University College London Senior Research Fellow Speaker
Luca Pascotto
Luca Pascotto FIA Head of Road Safety & Global Advocacy Speaker

#Innovation for Mobility Safety, #Measuring and Addressing Road Injuries and Fatalities, #Mobility Safety Policy, #Safety Across Modes, #Safety for All

Thu 7 09:45h - 10:05h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Research Academy | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

A Multimodal Data Collection Vehicle for AV Algorithm Development Based on Data Fusion

John Biggs
John Biggs Baker Hall Capital Founder Master of Ceremonies
Santiago Royo
Santiago Royo UPC-CD6 Director Speaker

#Algorithms, #Artificial Intelligence, #Deep Learning, #Digital Modelling, #Digital Twins, #Edge Computing, #Robotics, #Safety & Security, #Sensoring

Thu 7 09:50h - 10:00h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes
Open Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Mobility

New Mobility Guidelines of the Generalitat of Catalonia

#Integrated Mobility Plans, #Mobility Service Providers, #Public Transport, #Transport Networks

Thu 7 10:00h - 12:00h Conference Center | Zone: CC3 - 3.11
Agora Event | TOMOROW.BLUE ECONOMY Blue Economy

Blue Cities: Health, Wealth and the Relationship between Water and Communities

Patricia Giménez-Font
Patricia Giménez-Font Barcelona City Council Director of the Barcelona Beaches Department Speaker
Mehrnaz Ghojeh
Mehrnaz Ghojeh Okhtapus Co-Founder I Design and Strategy Lead Speaker
Juan Carlos Uribe Vega
Juan Carlos Uribe Vega UCLG (United Cities and Local Governments) Global Learning Programme Manager Speaker

Thu 7 10:00h - 10:50h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.BlueEconomy Agora All passes
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Living & Inclusion

People-Centred Smart Cities towards a Inclusive Global Digital Future

Alanus von Radecki
Alanus von Radecki Data Competence Center for Cities and Regions CEO Chair
Oleg Polovynko
Oleg Polovynko Kyiv City Council Adviser to the Mayor of Kyiv on Digitalization Speaker
Jung Hoon Lee
Jung Hoon Lee Seoul Metropolitan Gov. and Yonsei University Professor and Project Manager Speaker
Manuel Portela
Manuel Portela Universitat Pompeu Fabra Research Associate Speaker
Sophie Woodville
Sophie Woodville Bordeaux Métropole Digital Program Manager Speaker

#Alliances, #Cities for All, #Digital Equality

Thu 7 10:00h - 10:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
In Focus | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Governance & Economy

Neighborhood Transformation: Co-creating Solutions in Europe

Lisa Botero Thumm
Lisa Botero Thumm University of Stuttgart / Fraunhofer IAO Research Associate, Urban Ecology and Environmental Planning Chair
Francesc Arolas Pou
Francesc Arolas Pou Granollers City Council Councilor for Environment and Green Spaces, Public Health and Consumption, Attention to Citizens and Transparency and Good Governance Speaker
Judit Tarradellas Font
Judit Tarradellas Font Granollers City Council Project Officer at the Environmental and Green Spaces Service Speaker
Montserrat Martínez Puentes
Montserrat Martínez Puentes Aquatec R&D Coordinator at the Climate Change and Resilience Unit Speaker
Aurelija Matulevičiūtė
Aurelija Matulevičiūtė TSPA Expert in Urban Planning and Design Speaker

#Alliances, #Best Practices, #Collaboration, #Urban Resilience

Thu 7 10:00h - 10:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic Roundtable | TOMORROW.BUILDING Governance & Economy Infrastructure & Building

Joint Horizons—Partnerships for a Smart Recovery in Ukraine

Cristina Serradell Quincannon
Cristina Serradell Quincannon International Trade Unit at ACCIÓ Trade & Investment Director Chair
Serhii Pohoreltsev
Serhii Pohoreltsev Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Kingdom of Spain Ambassador Speaker
Albert Castellanos Maduell
Albert Castellanos Maduell Assembly of European Regions (AER) President Speaker
Manuel Szapiro
Manuel Szapiro European Commission Representation in Barcelona Director Speaker
Fernando Torija
Fernando Torija European Investment Bank Group Office in Spain Head of Representation Speaker
Paul Costello
Paul Costello Senior Programme Manager GMF Cities, German Marshall Fund of the United States Speaker

Thu 7 10:00h - 10:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
TMWC - Thematic Rountable | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Innovations and Investments to Reduce Urban Mobility Safety Risks

Monica Castañeda
Monica Castañeda EIT Urban Mobility Stakeholder Engagement Officer Moderator/Presenter
Arno Wolter
Arno Wolter Initiative for safer roads President / CEO / Owner Speaker
Luuk Misdom
Luuk Misdom City of Helmond Senior Project Manager for Smart Mobility Speaker
Laura Galea
Laura Galea Transport Malta Assistant Manager Speaker
John Li
John Li Zhejiang Dahua Technology General Manager of Global Government Business Department Speaker

#Innovation for Mobility Safety, #Measuring and Addressing Road Injuries and Fatalities, #Mobility Safety Policy, #Safety Across Modes, #Safety for All

Thu 7 10:05h - 10:50h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Research Academy | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

