World Smart City Awards
Meet the 2022 edition's pioneering award winners!
The annual World Smart City Awards is a prestigious international competition that seeks to recognize pioneering projects, ideas and strategies making cities around the world more livable, sustainable, and economically viable.
After a highly competitive selection process, we have the shortlist for the World Smart City Awards 2022!
Check out the winning projects below!
World Smart City Awards - 2022 Winners
The 2022 Call for Awards received 337 top-level proposals from 60 countries worldwide, and were of an exceptionally high standard.
City Award

Awarded to Cities for developed global strategies combining projects, initiatives and policy implementations for their citizens.
The Jury of Honor has decided to give a City Award Special Recognition to Kyiv for strengthening resilience and the continuity of citizens' services.
The Jury of Honor has decided to give a City Award Special Recognition to Kyiv for strengthening resilience and the continuity of citizens' services.
Withstanding the increasing pressure of Russian siege the Kyiv Municipal Authority demonstrates how digital technologies help cities stay resilient with focus on public safety and sustainable, multimodal mobility system while ensuring 100% of administrative services online by 2030.
City of Bogota
The government of Bogotá decided to bring the city and its services to caregivers and care-receivers and integrate them into one space. This is the first ever city-level CARE System in Latin America that would require reorganizing how the city is planned with a gender focus.
City of Curitiba
The Food and Nutritional Security programs in Curitiba promote food and nutritional security in the city, encompassing the implementation of urban gardens and farms, community engagement, technologies, education, sustainability, social assistance, healthy food and socioeconomic development.
City of Sydney
The Program is transforming 100,000ha of Sydney into a hyperconnected, economic powerhouse. Catalysed by the new Western Sydney Airport, the population is set to double by 2036. 3 levels of government & industry are trialling smart technologies to improve liveability, resilience & social equity.
City of Toronto
The DISF sets out Toronto’s vision as a Digital Connected Community, responding to the opportunities and challenges of new/emerging Digital Infrastructure. The DISF guides Digital Infrastructure decisions and applications effectively to the right problems, operated in ethical ways.
Leadership Award

Awarded to exemplary living individuals who
have made significant contributions to advancing smart cities projects worldwide
during the last 10 years.
H.E. Reem Al Mansoori
Assistant Undersecretary of Digital Society Development, Qatar
Inspiring an entire country is no simple task. Smart Qatar strategy & implemented series of programs, solutions, eco-systems is built with the guidance of Reem and is inspiring the entire country to digitally transform & collaborate. 1000's of tech jobs are created each year in Qatar under her drive.
Rafael Greca de Macedo
Mayor of Curitiba, Brazil
Greca is a visionary politician, in his first mandate as Curitiba’s mayor, he worked to develop Curitiba as a sustainable and innovative city. In the last years, in his second and third mandates, contributed to making Curitiba even more accessible, sustainable and inclusive with the Pinhao Valley.
Pete Marland
Leader of the Council, Milton Keynes, UK
As the city’s elected leader, Pete inspires from the front, coalescing & influencing to create the UKs most recognised & celebrated Smart City. Setting the city agenda, championing a range of projects including the city defining MK Futures 2050 strategy creating the context for innovation to thrive.
Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr
Mayor of Freetown, Sierra Leone
Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr OBE was sworn-in as Mayor of Freetown in May 2018 with a commitment to transform Freetown using an inclusive, data-driven approach to address challenges in the city.
Innovation Award

Awarded to projects with the potential of contributing to the successful transformation, adaptation or response of our cities to the Covid-19 pandemic or others that may occur in the future.
“DataSmart Cities (DSC): Empowering Cities through Data”
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, Government of India
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs, Government of India
AutoSafety Uganda - Tackling Africa's road transport emissions and accidents from the source
Wanyama Autosafety Initiatives
Wanyama Autosafety Initiatives
Prioritizing lead service line replacement (LSLR) projects by children's actual exposure
City of Malden, Massachusetts
By repurposing existing school and engineering GIS datasets, the City of Malden, MA used statistical modeling and mathematical optimization algorithms to optimize federal funding towards the lead water line replacement projects most likely to maximize reduction of childhood exposure across the city.
Automatic Road Inventory Using IA Techniques
Intendencia de Montevideo
In order to improve the planning and resources allocation of the city's road and traffic signs system, a pilot project was carried out using computer vision and AI techniques to survey the actual conditions and extract relevant information to be included in the city’s road inventory system.
Smart mobility for informal transport in emerging countries
eWarren mobility Services
eWarren is an app offering traveler information and cashless payment to users of informal public transport in emerging countries. This is done by generating dynamic datasets in GTFS format and couple it with formal public transport to enable users to seamlessly use both formal and informal services.
City of Durban- Strat Hub
eThekwini Municipality
The City of Durban launched its first ever Strategic Hub - which is also referred to as “Our Single Source of Truth”. The hub is a where members of the public, policy makers, business practitioners and municipality officials alike can access data and insights needed to make decisions.
Enabling Technologies Award