Snap4City for Mobility and Transport and Tourism Management

John Biggs
John Biggs Baker Hall Capital Founder Master of Ceremonies
Paolo Nesi
Paolo Nesi Snap4City, DISIT Lab, University of Florence CTO Speaker

#Artificial Intelligence, #City Platforms, #Data Integration, #Data Management, #Digital Twins, #Platform as Service

Thu 7 10:05h - 10:15h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes
Research Academy | SMART CITY EXPO Infrastructure & Building

Mantenim Circular Project

John Biggs
John Biggs Baker Hall Capital Founder Master of Ceremonies
Tommaso Buso
Tommaso Buso Bankers without Boundaries Associate Speaker

Thu 7 10:20h - 10:30h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Startup Pitches – Sustainable Mobility Solutions

John Biggs
John Biggs Baker Hall Capital Founder Moderator/Presenter
Manos Barmpounakis
Manos Barmpounakis MobiLysis Co-Founder & CEO Speaker
Chris Johns
Chris Johns PassageWay Director Speaker
Raymond Alves
Raymond Alves Magic Lane CEO Speaker
Andrea Fossati
Andrea Fossati Parquery CEO Speaker
Kasper Dam Mikkelse
Kasper Dam Mikkelse Nabogo Co-Founder Speaker
slavis poczebutas
slavis poczebutas DOMUM urban mobility CEO & Founder Speaker
David Rodríguez Castelló
David Rodríguez Castelló Lampsy Personal Mobility CTO of Lampsy Personal Mobility Speaker
Paola Bellocchio
Paola Bellocchio Weelo Business Development and Institutional Relationships Speaker
Alberto Mandler
Alberto Mandler DirecTrainS CEO DirecTrainS Speaker

#Data Analytics

Thu 7 10:40h - 11:35h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Living & Inclusion

AI for Social Good

Alfonso Lara Montero
Alfonso Lara Montero European Social Network ESN CEO Moderator/Presenter
Marta Ortega Faba
Marta Ortega Faba Barcelona City Council Director Speaker
Francisco de Borja Prieto Ursua
Francisco de Borja Prieto Ursua Madrid City Council Digitalisation Expert Speaker
Sonia Oriola
Sonia Oriola Catalan Association of Municipalities Social Services Expert Speaker
Greg Wilson
Greg Wilson Microsoft Public Sector Chief Technology Officer Speaker
Jan Guanyabens
Jan Guanyabens TIC Salut Social Foundation Director Speaker

#Future of Education, #Future of Work, #Future Skills, #Social Inclusion, #Wellbeing

Thu 7 10:45h - 11:30h Hall 2 | Orange Agora All passes
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Public-Private Funding Models For Sustainable Urban Mobility

Julienne Chen
Julienne Chen EIT Urban Mobility Head of City Partnerships Moderator/Presenter
Tiina Ruohonen
Tiina Ruohonen City of Oslo / Move 21 Project Coordinator MOVE21 Speaker
Suzanne Green
Suzanne Green City of Gothenburg Project Manager Speaker
Matt Greener
Matt Greener Arriva Group Zero Emission Institute Director Speaker
Oliver Grimm
Oliver Grimm SEAT:CODE Chief Commercial Officer Speaker

#Business Models, #Future of Mobility, #Urban Infrastructure, #Urban Planning

Thu 7 10:45h - 11:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

The Power of a Connected Place to Generate Growth, Inclusion and Innovation

Alex Cousins
Alex Cousins Connected Places Catapult Director of Regional Engagement, Devolved Government. Moderator/Presenter
Adrian Johnston
Adrian Johnston Innovation City Belfast Belfast Innovation Commissioner Speaker
Martin Whiteley
Martin Whiteley Thames Freeport Chief Executive Officer Speaker
Mike Wright
Mike Wright West Midlands Combined Authority West Midlands Innovation Board Speaker

#City-to-city Cooperation, #Collaboration, #Creative Cities, #Innovation Ecosystems, #Local Economic Development, #Multi-stakeholder, #Regional Development, #Urban Global Agendas

Thu 7 10:45h - 11:30h Hall 2 | Green Agora All passes
Agora Event | TOMOROW.BLUE ECONOMY Blue Economy

America’s Cup 37: lessons learned and urban evolution in Barcelona

Miquel Rodriguez
Miquel Rodriguez Barcelona City Council Economic promotion Director Speaker
Albert Vilumara
Albert Vilumara America's Cup Event Corporate Director Speaker
Alberto Pezzi
Alberto Pezzi ACCIÓ Senior Manager of Clusters Speaker
Sergi Romera
Sergi Romera Port de Barcelona Head of Planning, Technical Management of Concessions, and Territorial Planning Speaker

#5G, #Connectivity

Thu 7 11:00h - 11:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.BlueEconomy Agora All passes
Dialogue | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Governance & Economy

Driving Public Sector Innovation through GovTech

Dani Marco
Dani Marco Government of Catalonia Director of Innovation Chair
Idoia Ortiz de Artiñano
Idoia Ortiz de Artiñano Gobe Founder and CEO Speaker
Felipe González-Zapata
Felipe González-Zapata OECD Policy Analyst, Digital Government and Data Speaker

#City Platforms, #Collaboration, #GovTech, #Multilevel Governance

Thu 7 11:00h - 11:30h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
In Focus | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

Productive and Sustainable Cities to Live and Work

Karem Labrador Araujo
Karem Labrador Araujo Colombia Líder Executive director Chair
Oriol Balaguer
Oriol Balaguer KKH Property Investors Private executive advisor Speaker
Aníbal Gaviria
Aníbal Gaviria Deparment of Antioquia Former Governor Speaker

#Innovation Ecosystems

Thu 7 11:00h - 11:40h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic keynote | TOMORROW.BUILDING Infrastructure & Building

Fusion of Maestros – Keynote by Melike Altinisik

Mike Lake
Mike Lake Leading Cities President and CEO Chair
Melike Altınışık
Melike Altınışık Melike Altinişik Architects Founder and Partner Speaker

#Design Services, #Innovative Building Technology, #Urban Design

Thu 7 11:00h - 11:20h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
TMWC - High Level Keynote | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Reimagining Urban Mobility: Insights from Children’s Perspectives

Yoann Le Petit
Yoann Le Petit EIT Urban Mobility Thought Leadership Manager Master of Ceremonies
Ruth Amos
Ruth Amos Kids Invent Stuff Inventor Speaker

#Creativity, #Inclusive Design, #Playful Design, #Sustainability, #Urban Mobility

Thu 7 11:15h - 11:45h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room
Thematic keynote | TOMORROW.BUILDING Infrastructure & Building

The Levi-Montalcini Foundation Headquarter: a Building Designed for the Future

Mike Lake
Mike Lake Leading Cities President and CEO Chair
Giuseppe Masanotti
Giuseppe Masanotti Ing. Giuseppe Masanotti Engineer Speaker

#Construction Tech, #Innovative Building Technology, #Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEB)

Thu 7 11:20h - 11:40h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
Open Side Event | SIDE EVENTS Enabling Technologies

Policy Tools for Ethical Urban AI Governance

#Algorithms, #Artificial Intelligence, #Best Practices, #Digital Rights, #Policies

Thu 7 11:30h - 13:30h Conference Center | Zone: CC3 - 3.13C All passes
Agora Event | TOMOROW.BLUE ECONOMY Blue Economy

America’s Cup 37 legacy: blue economy initiatives in Barcelona

Sasha Twining
Sasha Twining The Corporate Facilitator Journalist Moderator/Presenter
Anna Majó
Anna Majó Barcelona City Council Director of Strategic Sectors and Innovation Speaker
Emma Cobos
Emma Cobos Port de Barcelona Innovation and Business Strategy Department Speaker
Climent Molins
Climent Molins Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Vice-rector for Transfer, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Speaker
Valentí Sallarès
Valentí Sallarès Institut de Ciències del Mar - CSIC Director Speaker

#Blue Growth, #Blue Tech, #Economic Models, #Innovation, #Public Space

Thu 7 11:30h - 12:00h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.BlueEconomy Agora All passes
Keynote Session | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Energy & Environment

AI’s Sustainability Challenge

Femi Oke
Femi Oke Moderate the Panel Co-Founder Master of Ceremonies
Pipo Serrano
Pipo Serrano YouPlanet Productions Managing Director Chair
Stephanie Hare
Stephanie Hare harebrain Technology Researcher, Broadcaster and Author Speaker

#Artificial Intelligence, #Decarbonisation, #Low Emissions Tech

Thu 7 11:30h - 12:00h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress Pass
Thematic keynote | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Governance & Economy

How Cities are Digitally Transforming: Preliminary Findings from 2024 Smart Cities Index Report

Christina Yan Zhang
Christina Yan Zhang The Metaverse Institute CEO Chair
Jung Hoon Lee
Jung Hoon Lee Seoul Metropolitan Gov. and Yonsei University Professor and Project Manager Speaker

#Accountability, #Artificial Intelligence, #Data Protection

Thu 7 11:30h - 11:50h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
TMWC - Solution Talk | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Trends Shaping Shared Mobility Data Use

Rose Gregorio
Rose Gregorio EIT Urban Mobility Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Officer Master of Ceremonies
David Krieff
David Krieff EONA-X President Speaker
Luke Bates
Luke Bates Factual Mobility Consultant Speaker

#Blockchain in Mobility, #Integrated Payment Systems, #Mapping and Routing Software, #Mobility Data Spaces

Thu 7 11:45h - 12:00h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Infrastructure & Building

5CC+ An International Cooperation for Developing Digital Twins

Joris Koolen
Joris Koolen City of Rotterdam Advisor BAG and 3D Moderator/Presenter
Stefan Trometer
Stefan Trometer Virtual City Systems Managing Director Business Development Speaker
Corné Helmons
Corné Helmons City of Rotterdam Advisor Digital Twins and Standardisation Speaker
Michael Fischer
Michael Fischer City of Hamburg Head of Urban Data Analytics Speaker
Rick Klooster
Rick Klooster Future Insight Technical Director Speaker

#BIM, #Built Environment, #Digital Twins, #Mixed Reality, #Urban Infrastructure, #Urban Planning, #Virtual Reality

Thu 7 11:45h - 12:30h Hall 2 | Orange Agora All passes
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Startup Pitches – Active and Inclusive Mobility