Awarded to the most innovative and successful projects being implemented and developed in the fields of data and technology.
Serving 100 different family types – Creating wellbeing with real-time public data
Gofore Plc
Data from multiple service registries was used to create an understanding for the needs of families in six municipalities in Finland with help of AI. A comprehensive situational picture of families gives up-to-date information to each level of the city from decision-maker to practical customer work.
Geospatial analysis framework for evaluating urban typologies in relation with the 15-minute city
Aretian Urban Analytics and Design | Harvard
City typologies have a distinct effect on urban performance: we quantify this impact and provide comparisons for ten identified city typologies. We evaluate the ability for each city typology to achieve the standard of the 15-minute city, a decentralized city composed of walkable neighborhoods.
Energy & Environment Award

Awarded to the most innovative and successful projects being implemented and developed in relating to urban environments.
City of Chicago Smart Streetlight Deployment and Maintenance Software
TerraGo Technologies
TerraGo Technologies
Comprehensive Project for Model Solid Waste Management and Environment Protection in Bangalore
Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled
The proposal proposes for a solid waste management project in 10 wards in Bangalore city. The project promotes model waste management practices through forming Eco champion groups. The project also mobilises all stakeholders in the Ecosystem to sustain and co-operate with BBMP system.
Rotterdam’s Heart of South Smart District
City of Rotterdam
As part of the European H2020 project RUGGEDISED, the City of Rotterdam is implementing technical solutions in an integrated Smart Thermal Grid in the Hart van Zuid neighbourhood. The grid uses energy generated with the help of residents, businesses and buildings to fulfil local energy demands.
Mobility Award

Awarded to the most innovative and successful projects being implemented and developed in the field of mobility.
BICIFICATION - Supporting modal shift and cycling through gamification and rewarding
Pin Bike
BICIFICATION is the EIT Urban Mobility project rewarding urban riders in Braga, Istanbul, and Tallinn with economic incentives. The project adopted the patented system by Pin Bike for the certification, monitoring, and gamification of urban bike rides.
Incheon e-Eum: Connecting Smart Mobility All Together through Citizen centric Multimodal Service
Incheon Metropolitan City
Incheon Metropolitan City of South Korea aims to provide an integrated multi-modal services through the seamless networked linkage of various modes of new transportation including micro-mobility and complement public transport coverage for traffic-vulnerable areas.
Governance & Economy Award

Awarded to the most innovative and successful projects being implemented and developed in the fields of governance and finance.
In the city of good neighbors, tech-plus government-university collaboration-keep citizens connected
City of Buffalo
In just 48 hours, collaboration between the city of Buffalo, the University of Buffalo, and Cisco enabled the city’s call center agents to work remotely, allowing citizen engagement and response to continue. Today, the city relies on new hybrid models to meet the needs of all stakeholders.
Tianguis Digital: Open Contracting Strategy
Digital Agency for Public Innovation, City of Mexico
The strategy promotes the openness of Mexico City's procurement by publishing all information of public procurement procedures in open data and under the Open Contracting Data Standard, in order to strengthen transparency and accountability, fight corruption and promote the region's development.
Living & Inclusion Award

Awarded to the most innovative and successful projects being implemented and developed in relation to inclusive and sharing cities.
Social Territories: Evidence-based public policy
Instituto Pereira Passos, Rio de Janeiro
Social Territories is an integrated, intersectorial initiative of the Rio de Janeiro City Hall that, based on evidence, identifies families in extreme vulnerability situations, promoting their social inclusion, in order to reduce their social risk.
Valongo Switch to Innovation
Valongo Municipality
Switch to Innovation is a project that brings together several social innovation initiatives aimed at improving people's quality of life with technology, making them more autonomous, critical, connected and able to participate actively in public life.
Safety & Security Award

Awarded to the most innovative and successful projects being implemented and developed in relation to urban safety and security.
HackShield, Junior Cyber Agents; creating digital awareness and online safety
City of Amsterdam
City of Amsterdam
Towards Smart Events - Smart Urban Security and Event Resilience (SURE)
City of Tampere
SURE leverages event-related smart technology to make daily lives of citizens and visitors safer and more secure in Tampere. With data, AI and IoT, SURE is capable to predict crowd movements and identify disruptive behavior, thus decrease security incidents and prevent urban security vulnerabilities
G42 Smart Nation’s AI-powered Smart Security Solution Keeps World Expo 2020 Dubai Safe and Secure
G42 Smart Nation
Expo 2020 Dubai was the first World Expo held in the Middle East and Africa region. Expo 2020 welcomed a total of 24 million visits. G42 Smart Nation enabled the UAE Government authorities to ensure citizen safety by providing AI-powered security, surveillance, and vehicle management solutions.
Infrastructure & Building Award

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CIUDAD 3D: A new tool to promote urban development in the City of Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires City Government
Buenos Aires City Government
Sejong National Pilot Smart City, the new leap forward for Korea’s smart city
Korea Land & Housing Corporation
The Sejong National Pilot Smart City is a next-generation smart city model in Korea that combines various functions. It promotes business through the establishment of a public-private joint business corporations, tests new technologies of private companies through deregulation.
5G Smart Pole
Taipei Smart City Project Management Office
The system of smart pole has become an important development trend of smart cities, covering: communication, lighting, transportation, environment and public safety. It can also drive the co-development of telecommunications, lighting and IoT-related industries.
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