Raül Feliu
Raül Feliu EIT Urban Mobility Start-up Programmes Manager HQ Moderator/Presenter
Hugo Furtado
Hugo Furtado Dreamwaves President/CEO/Owner Speaker
Zuzana Malinova
Zuzana Malinova E-CAFE BIKE Co-founder, CMO & CSO Speaker
Thomas O'Connell
Thomas O'Connell MOBY BIKES CEO & Founder Speaker
Marti Jofre
Marti Jofre Nemi Mobility Solutions SL CEO Speaker
Tiara Silvente
Tiara Silvente Sparkpark AS Chief Marketing Officer Speaker
Anna-Lina Kvarnsmyr
Anna-Lina Kvarnsmyr Walking Talking CEO & Co-founder Speaker
Johan Haveland
Johan Haveland Asistobe Speaker

#Equity and Inclusion in Mobility; Mobility for All, #Mobility transition, #Start-ups, #Sustainable Tourism, #Urban Mobility

Thu 7 11:45h - 12:25h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Towards a Holistic Transport System: Learnings from CCAM Demonstrators in Europe

Àlex Santos
Àlex Santos Capgemini Innovation Director Moderator/Presenter
Vidal Roca
Vidal Roca PTV Group Sales Manager Iberia Speaker
Víctor Lejona
Víctor Lejona CENEX Modelling & Analysis Team Leader Speaker
Ragnhild Wahl
Ragnhild Wahl ITS Norway Director for Research and Innovation Speaker

#Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, #Future of Mobility, #Intelligent Transport Systems, #Mobility Data Spaces

Thu 7 11:45h - 12:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

Connecting Territories: Examples of Urban and Rural Networks

Yelene Mencía
Yelene Mencía TECH friendly Manager of Urban Cooperation Moderator/Presenter
Aicha Belassir
Aicha Belassir Retos Network - Ministry of Labour and Social Economy General Directorate of Social Economy and Corporate Social Responsibility Speaker
Maria Xalabarder
Maria Xalabarder Local Urban Agenda Network of Barcelona (XAUL) Manager of Housing, Urban Planning and Activities Services at Barcelona Provincial Council Speaker
Yolanda Sáez Cuevas
Yolanda Sáez Cuevas Andalusian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FAMP) General Secretary Speaker

#Alliances, #Best Practices, #Collaboration, #Local Economic Development, #Rural-Urban, #Urban Global Agendas

Thu 7 11:45h - 12:30h Hall 2 | Green Agora
Thematic Roundtable | TOMORROW.BUILDING Infrastructure & Building

Blueprints for Transformation: Revolutionizing Urban Infrastructure

Manuel Cermeron
Manuel Cermeron Veolia Spain CEO Speaker
Erhan Uygun
Erhan Uygun Ekin Customer Solutions Executive Speaker
Elena Scaroni
Elena Scaroni LightingEurope Secretary General Speaker
Sabrina Wehrend
Sabrina Wehrend Hansestadt Lübeck Smart City Manager Speaker
Meshal Meshari
Meshal Meshari Aramco Director D&IT Strategy & Investment Speaker

#Community Facilities, #Intelligent Security Systems, #IOT

Thu 7 11:50h - 12:35h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
Thematic keynote | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Governance & Economy

Enabling Technologies to Enhance Quality of Life in Hail City

Christina Yan Zhang
Christina Yan Zhang The Metaverse Institute CEO Chair
Abdulkarim Alshudokhi
Abdulkarim Alshudokhi Hail Municipality Director General of Strategy and Performance Indicators Speaker
Saud Fahad Al Ali
Saud Fahad Al Ali Media and National Communication Vice Mayor Speaker

#City Platforms, #Connectivity, #Urban Tech

Thu 7 11:50h - 12:10h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
High-Level Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Energy & Environment

Cutting-Edge Tech Empowering a Greener Future

Natalia Olson-Urtecho
Natalia Olson-Urtecho Startup Sherpas Director of Government Innovation & Growth Moderator/Presenter
Firdaous Oussidhoum
Firdaous Oussidhoum UCLG Assistant Secretary General for Monitoring Speaker
Íñigo Sanz
Íñigo Sanz FCC Servicios Medio Ambiente Consejero Delegado Speaker
Oleg Polovynko
Oleg Polovynko Kyiv City Council Adviser to the Mayor of Kyiv on Digitalization Speaker
Stephanie Hare
Stephanie Hare harebrain Technology Researcher, Broadcaster and Author Speaker

#Climate Tech, #Low Emissions Tech, #Smart Utilities

Thu 7 12:00h - 12:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress Pass
TMWC - Thematic Rountable | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Utilising Data to Serve Public Interests

Celeste Reglá
Celeste Reglá EIT Urban Mobility EIT Community Startup Programmes Moderator/Presenter
Jussi Knuuttila
Jussi Knuuttila Forum Virium Helsinki Project Manager Speaker
Melina Kreischer
Melina Kreischer Mercedes-Benz AG Product Owner Data-driven Mobility Speaker
Pedro Moreira
Pedro Moreira City of Braga Head of the Unit of Coordination of Public Transport Speaker
Frédéric Reutenauer
Frédéric Reutenauer PTV Group Vice President – Region Southern Europe Speaker

#Blockchain in Mobility, #Integrated Payment Systems, #Mapping and Routing Software, #Mobility Data Spaces

Thu 7 12:00h - 13:00h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment Governance & Economy

Cities at the Forefront of the Climate Emergency

Raül Daussà-Pastor
Raül Daussà-Pastor Anteverti Consulting Director Chair
Pascal Perez
Pascal Perez Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network (AURIN) Director Speaker
Senna Catenacci
Senna Catenacci American Planning Association Research Associate Speaker
Thaís Fontenelle Siqueira
Thaís Fontenelle Siqueira Lobelia Earth Urban Projects Lead Speaker
Natasha Vazquez Perez
Natasha Vazquez Perez Municipality of Cayey City's Administrator Speaker

#Adaptation, #Emergency Response, #Urban Resilience

Thu 7 12:05h - 12:50h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Governance & Economy

Transforming City Life with Advanced Digital Services

Sophie Woodville
Sophie Woodville Bordeaux Métropole Digital Program Manager Chair
Regiane Relva Romano
Regiane Relva Romano FACENS | VIP-Systems Head Smart Cities Facens Speaker
Kirk Arthur
Kirk Arthur Microsoft Worldwide Government Solutions Lead Speaker
Rita Rinaldo
Rita Rinaldo European Space Agency (ESA) Head of Projects and Studies Implementation Division Speaker
Mark Halberstein
Mark Halberstein Simplenight Founder and CEO Speaker

#Connectivity, #GovTech, #IOT

Thu 7 12:20h - 13:10h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Startup Pitches – Digital Mobility Solutions

Raül Feliu
Raül Feliu EIT Urban Mobility Start-up Programmes Manager HQ Moderator/Presenter
Claire Ciancio
Claire Ciancio Greenroads CEO Speaker
Laurence Grand-Clément
Laurence Grand-Clément Hyggle CEO Speaker
Clémence Castell
Clémence Castell Instant Systems Innovation partnerships Speaker
Inés Ylla
Inés Ylla Karos Mobility Project Manager Spain Speaker
Levent Gürgen
Levent Gürgen Kentyou CEO Speaker
Guillermo Campoamor Gonzalez
Guillermo Campoamor Gonzalez Meep CEO Speaker
Javier Burrieza
Javier Burrieza Nommon CEO Speaker
Matteo Forte
Matteo Forte SWITCH - Street WITCHer Founder & CEO Speaker

#Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, #Energy Transition, #Mobility transition, #Smart Traffic Management, #Zero-Emission

Thu 7 12:35h - 13:30h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Advancing Connected Electric Mobility

Rodrigo Salcedo Campino
Rodrigo Salcedo Campino Director Asociación Latinoamericana de Movilidad Sostenible ALAMOS President Asociación de Vehículos Eléctricos de Chile Speaker
Rodrigo Rojas
Rodrigo Rojas VEGA Chargers Business Developer LATAM & Eastern Europe Speaker
Andres Barentin
Andres Barentin DHEMAX Director Speaker

#Energy Transition, #Public Transport, #Zero-Emission

Thu 7 12:45h - 13:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment

Building Better Cities in Europe through Positive Energy Districts

Cecilia Sanz-Montalvillo
Cecilia Sanz-Montalvillo Cartif Technology Center Energy Researcher Speaker
Monjur Murshed
Monjur Murshed European Institute for Energy Research (EIFER) Senior Project Manager Speaker
Frans Verspeek
Frans Verspeek City of Amsterdam Project coordinator ATELIER Speaker
Humberto Queiroz
Humberto Queiroz EDP NEW – Centre for New Energy Technologies Research and Development Engineer/Project Manager Speaker

#Energy Efficiency, #Energy Storage, #Energy Transition, #Green Deal, #Green Districts, #Urban Planning

Thu 7 12:45h - 13:30h Hall 2 | Green Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Infrastructure & Building

Reinventing Cities 4 All: Brazilian Experience of Sustainability and Creativity

Caio Castro
Caio Castro iCities Partner & Market Relations Director Moderator/Presenter
Angélica Molteni
Angélica Molteni MICE Curitiba Coordinator Speaker
Matheus Barros
Matheus Barros FIEP Consultant for innovative technologies Speaker
Topázio Neto
Topázio Neto Florianópolis Speaker

Thu 7 12:45h - 13:30h Hall 2 | Orange Agora All passes
Agora Event | TOMOROW.BLUE ECONOMY Blue Economy

Actions Today for a Blue Tomorrow

Laura Secorun
Laura Secorun Meridian Managing Director Moderator/Presenter
Adria Jover
Adria Jover International Electric Marine Association Founder & President Speaker
Ann Lee Carpenter
Ann Lee Carpenter Braid Theory CEO Speaker
Heather Starck
Heather Starck Coral Reef Alliance Executive Director Speaker
Janelle Kellman
Janelle Kellman The Center for Sea Rise Solutions Founder / CEO Speaker

Thu 7 12:55h - 13:45h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.BlueEconomy Agora All passes
TMWC - High Level Roundtable | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Enabling Technologies Mobility

Lean Innovation: The Way Forward for Urban Mobility?

Sean Goulding Carroll
Sean Goulding Carroll FORESIGHT Climate and Energy Cities and Building Editor Moderator/Presenter
Karen Vancluysen
Karen Vancluysen POLIS Secretary General Speaker
Gintare Janusaitiene
Gintare Janusaitiene Republic of Lithuania - Ministry of Transport and Communications Senior Advisor of Future Mobility Policy Group Speaker
Genesis Gavino
Genesis Gavino City of Austin Chief of Staff to the City Manager Speaker
Rogelio Biazzi
Rogelio Biazzi Municipality of Rosario Chief of Cabinet Speaker

#Innovation procurement, #Mobility transition, #Net-zero cities, #Public private partnerships

Thu 7 13:00h - 13:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Dialogue | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

Leveraging Collective Intelligence for Local Solutions: a CEMR Perspective

Fanny Gauret
Fanny Gauret Freelance Journalist Chair
Fabrizio Rossi
Fabrizio Rossi Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) Secretary General Speaker

#Collaboration, #Cross-sector Governance, #Multi-stakeholder

Thu 7 13:05h - 13:25h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
Solution Talks | TOMORROW.BUILDING Infrastructure & Building

Urban Planning Innovations Shaping the Cities of the Future

Romullo Baratto
Romullo Baratto ArchDaily Project Manager Chair
Priyadarsini Rajagopalan
Priyadarsini Rajagopalan RMIT University Professor Speaker
Carlo Battisti
Carlo Battisti Living Future Europe ETS President Speaker
Maram Hammad
Maram Hammad Saudi Aramco CSIO Manager Speaker
Maria Augusta Kroetz
Maria Augusta Kroetz Systematica Mobility Planner Speaker
David Prat Soto
David Prat Soto Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament de Territori, Habitatge i Transició Ecològica General Director of Mobility Infrastructures Speaker

Thu 7 13:05h - 13:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
Thematic keynote | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Living & Inclusion

Pathways to Digital Democracy: Lessons from the global south

Lolly Bowean
Lolly Bowean The Ford Foundation Program Officer Chair
Ayona Datta
Ayona Datta UCL London Professor Speaker

Thu 7 13:25h - 13:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Dialogue | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

Co-design in citizen science & software development for the Blue Economy

Raül Toran
Raül Toran ISGlobal Outreach Manager Chair
Rosa Arias
Rosa Arias Science for Change CEO and Founder Speaker
Berta Companys
Berta Companys Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC) Use Case Coordinator at ANERIS Project Speaker

#Biodiversity, #Co-creation

Thu 7 13:25h - 13:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
Thematic keynote | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Living & Inclusion

Wellbeing-Based Smart City Policy Design

Lolly Bowean
Lolly Bowean The Ford Foundation Program Officer Chair
Takehiko Nagumo
Takehiko Nagumo Smart City Institute Japan Representative Director Speaker

Thu 7 13:45h - 14:05h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Are These Innovations Worth It? Controversial Mobility Policies and Solutions

Nuria Blanco Caballero
Nuria Blanco Caballero Las Rozas Innova Mobility Technique Speaker
Daniel Sarasa
Daniel Sarasa Zaragoza City of Knowledge Foundation General Director Speaker
Pedro Moreira
Pedro Moreira City of Braga Head of the Unit of Coordination of Public Transport Speaker

#Public Transport

Thu 7 13:45h - 14:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora All passes
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Startup Pitches – Mobility and Energy

Raül Feliu
Raül Feliu EIT Urban Mobility Start-up Programmes Manager HQ Moderator/Presenter
Elham Hassanzadeh
Elham Hassanzadeh Arxax Founder & CEO Speaker
Carlos Almeida
Carlos Almeida EVIO - Electrical Mobility CEO Speaker
Ralf Kernchen
Ralf Kernchen Reserve & Charge CEO Speaker
Mateusz Maj
Mateusz Maj VivaDrive CEO Speaker
Francesco Semeraro
Francesco Semeraro Voltaage CEO & Co-Founder Speaker

#Energy Efficiency, #Innovation Ecosystems, #Light Electric Vehicles, #Start-ups, #Sustainable Tourism

Thu 7 13:45h - 14:30h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Energy & Environment

Turning the Tide: Achieving Europe’s Energy & Climate Goals Through Local Action

Giulia Pizzini
Giulia Pizzini Institute for European Energy and Climate Policy (IEECP) Senior Energy Expert Moderator/Presenter
Mario Rajn
Mario Rajn City of Križevc Mayor Speaker
Elise Steyaert
Elise Steyaert VITO Nexus Program Manager Speaker
Luigi Lo Piparo
Luigi Lo Piparo Technopolis group Partner Speaker
Andries Gryffroy
Andries Gryffroy Belgian Government Member of the Flemish Parliament, Vice-President of BE Senate Speaker
María Belarmina Díaz Aguado
María Belarmina Díaz Aguado Ministry of Ecological Transition, Industry and Economic Development, Asturias - Regional Government Principality of Asturias Director General of Energy and Mining Speaker

#Climate Change, #Decarbonisation, #Energy Efficiency, #Energy Transition, #Green Deal

Thu 7 13:45h - 14:30h Hall 2 | Green Agora All passes
TMWC - Solution Talk | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Navigating the Diverse Landscape of Shared Micromobility

Eloy Gomez
Eloy Gomez EIT Urban Mobility Communications & Events Officer Master of Ceremonies
Maryna Pobudzei
Maryna Pobudzei University of the Bundeswehr Munich Mobility Researcher Speaker
Luís Caldas
Luís Caldas CeNTI Product Designer Speaker
Gil Nadais
Gil Nadais BIKiNNOV - Bike Value Innovation Center Association Executive Diretor Speaker

#E-scooters, #Insurance and Liability, #Light Electric Vehicles, #Mobility Service Providers, #Shared Mobility

Thu 7 13:45h - 14:10h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

Insights from Italian Smart Cities: Knowledge & Experiences Exchange

Gianmarco Piola
Gianmarco Piola Italian Technology Cluster for Smart Communities Cluster Manager Moderator/Presenter
Carmelo Luigi Scopelliti
Carmelo Luigi Scopelliti City of Fano City Councilor Speaker
Monica Lucarelli
Monica Lucarelli City of Rome Deputy Mayor Speaker
Paolo Boscolo
Paolo Boscolo City of Prato IT manager and Digital Transformation Officer Speaker

#Best Practices, #Citizen Engagement, #City-to-city Cooperation, #Co-creation, #Multi-stakeholder, #Open Government

Thu 7 13:45h - 14:30h Hall 2 | Orange Agora All passes
In Focus | TOMORROW.BUILDING Infrastructure & Building

Renewing the Urban Fabric: From Old to Gold

Romullo Baratto
Romullo Baratto ArchDaily Project Manager Chair
Yaser Shehri
Yaser Shehri Aramco Director CS Projects Speaker
Teresa Cuerdo
Teresa Cuerdo Researcher at IETcc-CSIC Co-chair at IWG5Buildings, EU Speaker
May al-Ibrashy
May al-Ibrashy Megawra-Built Environment Collective Founder and Chair Speaker
Jeanne-Marie Ehbauer
Jeanne-Marie Ehbauer Munich Department of Public Works Baureferentin Speaker
Farid Salako
Farid Salako City Hall of Sèmè-Podji Local Coordinator of Smart City Projects Speaker

Thu 7 13:55h - 14:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Governance & Economy

Collectively Moving Cities Forward

Clàudia Gomis
Clàudia Gomis Smart City Expo World Congress Congress Specialist Chair
Francien Huizing
Francien Huizing Amsterdam InChange Programme Director Speaker
Debra Lam
Debra Lam Georgia Tech Founding Executive Director Speaker
Anuar Fariz Fadzil
Anuar Fariz Fadzil Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation CEO Speaker
Chiara Fonio
Chiara Fonio ICONS Head of Social Innovation Speaker

#Alliances, #Citizen Engagement, #City-to-city Cooperation

Thu 7 13:55h - 14:40h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass
TMWC - Thematic Rountable | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Exploring the Potential and Future Applications of Micromobility Services

Maria Paula Caycedo
Maria Paula Caycedo EIT Urban Mobility Head of Innovation Hub South Moderator/Presenter
Christy Pearson
Christy Pearson Micromobility for Europe Co-Chair of Micro-Mobility for Europe Speaker
Ellen Marie Sirevag
Ellen Marie Sirevag City of Oslo Special adviser at the Department of Environment and Transport Speaker
George Dimarelos
George Dimarelos Major Development Agency Thessaloniki S.A. Deputy Mayor for Urban Sanitation Recycling and Climate Protection Speaker
Gorka Pradas
Gorka Pradas FEVEMP - Federación Española de Vehículos de Movilidad Personal Vice President Speaker

#E-scooters, #Insurance and Liability, #Light Electric Vehicles, #Mobility Service Providers, #Shared Mobility

Thu 7 14:10h - 15:00h Hall 2 | Congress: Tomorrow.Mobility Room Tomorrow.Mobility & Full Congress Passes
Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies Living & Inclusion

A Digital Revolution Designed for All

Lolly Bowean
Lolly Bowean The Ford Foundation Program Officer Chair
Verónica Gutierrez Polidura
Verónica Gutierrez Polidura Ayuntamiento de Santander Directora de Innovación, Transformación Digital y Modernización Speaker
Maria Francesca Cristea
Maria Francesca Cristea Europlus - Centre of European Expertise Head of Policy and Programs Speaker
Gregori Mora
Gregori Mora Giga - International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Co-Lead, Giga Barcelona Technology Centre Speaker

#Digital Equality, #Digital Rights, #Gender Equality, #Minorities

Thu 7 14:15h - 15:00h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Ironing Out Mobility’s Kinks: People-Centered Mobility through Service Design

Evan Costagliola
Evan Costagliola Cityfi Europe Managing Director Moderator/Presenter
Klara Svejdova
Klara Svejdova SKIDATA Smart Mobility Development Speaker
Petr Suška
Petr Suška OICT Prague Chief Innovation Officer Speaker
Boen Groothoff
Boen Groothoff City of Amsterdam Smart Mobility Product Owner Speaker
Liene Leikuma-Rimicāne
Liene Leikuma-Rimicāne Latvian IT Cluster Innovation Advisor Speaker

#Integrated Mobility Plans, #Mobility Data Spaces, #Shared Mobility, #Smart Traffic Management

Thu 7 14:45h - 15:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

Sport&Smart Cities: The Technological Connection for a Sustainable Urban Future

Rafael Veljanovich
Rafael Veljanovich Sports Summit Director en Zoomin Contenidos Moderator/Presenter
Gerard Esteva i Viladecans
Gerard Esteva i Viladecans Unió de Federacions Esportives de Catalunya (UFEC) President UFEC Speaker

#5G, #Artificial Intelligence, #Augmented Reality, #Big Data, #Cloud Computing, #Connectivity, #IOT, #Smart Devices

Thu 7 14:45h - 15:30h Hall 2 | Orange Agora All passes
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Scale-up Programme Startup Pitches

Cristina Juarez Batlle
Cristina Juarez Batlle Carnet Chief Innovation Officer Moderator/Presenter
Perre-Amans Lapeyre
Perre-Amans Lapeyre Bib Batteries CEO Speaker
Karem Chatti
Karem Chatti DeepVolt CEO & Co-founder Speaker
Erik Ojantakanen
Erik Ojantakanen Rhyde.Co CEO Speaker
Frank Della Rosa
Frank Della Rosa SiPow CEO Speaker
Ines Wöckl
Ines Wöckl Flasher Founder & CFO Speaker
Lenka Žofajová
Lenka Žofajová AgeVolt Head of Communication Speaker
Nisan Katz
Nisan Katz Make My Day CEO & Cofounder Speaker

#Innovation Ecosystems, #Innovation for Mobility Safety, #Mobility transition, #Urban Mobility, #Urban Tech

Thu 7 14:45h - 15:05h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes
Research Academy | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

From Research to Reality: Welcome To The Future of mobility

John Biggs
John Biggs Baker Hall Capital Founder Master of Ceremonies
Marc Guerrero
Marc Guerrero i2CAT Internet Research Centre Head of Mobility - Innovation Business Speaker

#5G, #Artificial Intelligence, #Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, #Cybersecurity, #Digital Twins, #Mobility Data Spaces, #Smart Traffic Management

Thu 7 15:15h - 15:25h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes
Research Academy | SMART CITY EXPO Enabling Technologies

From urban Data To The Good City

John Biggs
John Biggs Baker Hall Capital Founder Master of Ceremonies
Joerg Rainer Noennig
Joerg Rainer Noennig HCU Hamburg - TU Dresden Professor Digital City Science Speaker

Thu 7 15:30h - 15:40h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Infrastructure & Building

Paris Region: Designing Smart and Sustainable Cities

Anne Gousset
Anne Gousset Paris&Co CEO Speaker
Sevinc Ar Chimot
Sevinc Ar Chimot Choose Paris Region Head Of Smart-Cities Speaker
Geoffroy Boulard
Geoffroy Boulard Greater Paris Metropolis Vice-president of the Greater Paris Metropolis Speaker

#Built Environment, #Construction Tech, #Decarbonisation, #Energy Efficiency, #Green Building, #Off-site Fabrication, #Retrofitting, #Smart Buildings

Thu 7 15:45h - 16:30h Hall 2 | Orange Agora All passes
Agora Event | SMART CITY EXPO Infrastructure & Building

Business Action for More Sustainable and Resilient Cities

Lucero Balarín
Lucero Balarín Forética Project Manager Moderator/Presenter
David Ferré
David Ferré Cemex Cemex Mortars Manager Speaker
Xavi Puyal
Xavi Puyal ENGIE Director of Urban Heat and Cooling Networks (DH&C) Speaker
Alfredo Sarrias
Alfredo Sarrias Metrovacesa Land Manager in Catalonia Speaker
Lucía Cimadevilla
Lucía Cimadevilla Sanitas Healthy Cities Manager Speaker

#Decarbonisation, #Energy Efficiency, #Green Building, #Smart Infrastructures, #Zero Emission Buildings

Thu 7 15:45h - 16:30h Hall 2 | Green Agora All passes
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

Electric Scooters: A True Revolution in our Cities

Sergi Milan
Sergi Milan EIT Urban Mobility Innovation Advisory Officer Moderator/Presenter
Gorka Pradas
Gorka Pradas FEVEMP - Federación Española de Vehículos de Movilidad Personal Vice President Speaker
Sílvia Casorrán
Sílvia Casorrán Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona / RedBici Sustainable Mobility Expert Speaker
Carla Giustozzi
Carla Giustozzi Bird Head of Public Affairs for Bird in Spain & Portugal Speaker

#Batteries, #E-scooters, #First/Last Mile, #Shared Mobility

Thu 7 15:45h - 16:30h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora All passes
Agora Event | TOMORROW.MOBILITY Mobility

The Startups of Tomorrow: Risks for Early-Stage Mobility Startups

Jacqueline Pöppe
Jacqueline Pöppe Startup Autobahn Partner Success Manager - Sustainability & APAC Moderator/Presenter
Mario Leitner
Mario Leitner royos CEO Speaker
Nisan Katz
Nisan Katz Make My Day CEO & Cofounder Speaker
Simon Chan
Simon Chan SuperWheel System Founder Speaker
Arie Abir
Arie Abir A.D Knight Co-Founder and Chairman Speaker

#Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, #Intelligent Transport Systems, #Roads, #Smart Traffic Management

Thu 7 15:45h - 16:30h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes